


1. 号 [hào]2. 号 [háo]号 [hào]名称:国~。年~。字~。指人除有名、字之外,另起的别称:别~(如“李白,字太白,~~青莲居士”)。标志:记~。排定的次序或等级:编~。~码。扬言,宣称:~称(a.名义上是;b.以某名著称……


1. 令 [líng]2. 令 [lǐng]3. 令 [lìng]令 [líng]〔~狐〕a.古地名,在今山西省临猗县一带;b.复姓。令 [lǐng]量词,印刷用的原张平版纸五百张为一令。令 [lìng]上级对下级的指示:命~。法~。朝(z……







汉语拼音:hào lìng rú shān








  • 【解释】:指军令严肃,不容更改。
  • 【出自】:《宋史·岳飞传》:“岳节使号令如山,若与之敌,万无生理,不如往降。”
  • 【语法】:主谓式;作谓语;含褒义


  1. 网络
  2. orders are as inviolable as a mountain;The order is very strict and must be carried out resolutely;a military order is inviolable

  1. 战斗的号令

    a call to arms.

  2. 谁能号令所有的人?

    Who can talk and have everyone listening?

  3. 军号吹响前进的号令。

    The bugle sounded as the troops advanced.

  4. 抗击侵略者的战斗号令

    a call to arms against the invaders.

  5. 风暴,大地,火焰,听我号令!

    STORM EARTH and FIRE heed my call!

  6. 一项任务以预先号令开始。

    A mission begins with a warning order.

  7. 坚强的暴风只服从太空的号令。

    the imperturbable tempest obeys only the infinite.

  8. 这是早就该发出的战斗号令。

    It a long overdue call to arms.

  9. 这是早就该发出得战斗号令。

    It a long overdue call to arms.

  10. 那些女子还是哈哈地笑, 不听号令。

    The ladies giggled instead of taking his order.

  11. 听关主下的号令来做出反应。

    Listens to close main under the verbal command to make the response.

  12. 我们不能号令他们该如何花费他们的钱。

    We can't dictate to them how they should spend their money.

  13. 我们不能号令他们该如何花费他们得钱。

    We can't dictate to them how they should spend their money.

  14. 战地指挥官以低沉而有回响的声音发出号令

    A field commander booming out orders.

  15. 每当他有战斗的号令我们始终如一是第一个。

    Every time he had a call to arms, we were the first ones in uniform.

  16. 所以说, 号令一经发出, 就必须取信于民而风行全国。

    Thus I say that when a command is promulgated, an order issued, its credibility will extend throughout the state.

  17. 这个号令一发, 她那位顶小得女儿立刻走上前来。

    Upon this signal, the youngest of her daughters put herself forward.

  18. 这个号令一发, 她那位顶小的女儿立刻走上前来。

    Upon this signal, the youngest of her daughters put herself forward.

  19. 我已经站在起跑线上了,只等你下进军的号令。长官说。

    I am on the starting line now, waiting for your marching order.

  20. 不管几点钟, 以集结号为令。随时准备撤退。

    At all times, listen for the assembly bulge call. Retreat when you hear it.

  21. 我猜大家都看了第1066号执行令

    I m assuming everyone here has read executive order 1066

  22. 难道年长资深就有权发号施令吗?

    Does seniority give one the right to command

  23. 国家食品药品监管局发布第十三号局令。

    State Food and Drug Administration issued SFDA Decree No.

  24. 直到今天,这号悲天悯人的情调每每令我发指。

    Now this sort of sentimentality always makes me furious.

  25. 关于设立标界委员会的2006年第23号共和国令

    Republican Decree No.23 of2006 establishing a boundary demarcation commission

  26. 蒙古政府2006年第194号令核准了学校午餐计划。

    The Government of Mongolia approved the School Lunch Programme by its Order No.194 of2006.

  27. 澳大利亚选举即将在8月21号落幕,真是令人遗憾。

    WHAT a shame that Australia s election concludes on August 21 st.

  28. 令人伤心的是,5月23号,那个小男孩死了。

    On May 23rd, unhappily, the little boy died.

  29. 最令她记忆犹新的一个外号是泰坦尼克号。

    Titanic was one she remembers most clearly.

  30. 直到今天,这号悲天悯人地情调每每令我发指。

    Now this sort of sentimentality always makes me furious.


