




1. 落 [là]2. 落 [luò]3. 落 [lào]落 [là]丢下,遗漏:丢三~四。~了一个字。落 [luò]掉下来,往下降:降~。~下。零~(a.叶子脱落,如“草木~~”;b.衰败,如“一片~~景象”;c.稀疏,如“枪声~~”)。……



汉语拼音:duàn luò







  1. (文章、事情)根据内容划分成的部分。

    刘师培 《文说》:“自 苏 评《檀弓》, 归 评《史记》,五色标记,各为段落。”

  2. (文章、事情)停顿或结束处。

    老舍 《骆驼祥子》九:“觉得把话说到了一个段落, 虎妞 开始往北走。” 魏巍 《挤垮它》:“这时,我们的谈话,告了一段落。”



  1. they generally make an outline, fill it out with paragraphs, spell check, then print and submit.


  2. Believe that every write out the heart, there is the internal logical relationship, one of the paragraph arrange all have their own truth.


  3. Because it is often shorter than the rest, the last line in a paragraph may remain unjustified after this command is invoked.


  4. Read the paragraph the word is in and try to work out the meaning from the context.


  5. It is time that we put the matter to rest and let the universities get on with their academic work.


  6. I got out of bed and went into the living room of our suite to work on some hard-hitting additions to my basic speech.


  7. The battle for Yahoo ended in a truce yesterday, with the direction of the company still likely to be a source of future conflict.


  8. Let us now examine a case where the document does not contain any section numbers, like the one shown in Figure 7.


  9. However, it is always good to compare several translations, especially for passages that are difficult to understand.


  1. 捕捉段落大意。

    Skimming for Main ideas of Paragraphs.

  2. 段落衔接分析。

    T Show the picture of the five paragraphs with these cohesion words.

  3. 解释性的段落。

    an explanatory paragraph.

  4. 这是一个段落。

    This is a paragraph.

  5. 英文书写段落清晰

    Write English clearly in paragraphs

  6. 加有标题的段落

    a headed paragraph

  7. 辨认段落中的关键词

    Identifying key words in text

  8. 段落格式左对齐

    Ql Paragraph Formatting Properties Flag

  9. 插入一个附加段落

    the insertion of an extra paragraph

  10. 你的论文段落清楚。

    Your paper is well paragraphed.

  11. 小说中的描写性段落

    the descriptive passages in the novel

  12. 长段落阻碍了阅读。

    The longer paragraph format seems to discourage viewing.

  13. 开始一个新的段落

    to begin a new paragraph

  14. 开始一个新的段落

    to begin a new paragraph

  15. 说明段落主题的句子。

    a sentence that states the topic of its paragraph.

  16. 此文有几个段落?

    How many paragraphs does this article have?

  17. 从左侧缩进段落。

    Indent a paragraph from the left.

  18. 不能理解的散文段落

    an unintelligible prose passage.

  19. 标示一个段落的结束。

    Marks the end of a paragraph.

  20. 单击该段落中的链接。

    Click the link in this paragraph.

  21. 整个段落都可以删去。

    The whole passage could be cancelled.

  22. 一节容易曲解的段落。

    A passage capable of misinterpretation.

  23. 这段落有括弧括起来。

    This paragraph is enclosed by brackets.

  24. 将句子整理成段落。

    Write sentences in paragraph format.

  25. 增加选定段落的缩进。

    Increases the indent of the selected paragraph.

  26. 使用简短的句子和段落。

    Write short sentences and paragraphs.

  27. 改变行间距和段落间距。

    Change line spacing and paragraph spacing.

  28. 行距或段落间距疑难解答

    Troubleshoot line and paragraph spacing

  29. 属性会控制段落的外观。

    The properties control the appearance of the paragraphs.

  30. 英语思维模式与段落扩展

    The Thought Pattern and the Mode of Paragraphs


  1. 问:段落拼音怎么拼?段落的读音是什么?段落翻译成英文是什么?

    答:段落的读音是duànluò,段落翻译成英文是 paragraph; stage

  2. 问:段落标记拼音怎么拼?段落标记的读音是什么?段落标记翻译成英文是什么?

    答:段落标记的读音是duàn luò biāo jì,段落标记翻译成英文是 paragraph marks

  3. 问:段落标题拼音怎么拼?段落标题的读音是什么?段落标题翻译成英文是什么?

    答:段落标题的读音是duàn luò biāo tí,段落标题翻译成英文是 paragraph caption

  4. 问:段落样式拼音怎么拼?段落样式的读音是什么?段落样式翻译成英文是什么?

    答:段落样式的读音是duàn luò yàng shì,段落样式翻译成英文是 paragraph style

  5. 问:段落符号拼音怎么拼?段落符号的读音是什么?段落符号翻译成英文是什么?

    答:段落符号的读音是,段落符号翻译成英文是 Pilcrow

  6. 问:段落编号拼音怎么拼?段落编号的读音是什么?段落编号翻译成英文是什么?

    答:段落编号的读音是duàn luò biān hào,段落编号翻译成英文是 paragraph number

  7. 问:段落菜单拼音怎么拼?段落菜单的读音是什么?段落菜单翻译成英文是什么?

    答:段落菜单的读音是duàn luò cài dān,段落菜单翻译成英文是 paragraph menu

  8. 问:段落调整拼音怎么拼?段落调整的读音是什么?段落调整翻译成英文是什么?

    答:段落调整的读音是duàn luò tiáo zhěng,段落调整翻译成英文是 paragraph justification

  9. 问:段落还原拼音怎么拼?段落还原的读音是什么?段落还原翻译成英文是什么?

    答:段落还原的读音是duàn luò huán yuán,段落还原翻译成英文是 piecemeal restore

  10. 问:段落间距拼音怎么拼?段落间距的读音是什么?段落间距翻译成英文是什么?

    答:段落间距的读音是duàn luò jiān jù,段落间距翻译成英文是 paragraph spacing

  11. 问:段落预览拼音怎么拼?段落预览的读音是什么?段落预览翻译成英文是什么?

    答:段落预览的读音是duàn luò yù lǎn,段落预览翻译成英文是 paragraph preview

  12. 问:段落一段值拼音怎么拼?段落一段值的读音是什么?段落一段值翻译成英文是什么?

    答:段落一段值的读音是duàn luò yí duàn zhí,段落一段值翻译成英文是 paragraph-segment value

  13. 问:段落格式化拼音怎么拼?段落格式化的读音是什么?段落格式化翻译成英文是什么?

    答:段落格式化的读音是duàn luò gé shì huà,段落格式化翻译成英文是 paragraph formatting

  14. 问:段落对齐方式拼音怎么拼?段落对齐方式的读音是什么?段落对齐方式翻译成英文是什么?

    答:段落对齐方式的读音是duàn luò duì qí fāng shì,段落对齐方式翻译成英文是 paragraph alignment

  15. 问:段落格式编排拼音怎么拼?段落格式编排的读音是什么?段落格式编排翻译成英文是什么?

    答:段落格式编排的读音是duàn luò gé shì biān pái,段落格式编排翻译成英文是 paragraph format setting

  16. 问:段落结束标记拼音怎么拼?段落结束标记的读音是什么?段落结束标记翻译成英文是什么?

    答:段落结束标记的读音是duàn luò jié shù biāo jì,段落结束标记翻译成英文是 paragraph end mark

  17. 问:段落菜单命令拼音怎么拼?段落菜单命令的读音是什么?段落菜单命令翻译成英文是什么?

    答:段落菜单命令的读音是duàn luò cài dān mìng lìng,段落菜单命令翻译成英文是 paragraph menu commands

  18. 问:段落调整命令拼音怎么拼?段落调整命令的读音是什么?段落调整命令翻译成英文是什么?

    答:段落调整命令的读音是duàn luò tiáo zhěng mìng lìng,段落调整命令翻译成英文是 paragraph justified command

  19. 问:段落右调整命令拼音怎么拼?段落右调整命令的读音是什么?段落右调整命令翻译成英文是什么?

    答:段落右调整命令的读音是duàn luò yòu tiáo zhěng mìng lìng,段落右调整命令翻译成英文是 paragraph right command

  20. 问:段落左调整命令拼音怎么拼?段落左调整命令的读音是什么?段落左调整命令翻译成英文是什么?

    答:段落左调整命令的读音是duàn luò zuǒ tiáo zhěng mìng lìng,段落左调整命令翻译成英文是 paragraph left command



“段落”是个多义词,它可以指段落(1986年TVB电视剧), 段落(汉语词汇), 段落(网络兴趣社交应用)。