


1. 熟 [shú]熟 [shú]食物烧煮到可吃的程度:饭~了。植物的果实或种子长成,又特指庄稼可收割或有收成:成~。瓜~蒂落。程度深:~睡。~思(经久而周密地思考)。深思~虑。做某种工作时间长了,精通而有经验:~练。娴~。~习。~能生巧。……


1. 语 [yǔ]2. 语 [yù]语 [yǔ]话:~言。汉~。英~。~录。~汇。~重心长。指“谚语”或“古语”:~云:“皮之不存,毛将焉附”。代替语言的动作:手~。旗~。说:细~。低~。语 [yù]告诉:不以~人。……



汉语拼音:shú yǔ







  1. 语言中定型的词组或句子。使用时一般不能任意改变其形式。包括惯用语、成语、谚语、格言、歇后语等。

  2. 常用的话浯。

    明 陆时雍 《诗镜总论》:“ 王建 款情熟语,其儿女子之所为乎?诗不入雅,虽美何观矣!” 叶圣陶 《未厌集·夜》:“孩子于尚未解悟姓的意义的时候,自己的姓往往被教练成口头的熟语,同叫爹爹妈妈一样的习惯。”



  1. Please give two of the first four character phrases you think of. It's a personality test.


  2. Uighur Proverbs are the relative significance of the fixed sentence integrity is an important language in the idiom.


  3. Xie Hou Yu, the two-part allegorical sayings is a special form of idioms with rich Chinese cultures.


  4. As the parallel saying of Chinese Xiehouyu and proverbs, idiomatic phrase play an important role in modern Chinese vocabulary unit.


  5. These models provide some theoretical guidance on idiom semantic processing in the fields of psycholinguistics and neurolinguistics.


  6. This paper classifies lexical units into characters, words, phrases and sayings, and discusses their length.


  7. Different explanatory models have been proposed on the semantic structure of idiomatic expressions.


  8. Use common expressions rather than idioms or set expressions esp. in E-C translation.


  9. Chinese and French idiomatic phrases are treasures in both languages.


  1. 汉语熟语英译词典

    A dictionary of chinese idiomatic expressions with english translations.

  2. 熟语中俗语类的界定

    The Defimtion of Common Saying in idioms

  3. 论广告语言中的熟语翻新

    Idiom Renovation in Advertising Language

  4. 俄语熟语活用的修辞功能

    Elastic Use of Idioms in Rhetorical Device

  5. 略论英汉语熟语的文化差异

    On Cultural Difference between English Idiom and Chinese Idiom

  6. 法汉熟语都是语言中的瑰宝。

    Chinese and French idiomatic phrases are treasures in both languages.

  7. 中日文中存在着大量的四字熟语。

    There are as many colloquialisms in Japanese as are in Chinese.

  8. 从文化角度看英法熟语之异同

    On the differences in idiomatic phrases between English and French from the cultural angle

  9. 熟语是自然语言中普遍存在的语言现象。

    Idiomaticity is a common phenomenon in natural languages.

  10. 提出了熟语文化研究的对象和范围。

    The research object and range of the idiom culture are put forward too.

  11. 英、日、汉动物熟语的对比分析及启示

    Comparison and Enlightenment of Animal Idioms in English, Japanese and Chinese

  12. 常指经过多次重复而变得陈腐的熟语

    Saw often refers to a familiar saying that has become trite through frequent repetition Saw.

  13. 俄语熟语活用的语用依据及其与汉语的对比

    Pragmatic Basis for Flexible Applications of Russian Idioms and Its Comparison with Chinese

  14. 熟语是语言的一个组成部分,也是一种文化现象。

    The idioms are one of the constituent parts of language, and also a cultural phenomenon.

  15. 开门七件事熟语是一个成系统的熟语义场。

    The idioms of seven daily things are systematic semantic fields of idioms.

  16. 从文化理论角度来审视和研究熟语是非常必要的。

    From the perspective of cultural theory to examine and study idiom is necessary.

  17. 表衣着的汉字及衣着熟语是汉民族服饰的具象符号。

    Chinese character and common saying about dress are dress and personal adornments specific sign of han nation.

  18. 本文的比喻词语指的是用比喻造词法造出来的词和熟语。

    Figurative Words in the article refers to the words and expressions which are created by Figurative coinage means.

  19. 儒家文化的精华与糟粕在俚曲熟语中都有反映。

    Both essence and defect of Confucian culture can find their expression in folk poem idioms.


  1. 问:熟语拼音怎么拼?熟语的读音是什么?熟语翻译成英文是什么?

    答:熟语的读音是shúyǔ,熟语翻译成英文是 idiom