







汉语拼音:jiāo liáo






  1. 鸟名。形小,体长约三寸。羽毛赤褐色,略有黑褐色斑点。尾羽短,略向上翘。以昆虫为主要食物。常取茅苇毛毳为巢,大如鸡卵,系以麻发,于一侧开孔出入,甚精巧,故俗称巧妇鸟。又名黄脰鸟、桃雀、桑飞等。

    《庄子·逍遥游》:“鷦鷯巢於深林,不过一枝。” 晋 张华 《鹪鹩赋》序:“鷦鷯,小鸟也,生於蒿莱之间,长於藩篱之下,翔集寻常之内,而生生之理足矣。” 唐 高适 《淇上酬薛三据兼寄郭少府》诗:“且欲同鷦鷯,焉能志鸿鹤。”《二十年目睹之怪现状》第九三回:“三窟未能师狡兔,一枝尚欲学鷦鷯。”

  2. 此鸟形微处卑,因用以比喻弱小者或易于自足者。

    明 沉鲸 《双珠记·处分后事》:“姦豪计挠,鷦鷯破巢,苍苍胡不彰公道。” 王西彦 《古屋》第一部六:“他的研究 庄子 哲学是一种问世的准备,他这位‘鹪鹩’仍然要飞向天空。”参阅 明 李时珍 《本草纲目·禽二·巧妇鸟》。



  1. The Willow-Wren was twittering his thin little song, hidden himself in the dark selvedge of the river bank.


  2. His wife held up her hand to cut him off in mid- curse. "please, dear, " she said, "not in front of chilled wren. "


  3. The wrens' songs are often so closely co-ordinated that human listeners mistake the call for that of a single bird.


  4. If the nightingale sings mixed in the daytime in the commotion, others did not think it compared to jiao liao sings beautifully.


  5. And the lion keeps something for you, and the mangrove swamp and the coral and the spider and the wren.


  6. Any of several wrens of the genus Salpinctes, especially S. obsoletus, found in rocky regions of the western United States and Mexico.


  7. And so for both teens and wrens, a bit of fear might help a guy get the chick.


  8. We, said the Wren, Both the cock and the hen, We'll bear the pall.


  9. Who'll bear the pall? We, said the Wren.


  1. 比尤克鹪鹩

    Bewicks wren.

  2. 鹪鹩说是我们。

    We, said the Wren.

  3. 是我们,鹪鹩说。

    We, said the Wren.

  4. 鹪鹩, 鹪鹩, 鸟中之王

    The wren, the wren, the king of all birds

  5. 知更鸟和鹪鹩飞走了,

    The robin and the wren are flown

  6. 与鹪鹩形似的新西兰鸟。

    Birds of New Zealand that resemble wrens.

  7. 四只云雀再加一只鹪鹩,

    Four larks and a wren.

  8. 就等著鹪鹩再来。

    Just wait till wrens come again.

  9. 雌性动物, 尤指驴和鹪鹩

    the female of certain animals, especially the donkey and the wren

  10. 与鹪鹩形似但短尾的鸟。

    shorttailed bird resembling a wren.

  11. 让我来请求知更和鹪鹩,

    Call for the robinredbreast and the wren,

  12. 雌性动物雌性动物, 尤指驴和鹪鹩

    The female of certain animals, especially the donkey and the wren.

  13. 画眉和鹪鹩带来了的消息。

    Thrush and wren this message bring.

  14. 北半球松林中的小鹪鹩。

    small wren of coniferous forests of northern hemisphere.

  15. 包含新西兰鹪鹩的某科的别称

    alternative names for the family comprising the New Zealand wrens

  16. 谁来负责棺罩?我们,鹪鹩说。

    Wholl bear the pall We, said the Wren.

  17. 有悦耳叫声的美国大型鹪鹩。

    large United States wren with a musical call.

  18. 仙人掌鹪鹩的另一种分类名称。

    alternative classifications for the cactus wrens.

  19. 由包含新西兰鹪鹩的某科的别称。

    Alternative names for the family comprising the New Zealand wrens.

  20. 剑桥圣约翰大学合唱团鹪鹩乐团

    The Choir of St Johns College, Cambridge The Wren Orchestra

  21. 在民居周围筑巢的普通美国鹪鹩。

    common American wren that nests around houses.

  22. 身陷樊笼的鹪鹩那恶毒的尖叫交谈。

    with the vicious trapped crying of a wren.

  23. 栖息在高杆芦苇畦地的美洲鹪鹩。

    American wren that inhabits tall reed beds.

  24. 栖息在高杆芦苇畦地得美洲鹪鹩。

    American wren that inhabits tall reed beds.

  25. 栖息在潮湿的莎草地带的美洲小鹪鹩。

    Small American wren inhabiting wet sedgy meadows.

  26. 有得鸣鸟, 例如鹪鹩, 会唱几百只歌。

    Other songbirds, such as wrens, have hundreds of songs.

  27. 有的鸣鸟,例如鹪鹩,会唱几百只歌。

    Other songbirds, such as wrens, have hundreds of songs.

  28. 我们, 鹪鹩说, 夫妇俩一起, 我们来拉上棺罩。

    We, said the Wren, Both the cock and the hen, Well bear the pall.

  29. 鹪鹩在森林中筑巢, 不过占用一棵树枝

    The tit, building its nest in the mighty forest, occupies but a single twig.

  30. 产于加利福尼亚与鹪鹩形似的褐色小鸟。

    small brown bird of California resembling a wren.


  1. 问:鹪鹩拼音怎么拼?鹪鹩的读音是什么?鹪鹩翻译成英文是什么?

    答:鹪鹩的读音是jiāoliáo,鹪鹩翻译成英文是 Troglodytestroglodytes

  2. 问:鹪鹩属拼音怎么拼?鹪鹩属的读音是什么?鹪鹩属翻译成英文是什么?

    答:鹪鹩属的读音是jiāoliáo shǔ,鹪鹩属翻译成英文是 Troglodytes

  3. 问:鹪鹩科拼音怎么拼?鹪鹩科的读音是什么?鹪鹩科翻译成英文是什么?

    答:鹪鹩科的读音是jiāoliáo kē,鹪鹩科翻译成英文是 Troglodytidae



“鹪鹩”是个多义词,它可以指鹪鹩(新疆人民出版社出版图书), 鹪鹩(鹪鹩科鸟类)。