







汉语拼音:shā zhǐ






砂纸 [shā zhǐ]
  1. 在厚纸上涂胶合剂,黏上金刚砂所成的纸,用来磨光木器表面。

砂纸 [shā zhǐ]
  1. 黏附金刚砂的厚纸。可用以磨光器物的表面。 




  1. Surface must be completely cleam. dry and free of dust and oil. If applied on plastic, polish the surface with sand paper to make it rough.


  2. Dylan is famous for his exotic singing voice. The American writer Joyce Carol Oates said it was "as if sandpaper could sing" .


  3. Rub the diamond on a sandpaper for several times. If there're some marks on the surface, it's forged. If no marks, it's a real diamond.


  4. If you need to remove just a bit of stock, use sandpaper.


  5. a tool used for sanding wood; a loop of sandpaper is moved at high speed by an electric motor.


  6. Jesse suddenly realized he was thirsty, so thirsty it seemed as if his throat was lined with sandpaper.


  7. Rub the door with sandpaper to provide anchorage for the next coat of paint.


  8. A bit of spot putty to smooth things over and then I sanded it smooth.


  9. Use a fine grain sandpaper to sand all the surfaces you want to stick paper to or paint over.


  1. 砂纸打磨块

    sandpaper block.

  2. 砂纸辊打磨机

    roller sander.

  3. 不透水砂纸

    impermeable sand paper.

  4. 环形磨革砂纸

    endless belt buffing paper.

  5. 打磨砂纸条

    finishing stripe.

  6. 氧化铝水砂纸

    waterproof abrasive paper made of aluminium oxide.

  7. 她用砂纸磨玻璃。

    She rubbed the glass with emery paper.

  8. 有砂纸的研磨质地的。

    having the abrasive texture of sandpaper.

  9. 地板已用砂纸磨光。

    The floor has been sanded smooth.

  10. 他在用砂纸打磨铁锅。

    He was rubbing a pan with sandpaper.

  11. 他用砂纸把椅子磨光。

    He rubbed the chain down with sandpaper.

  12. 砂带, 砂布, 砂纸, 异型产品

    Sanding belt, emery cloth, sanding paper and other products

  13. 同时,坦克,但用砂纸皆大欢喜。

    The same tank but sanded nicely.

  14. 这斑点必须用砂纸磨掉。

    The stain will have to be sanded out.

  15. 我用砂纸把棱角打磨光滑。

    I rounded off the corners with sandpaper.

  16. 丝绸是流畅的而砂纸是粗糙的。

    Silk is smooth while sandpaper is rough.

  17. 砂纸或钢丝刷对一个电钻。

    Sand paper or a wire brush on an electric drill.

  18. 男孩用砂纸使劲擦拭着小刀。

    The boy scoured the knife with sand.

  19. 男孩用砂纸使劲擦拭着小刀。

    The boy scoured the knife with sand.

  20. 用砂纸仔细而轻柔地打磨表面。

    Sand the surface softly and carefully.

  21. 你可以用砂纸把棱角打磨光滑。

    You can round off the corners with sandpaper.

  22. 用砂纸打磨表面, 然后再上油漆。

    Rub the surface with sandpaper before painting.

  23. 我们将使用砂纸, 蜡纸和铝箔纸。

    We are going to use sandpaper, wax paper and aluminum foil.

  24. 她用砂纸把桌角打磨光了。

    She rounded off the corners of the table with sandpaper.

  25. 拿张砂纸把框架得边磨圆。

    Take a piece of sandpaper and round off the edges of the frame.

  26. 拿张砂纸把框架的边磨圆。

    Take a piece of sandpaper and round off the edges of the frame.

  27. 用砂纸把这根棍棒好好磨光。

    Give the stick a good rubdown with sandpaper.

  28. 砂纸平整地贴著磨擦板了吗?

    Is the abrasion paper attached properly to the abrading plate ?

  29. 这张桌子的表面得用砂纸磨光。

    The surface of the table must be sanded down.

  30. 木匠用砂纸把一块木头打光滑。

    A carpenter smooths a piece of wood with sandpaper.


  1. 问:砂纸拼音怎么拼?砂纸的读音是什么?砂纸翻译成英文是什么?

    答:砂纸的读音是shāzhǐ,砂纸翻译成英文是 emery paper; sand paper

  2. 问:砂纸状饰面拼音怎么拼?砂纸状饰面的读音是什么?砂纸状饰面翻译成英文是什么?

    答:砂纸状饰面的读音是shā zhǐ zhuàng shì miàn,砂纸状饰面翻译成英文是 sandpaper surface

  3. 问:砂纸辊打磨机拼音怎么拼?砂纸辊打磨机的读音是什么?砂纸辊打磨机翻译成英文是什么?

    答:砂纸辊打磨机的读音是shā zhǐ gǔn dǎ mó jī,砂纸辊打磨机翻译成英文是 roller sander



注音:shā zhǐ abrasive paper;emery paper;sand pa-per俗称砂皮。一种供研磨用的材料。用以研磨金属、木材等表面,以使其光洁平滑。通常在原纸上胶着各种研磨砂粒而成。根据不同的研磨物质,有金刚砂纸、人造金刚砂纸、玻璃砂纸等多种。干磨砂纸(木砂纸)用于磨光木、竹器表面。耐水砂纸(水砂纸)用于在水中或油中磨光金属或非金属工件表面。原纸全部用未漂硫酸盐木浆抄成。纸质强韧,耐磨耐折,并有良好的耐水性。将玻璃砂等研磨物质用树胶等胶粘剂粘着于原纸,经干燥而成。