


与“内”、“里”相对:~边。~因。里应(yìng )~合。~行(háng )。不是自己这方面的:~国。~路(同“外地”)。~族。~省。~星人。指“外国”:~域。~宾。~商。称母亲、姐妹或女儿方面的亲戚:~公。~婆。~甥。称岳父母:~父。~姑……


郊外,村外:~外。~景。~游。~趣。~餐。~战。四~。郊~。界限,范围:分~。视~。指不当政的地位,与“朝(cháo )”相对:朝~。下~。在~。~史。不讲情理,没有礼貌:~蛮。粗~。巨大而非分的欲望:~心。不受约束:心玩儿~了。不是人工驯……



汉语拼音:wài yě







  1. 犹野外。

    《左传·昭公二十五年》:“鸜鵒之羽,公在外野,往馈之马。” 三国 魏 阮籍 《咏怀》诗之一:“孤鸿号外野,翔鸟鸣北林。”《梁书·徐勉传》:“ 汉 氏鬱兴,日不暇给,犹命 叔孙 於外野,方知帝王之为贵。”

  2. 犹外地,外乡。

    汉 焦赣 《易林·丰之颐》:“慈母望子,遥思不已。久客外野,我心悲苦。”



  1. The one major difference was that in rounders the fielder put the batter out by hitting him with the ball.


  2. Every time one paradigm ran out of steam, another paradigm came out of left field to continue the exponential growth.


  3. Then, when Sean ran to second base, the right fielder has the ball, the team's short boy the first time had become the team hero a chance.


  4. as right fielder bobby abreu deals with his offensive skid , matsui has picked up the slack , and his contributions have not gone unnoticed.


  5. by the time he reached first base , the right fielder had the ball.


  6. In cricket, if a batsman hits the ball and one of the fielders catches it, the batsman is out.


  7. To return to and touch a base with one foot before running to the next base after a fielder has caught a fly ball.


  8. was an All-Star outfielder for the Cincinnati Reds and New You Yankees.


  9. They also actually moved the outfield fences in and out to favor their own guys.


  1. 防守左外野

    cover left field.

  2. 把贝利放中外野

    and put Bailey in center field.

  3. 将球高击到外野

    lofted the ball into the outfield.

  4. 在外场位置的外野手。

    The position played by an outfielder.

  5. 无以匹敌的中锋外野队员

    a nonpareil center fielder

  6. 球飞向深远得右外野!

    Driven into deep right field!

  7. 他三垒打到右外野角落。

    He tripled to the rightfield corner.

  8. 外野的守备轮替会是如何

    Mailbag Whats the outfield rotation

  9. 我是联盟里最佳的外野手。

    I was the best fielder in the league.

  10. 因此,露丝成为代替投手外野手。

    So Ruth became an outfielder instead of a pitcher.

  11. 我就想担任红袜队的外野手。

    I've wanted to play in the Red Sox outfield.

  12. 在外野而不是击球的板球运动员。

    a member of the cricket team that is fielding rather than batting.

  13. 在外野而不是击球的棒球运动员。

    A member of the baseball team that is in the field instead of at bat.

  14. 约翰尼在第2局击出左外野本垒打。

    Johnny hit a home run over the left field wall in the second inning.

  15. 场地远处的那三个人都是外野手。

    The three men far out in the field are all fielders.

  16. 向左外野高高的飞去,是全垒打吗?

    High into left field! Is it a homerun?

  17. 挥棒把球贴边线击出左外野深远方向!

    That's swung out deep down the left field line.

  18. 达伦旅鼠是纽约帝国的冠军明星外野手。

    Darren Lemming is the star center fielder for the champion New York Empires.

  19. 击球手将来球击出外野,正好在左外野手和中外野手之间。

    The batter a fly ball to the outfield, right in between the left fielder and fielder.

  20. 在80年代的摇滚乐队外野转述的话,我们不想失去你的爱

    In the paraphrased words of 80s rockers The Outfield, we dont wanna lose your love tonight.

  21. 只有特拉维斯哈佛纳在第五局击出外野飞球。

    Only Travis Hafner hit a fly ball to the outfield in the first five frames.

  22. 球赛前在外野有环状传接球,但须长距离确实传进内野。

    There were circus catches in the outfield before games, but also long, true throws to the infield.

  23. 在一次来自左外野的长投球中, 他被安排到三垒。

    He was put out at third base on a long throw from left field.

  24. 在一次来自左外野的长投球中,他被安排到三垒。

    He was put out at third base on a long throw from left field.

  25. 当兰地巴斯击出左外野的全垒打时,观众十分兴奋。

    When Randy Bass hit the home run to left, the stands went wild.

  26. 他猛击新投手所投的第一球而将之击出中外野墙外。

    He teed off on the new pitcher's first delivery and sent it over the centerfield wall.

  27. 威廉斯也考虑要退休,他现在可能不适合洋基的外野结构了。

    Williams who has also considered retirement may not fit into the Yankees' current outfield configuration.


  1. 问:外野拼音怎么拼?外野的读音是什么?外野翻译成英文是什么?

    答:外野的读音是wàiyě,外野翻译成英文是 outfield

  2. 问:外野手拼音怎么拼?外野手的读音是什么?外野手翻译成英文是什么?

    答:外野手的读音是,外野手翻译成英文是 Outfielder