







汉语拼音:mù zhuāng






  1. 木头桩子。

    明 唐顺之 《咨总督都御史胡》:“密票令 朱仁 埋木桩於下流浅狭处,以断贼船走海之路。” 阿·吾甫尔 《暴风》:“几个年青小伙子们沿着田埂钉木桩。”



  1. How about stakes through the heart? Reflections? Photographs? Holy water? Garlic? All that traditional vampire lore.


  2. Now, Venice, as you know, has a tempestuous relationship with the sea, and is built upon wooden piles.


  3. She saw the cows between the posts, the sun throwing their shadows on the wall as carefully as a painter paints a beautiful king or queen.


  4. She was a stocky square-built woman with hard red cheeks, a flat top to her head, prominent brows and deep-set, suspicious eyes.


  5. They dash in on the attack, battering-ram style, leaving it up to the chairman to restrain them before serious damage is done.


  6. Built on wooden pilings sunk in the ooze of a backwater lagoon, Venice rose over a millennium to become a city-state of dazzling power.


  7. Many different countries show references to driving a stake through the heart as well using specific woods to get the job done.


  8. We know that these holes were dug to hold wooden posts, just as holes were dug later to hold the stone pillars that you see today.


  9. Across the rivers great and small stretched the fish weirs, usually made of stakes and nets or basket work.


  1. 木桩下部结构

    a substructure of timber piles.

  2. 木笼木桩堤

    crib and pile dike.

  3. 木桩突栈桥码头

    timber piled jetty

  4. 栽下一根木桩

    to sink a post

  5. 用尖桩围住用木桩围

    To enclose, secure, tether, mark out, or fortify with pickets.

  6. 系住或栓到木桩上

    To tether or tie to a stake.

  7. 我们把敌人绑在木桩上。

    We bound the enemy to a post.

  8. 这些木桩标出他得地界。

    The stakes marked his property.

  9. 这些木桩标出他的地界。

    The stakes marked his property.

  10. 木桩被牢牢钉进土地里。

    A wooden stake was driven firmly into the ground.

  11. 树篱构成这种栅栏的木桩

    One of the pales of such a fence.

  12. 他们正在用木桩固定帐蓬。

    They are pegging down their tent.

  13. 他们夯木桩到河床内。

    They were ramming piles into the riverbed.

  14. 他们用木桩划定探矿权地界。

    They pegged out a mining claim.

  15. 男孩把山羊拴在木桩上。

    The boy tethered the goat to a stake.

  16. 他们在地上栽了一根木桩。

    They planted a stake in the ground.

  17. 这围栏是用木桩支撑着的。

    The fence was held up by wooden posts.

  18. 我用来拴马的木桩在哪里?

    Where is the hitching post where I can tie my horse ?

  19. 木桩用来标出他农场得范围。

    STAKE Stakes mark the boundary of his ranch.

  20. 木桩用来标出他农场的范围。

    STAKE Stakes mark the boundary of his ranch.

  21. 木桩, 树和门都变成白色堡垒,

    Curves his white bastions with projected roof

  22. 他用木桩子撑住新栽的树。

    He staked newly planted trees.

  23. 测量员用木桩标出那块地。

    The surveyor pegged out the plot of land.

  24. 他把帐篷用木桩系牢在地上。

    He pegged a tent down.

  25. 那囚犯被绑在木桩上枪毙了。

    The prisoner was bound to a post and shot.

  26. 他们已把帐篷用木桩固定住了。

    They have pegged the tent down.

  27. 他们把山羊拴在后院的木桩上。

    They staked the goat in the back yard.

  28. 测量员们用木桩标出了那块地。

    The surveyor pegged out the plot of land.

  29. 围栏用粗大的木桩建成,非常坚固。

    The fence was very strongly built, with very large posts.

  30. 气球被拴在一个结实得木桩上。

    The balloon was tied down to a stout stake.


  1. 问:木桩拼音怎么拼?木桩的读音是什么?木桩翻译成英文是什么?

    答:木桩的读音是mùzhuāng,木桩翻译成英文是 A wooden pile.

  2. 问:木桩堆石堤拼音怎么拼?木桩堆石堤的读音是什么?木桩堆石堤翻译成英文是什么?

    答:木桩堆石堤的读音是mù zhuāng duī shí dī,木桩堆石堤翻译成英文是 pile and stone dike

  3. 问:木桩顶头钢箍拼音怎么拼?木桩顶头钢箍的读音是什么?木桩顶头钢箍翻译成英文是什么?

    答:木桩顶头钢箍的读音是mù zhuāng dǐng tóu gāng gū,木桩顶头钢箍翻译成英文是 driving band



【拼音】mù zhuāng

【注音】ㄇㄨˋ ㄓㄨㄤ


【引证解释】木头桩子。 明 唐顺之 《咨总督都御史胡》:“密票令朱仁埋木桩于下流浅狭处,以断贼船走海之路。” 阿·吾甫尔 《暴风》:“几个年青小伙子们沿着田埂钉木桩。”