




1. 屈 [qū]屈 [qū]使弯曲,与“伸”相对:~曲(qū)。~折。~膝。~伸(弯曲和伸直,引申为失意和得意)。首~一指。卑躬~膝。低头,降服:~服。~从。威武不~。冤枉,叫人不痛快:冤~。委~。~辱。~才。~就(受委屈而担任某种职务,……







汉语拼音:yǐ qū qiú shēn








  • 【解释】:屈:弯曲;伸:伸直伸展。用弯曲来求得向前伸展。比喻以退为进的策略。
  • 【出自】:《周易·系辞下》:“尺蠖之屈,以求信(伸)也。”


  1. na.
  2. recoil in order to extend

  1. 拉伸以调整桌子得大小。可指定尺寸。

    Stretch to resize table. Dimensions can be specified.

  2. 拉伸以调整桌子的大小。可指定尺寸。

    Stretch to resize table. Dimensions can be specified.

  3. 用作书架或存储架。拉伸以调整大小。

    Use as a book or storage shelf. Stretch to resize.

  4. 拉伸以调整大小。可显示或隐藏抽屉得净空。

    Stretch to resize. Drawer clearance can be shown or hidden.

  5. 拉伸以调整大小。可显示或隐藏抽屉的净空。

    Stretch to resize. Drawer clearance can be shown or hidden.

  6. 圆形桌。可拉伸以调整大小。显示宽和深的尺寸。

    Round table. Stretch to resize. Width and depth dimensions are displayed.

  7. 矩形桌。可拉伸以调整大小。显示宽和深的尺寸

    Rectangular table. Stretch to resize. Width and depth dimensions are displayed

  8. 以他伸开的双臂保持身体的平衡。

    Balancing himself with outstretched arms.

  9. 将手放低, 要求更多的屈挠以拉伸酸疼的肌肉。

    So keep your hands low and ask for more bend to stretch the soreness out of his muscles.

  10. 这样可以加热睾丸,使阴囊更柔软以利于拉伸和按摩。

    This will make them hot and the skin more pliable to stretch and massage.

  11. 小跑中, 头部略微向前伸, 以保持平衡。

    At an extended trot the head reaches slightly forward, keeping dog in balance.

  12. 以笏便伸左手,从右腿上拔出剑来,刺入王的肚腹

    Ehud reached with his left hand, drew the sword from his right thigh and plunged it into the king's belly.

  13. 带有椅子的椭圆桌。可拉伸桌子以添加或删除椅子。

    Racetrack table with chairs. Stretch table to add or remove chairs.

  14. 注意纹理会被拉伸和缩短以适合矩形。

    Note that it is stretchedsquashed to fit the rectangle.

  15. 走累了的人们把脚伸进海水中浸泡以缓解疼痛。

    The weary walkers soothed their aching feet in the sea.

  16. 它可以轻易地拉伸,缩短和弯曲 以应对内力或外力的作用

    It lengthens, shortens and bends really easily in response to internal or external forces.

  17. 以责任之心伸出援助之手。

    Take the onus to lend a helping hand.

  18. 拉伸断口亦以有明显的氢脆特征。

    The tensile fracture surface has obviously characteristic of hydrogen brittle.

  19. 拉伸断口亦以有明显得氢脆特征。

    The tensile fracture surface has obviously characteristic of hydrogen brittle.

  20. 垃圾箱采用可拉伸式, 以便利垃圾的处理。

    Trash can be stretched by type, in order to facilitate waste disposal.

  21. 她把手伸过桌子与他相握, 并报以微笑。

    She smiled as she reached her hand across the table and grabbed his hands.

  22. 她把手伸过桌子与他相握,并报以微笑。

    She smiled as she reached her hand across the table and grabbed his hands.

  23. 绿油油得叶子以一种非常漂亮得螺旋状伸展开来。

    The bright green leaves unfold in a beautiful spiraling pattern.

  24. 绿油油的叶子以一种非常漂亮的螺旋状伸展开来。

    The bright green leaves unfold in a beautiful spiraling pattern.

  25. 绿油油的叶子以一种非常漂亮的螺旋状伸展开来。

    The bright green leaves unfold in a beautiful spiraling pattern.

  26. 王向以斯帖伸出金杖。以斯帖就起来,站在王前,

    Then the king extended the gold scepter to Esther and she arose and stood before him.

  27. 国际红十字会宣称急迫必要洁净的火以制止疾病的伸张。

    International Red Cross says clean water is urgently needed to prevent diseases from spreading.

  28. 伸屈四肢,放松肌肉以此作为比赛前的准备活动。

    The runners flexed their muscles as the preparatory activities for the race.

  29. 大钢琴。可拉伸以改变其长度, 从小型钢琴变为平台大钢琴。

    Grand piano. Stretch to change length from grand to concert grand size.

  30. 圣以撒大教堂巨大的金制圆顶伸入了天空。

    The massive golden dome of St. Isaac's Cathedral rises above the skyline.

