




1. 薄 [báo]2. 薄 [bó]3. 薄 [bò]薄 [báo]厚度小的:~片。~饼。冷淡,不热情:~待。味道淡:~酒。土地不肥沃:~田。薄 [bó]义同(一),用于合成词或成语,如“厚薄”,“浅薄”,“尖嘴薄舌”等。轻微,少:~礼。……



汉语拼音:dàn bó











  1. 同“ 淡泊 ”。

    南朝 宋 颜延之 《五君咏·向常侍》:“ 向秀 甘淡薄,深心託豪素。” 宋 陈师道 《次韵苏公独酌》:“终然厌多事,超然趋淡薄。”粤剧《搜书院》第二场:“决不攀权附贵,宁守淡薄清高。”

  2. 轻淡,微弱。

    唐 韩愈 《荆潭唱和诗序》:“夫和平之音淡薄,而愁思之声要妙。” 胡也频 《光明在我们的前面》六:“路上的行人和车马都忙碌地幌动于淡薄的灯光里。”

  3. 稀薄,清淡。谓密度小,或味不浓。

    唐 韦应物 《汉武帝杂歌》之一:“乃知甘醲皆是腐肠物,独有淡薄之水能益人。” 宋 柳永 《引驾行》词:“轻烟淡薄和气暖,望花村路隐映摇。” 明 李时珍 《本草纲目·木一·桂》﹝集解﹞引 苏恭 曰:“﹝菌桂﹞老皮坚板,不能重卷,味极淡薄,不入药用。” 鲁迅 《彷徨·在酒楼上》:“酒味很纯正;油豆腐也煮得十分好;可惜辣酱太淡薄。”

  4. 指妆饰雅淡朴素。

    唐 张籍 《倡女词》:“画罗金缕难相称,故著寻常淡薄衣。” 宋 刘克庄 《卜算子·茉莉》词:“淡薄古梳妆,嫺雅仙标致。” 清 汪懋麟 《观小伶邢郎歌舞》诗:“不须 邢 尹 重分别,淡薄衣裳也胜人。”

  5. 谓印象浅淡而模糊。

    陈学昭 《工作着是美丽的》一:“ 珊裳 长到七岁,对于父亲的印象始终是非常淡薄的。” 峻青 《主人》:“住过的村庄和认识过的人,像天上的星星那样的多,日子久了,记忆的影子也就渐渐地淡薄了。”

  6. 冷淡。

    《新唐书·卢钧传》:“ 钧 与人交,始若淡薄,既久乃益固。” 谢璞 《二月兰》:“妈妈抱愧地说:‘ 兰 ,快坐吧。要不是遭了旱,姨娘也不会这么淡薄的。’”

  7. 冷落;萧条。

    《二刻拍案惊奇》卷十五:“自从为事之后,生意淡薄,穷忙没有工夫,又是素手,不好上门。” 清 张尔岐 《蒿庵闲话》卷二:“儒门淡薄,收拾不住。” 清 史致谔 《禀左宗堂》:“现在各货釐金因市廛生意淡薄,日见其短。”

  8. 寒素。

    宋 陆游 《雨后复小雪》诗:“贱贫安淡薄,老钝耐讥嘲。”《红楼梦》第十二回:“ 代儒 家道虽然淡薄,得此帮助,倒也丰丰富富完了此事。”



  1. But without the meat that comes out of that smoker, the camaraderie would be thin gruel indeed.


  2. Road can be very Avenue Road, it is not surprising that Zhuge said, "the weak, for the wise, Tranquility Zhi Yuan. "


  3. In high school we were the closest friends. Then he took a job and went off to the university, and our friendship gradually died away.


  4. By contrast, the latter is rather weak sense of using meta-cognitive strategies and English learning is in a blind and passive state.


  5. I hadn't until just a short time ago when I started realizing that the less I cared about "stuff" the less I wanted of it.


  6. May be Google feels that in China, writers are a group of nurses'consciousness, not to any of the soft persimmon ". "


  7. In the past very long time, our ruling politics cost consciousness was light. We have done something that did not count the cost.


  8. For the moment, the major problem that Ningbo fashion industry encounters is lack of marketing culture awareness.


  9. The findings seem to reflect the increasing shallowness of human relations in today's busy society.


  1. 她的爱情已淡薄。

    Her love had grown lukewarm.

  2. 他对名利很淡薄。

    He cares very little for fame and gain.

  3. 冷漠, 感情淡薄的人

    An aloof or emotionally unresponsive person.

  4. 冷漠,感情淡薄的人。

    An aloof or emotionally unresponsive person.

  5. 国民的纳税意识淡薄。

    National's tax payment consciousness is light.

  6. 朝雾渐渐地淡薄了。

    The morning mist gradually thinned.

  7. 爱情一淡薄,样样不顺眼。

    Faults are thick where love is thin.

  8. 他们的社交礼仪意识淡薄。

    Their sense of social propriety is eroded.

  9. 蕉农商品生产意识淡薄。

    Banana peasants lack of consciousness in commercial production.

  10. 民营企业法律意识淡薄等。

    Private enterprise legal awareness light and so on.

  11. 爱情淡薄时, 样样都不顺眼。

    Faults are thick where love is thin.

  12. 怀念着往日淡薄的青草味

    Losing my heart in thinking of the old auroma of the cute grass

  13. 淡薄而不令人满意的关系

    a shallow, unsatisfying relationship

  14. 非淡薄无以明志,非宁静无以致远。

    Without dim not insist your dream, without serenity not go far.

  15. 没有淡薄的遥远或者浓厚的逼近。

    Or thin detachedness and thick proximity.

  16. 他对她的爱情渐渐淡薄了。

    His affection for her gradually cooled off.

  17. 他对她的感情最终会淡薄的。

    His feelings for her will eventually die.

  18. 擦去, 抹掉使淡薄, 使逐渐消失

    efface rub or wipe sth out cause to fade

  19. 她对音乐的兴趣逐渐淡薄了。

    Her interest in music has begun to flag.

  20. 他对象棋的兴趣逐渐淡薄了。

    His interest in chess has begun to flag.

  21. 现在才意识到到事过境迁,人情淡薄。

    Only now realized that Overtaken by events, and human weak.

  22. 我国公民权利意识淡薄的原因

    The Cause of Citizen's Rights Awareness Become Dim in Our Country

  23. 浅处油墨少印出的色调淡薄。

    The color printing ink shallow little weak.

  24. 他那逐渐淡薄的兴趣重被激起。

    His flagging interest awoke.

  25. 我们经常能发现一些集体观念淡薄。

    We often can find some weak collective concept.

  26. 然而,公民的图书馆意识却日渐淡薄。

    However, the citizen's library consciousness is thin day and day.

  27. 我对这件事的印象已经淡薄了。

    My impressions about this matter became dim.

  28. 我对这件事得印象已经淡薄了。

    My impressions about this matter became dim.

  29. 时间隔得太久,印象也就淡薄了。

    With the passage of time, these impressions became dim.

  30. 他对环境的新奇感不久就淡薄了。

    The novelty of his surroundings soon wore off.


  1. 问:淡薄拼音怎么拼?淡薄的读音是什么?淡薄翻译成英文是什么?

    答:淡薄的读音是dànbó,淡薄翻译成英文是 indifferent; faint; thin

  2. 问:淡薄表层拼音怎么拼?淡薄表层的读音是什么?淡薄表层翻译成英文是什么?

    答:淡薄表层的读音是dànbóbiăocéng,淡薄表层翻译成英文是 ochric epipedon



中文名词,意思:(印象)因淡忘而模糊 例:时间隔太久了,印象十分淡薄了。