






1. 六 [liù]2. 六 [lù]六 [liù]数名,五加一(在钞票或单据上常用大写“陆”代):~书(古时分析汉字形、音、义而归纳出来的六种造字法)。~甲。~艺(a.古时指“礼”、“乐”、“射”、“御”、“书”、“数”六种技艺;b.六经……





汉语拼音:sān méi liù zhèng







  • 【解释】:旧时婚姻,由父母包办,还必须有媒人介绍。表示郑重其事。
  • 【出自】:元·武汉臣《生金阁》第二折:“我大茶小礼,三媒六证,亲自娶了个夫人。”
  • 【语法】:联合式;作主语、宾语、定语;表示婚约郑重其事


  1. na.
  2. through three negotiators and the sending of the six kinds of bridal gifts -- marriage according to all the traditional rules;send matchmakers in style to make sb. a principal wife

  1. 是的,在三月初对证墨西哥时。

    Yes, against Mexico.

  2. 是得,在三月初对证墨西哥时。

    Yes, against Mexico.

  3. 交货付运后, 得到三证三副提单。

    Deliveries after delivery, three certificates have been three bills of lading.

  4. 三, 即期付款信用证

    Credit available by payment at sight

  5. 唐玲华经方临证三则

    Meng Yongli Tang Linghua Three Cases Treated with Classic Formulas

  6. 三,行证监督


  7. 伤寒三阴证

    three yin syndromes of exogenous febrile disease.

  8. 从热实结胸看三焦腑证

    Exploration on Sanjiao Fu Syndrome from Heat Excess Accumulated in Chest

  9. 布什总统在周三称为退伍证。

    President Bush on Wednesday called exRep.

  10. 第三运动定律是容易示证得。

    The third law of motion is easy to demonstrate.

  11. 第三运动定律是容易示证的。

    The third law of motion is easy to demonstrate.

  12. 三焦亦有其独立的临床病证。

    Triple burner has its separate clinical syndromes.

  13. 一道全国初中联赛题的三种证法

    Three Proofs of a Question of the Junior Competition

  14. 素数个数问题的三种新证法本文

    Three New Methods for Proving Problem of the Number of Prime Number

  15. 机体因风、寒、湿三气杂至而成痹证。

    Arthralgia is due to wind, The cold and dampness.

  16. 明代论治胸痹心痛病证的三点突破

    Three Breakthroughs in Treatment of Chest and Heart Pain in Ming Dynasty

  17. 针对西北燥证,提出逆治,从治,旁治三法原则。

    For the Northwest dryness pattern, we propose three principle that counteracting treatment, paradoxical treatment and next to the rule.

  18. 第三页上的补充条款是信用证完整不可或缺的部分。

    Continuation on page which from an integral part of this LCredit.

  19. 与肝肾虚证相关的耳穴有三焦和膀胱。

    Related to the deficiency of the liver and kidney ear triple burner and bladder.

  20. 韧性损伤模型在负的应力三轴度下的实验验证

    Model of Ductile Damage for Negative Stress Triaxiality

  21. 三为技能检定证照符合汽车修护职场所需。

    Finally, skill test certificate meets the need of the automobile repair market.

  22. 牟宗三以形而上学为中心,强调实践的内容的体证。

    MouZongsans emphasis is metaphysics, stressing the experiencing content of practicing.

  23. 牟宗三儒释道三教的哲学证立与圆教判释

    Mou Zongsans Philosophical Identification and Construction of Confucianism, Buddhism and Taoism, and the Judgment of Perfect Doctrine

  24. 这一点从这三个字得字面上即可得到显而易见得应证。

    From this point of the three words literally can permIt'should be obvious.

  25. 这一点从这三个字的字面上即可得到显而易见的应证。

    From this point of the three words literally can permIt'should be obvious.

  26. 远期信用证得期限应与第三条所订补偿期限相一致。

    The tenor of the usance LC shall be in consistence with the term of compensation stipulated in Article 3.

  27. 六种细胞因子在三个证型间存在不同方面的差异。

    Six hematopoiesis regulation factors had significant difference among three syndromes.

  28. 我们在收到你方信用证得两三个星期内就能交货。

    You may time of delivery is aof great importance to us.

  29. 我们在收到你方信用证的两三个星期内就能交货。

    You may time of delivery is aof great importance to us.

  30. 远期信用证的期限应与第三条所订补偿期限相一致。

    The tenor of the usance LC shall be in consistence with the term of compensation stipulated in Article 3.