


1. 要 [yào]2. 要 [yāo]要 [yào]索取:~账。~价。希望,想:~强。~好。请求:她~我给她读报。重大,值得重视的:重~。~人。~领。纲~。~言不烦。应该,必须:须~。将(jiāng):将~。快~。如果,倘若:~是。表选择……





汉语拼音:yào zé






  1. 重要的准则。

    明 何景明 《赠胡君宗器序》:“故蒞官之要则,莫要廉以修其身也。”



  1. In July 1976 the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development(OECD)in Paris adopted voluntary guidelines for the behavior of MNCs.


  2. Appoint project principals and approve project management guidelines;


  3. On Innovative Aesthetic Principles for Teaching Ancient Chinese Poetry


  4. Determining, reviewing and revising of innovative articles


  5. Technical essentials for processing famous green teas in summer and autumn seasons


  6. Highlights for Overall Cost Control for Construction Project


  7. The principles for acute isolation of guinea pig ventricular myocytes


  8. Guidelines for Property Funds in


  1. 工程建设项目全面造价管理要则

    Highlights for Overall Cost Control for Construction Project

  2. 英国供排水服务监管承诺标准要则对我国的启示

    Inspirations of Guaranteed Standards Scheme for customer service regulations of water supply and drainage in UK to China's reform of water affair integration

  3. 如果是印刷品, 则要便宜许多。

    If it is printed matter, it would be much cheaper.

  4. 而新郎则要从侧门进入教堂。

    The groom enters the church from a side door.

  5. 它向东流而你则要向北。

    It's going to the east and you'd like to go north.

  6. 能干者则要多受一点委屈。

    Competent people survive their trials. Incompetent people succumb to frustration.

  7. 有些人则要在剩下的一生里

    And some of us are gonna live with challenges.

  8. 亨利则要自己承担所有的风险。

    Henry himself faced all the risks.

  9. 若当作垃圾投入垃圾袋则要付费。

    If you input a trash bag as mustpayto.

  10. 我则要把整个组织连根拔起。

    And I want the organization.

  11. 良知是凭自己, 名誉则要靠旁人。

    Conscience is due to yourself, reputation to your neighbor.

  12. 我则要了加祖传番茄的烤鲑鱼。

    I choose grilled salmon with heirloom tomatoes.

  13. 每天两次, 手上则要多用几次。

    Use twice a day and more often on the hands.

  14. 预制件建的屋顶公寓则要昂贵些。

    Prefabricated rooftop extensions can be more expensive.

  15. 其他财长们的日子则要难挨得多。

    Others have had a tougher time.

  16. 不加糖,我说道。吉姆则要了两块。

    No sugar,'I said, and Jim asked for two lumps.

  17. 词尾辅音的情况则要更复杂一些。

    In the case of ending consonant, the situation becomes more complicated.

  18. 至于圣诞老人得起源, 则要追溯至3世纪。

    As for Saint Nicholas, or Santa Claus, the story goes back to the third century.

  19. 至于圣诞老人的起源,则要追溯至3世纪。

    As for Saint Nicholas, or Santa Claus,the story goes back to the third century.

  20. 我也许则要约个时间跟他见见面?

    Shall I do an appointment to see him ?

  21. 而今它们则要密切保持预期不要跌过头。

    They will now be as keen to keep them from falling too far.

  22. 若不挂在漆树上则要放在竹林里。

    If there is no lacquer tree available, a bamboo may also do.

  23. 降低温度和降低光强, 则要延长固化时间。

    Reduce the temperature and light intensity, to extend the curing time.

  24. 若问题看似来自压力, 则要学会放松技巧。

    Learn relaxation techniques if the problem appears to be caused by stress.

  25. 这时,一个窗口一个窗口来管理则要好得多。

    It can be much better to go cleanly from one window to the next.

  26. 一个人要读通诗词, 则要能领会言外之意。

    To understand poetry, one has to read between the lines.

  27. 我本人则要简要地强调法治的重要性。

    For my part, I wish briefly to stress the importance of the rule of law.

  28. 当前则要加快农村税费改革, 减轻农民负担。

    Want to accelerate rural tax to expend reform currently, reduce farmer burden.

  29. 酌处权和适当性问题则要困难得多。

    The question of discretion and propriety is very much harder.

  30. 如果壳体中没有液体, 则要向泵加注液体。

    Prime the pump if the case does not contain liquid.