


1. 核 [hé]2. 核 [hú]核 [hé]果实中坚硬并包含果仁的部分:桃~。杏~。像核的东西:~细胞。~酸。~心(中心)。结~。原子~。~子。~反应。~武器。仔细地对照、考察:~定。~计。~实。~算。~查。翔实正确:其文直,其事~。核……


1. 发 [fā]2. 发 [fà]发 [fā]交付,送出:分~。~放。~行(批发)。放,射:~射。百~百中。焕~。表达,阐述:~表。~凡(陈述某一学科或一本书的要旨)。阐~。散开,分散:~散。开展,张大,扩大:~展。~扬。打开,揭露:~现……



汉语拼音:hé fā






核发 [hé fā]
  1. 信用卡已核发,就是已经审核通过,正在制卡发卡过程中。



  1. In case the applicant passes the reexamination, the SARFT shall issue it a TV Play (TV Cartoon) Distribution License.


  2. All targets are up to standard or over GB standard. Public Security Department of Sichuan province issue production license.


  3. Seller's bank notifies the Buyer's bank that they are ready to issue non-operative 2% PB to the Buyer's bank.


  4. sufficient time to allow for your Canadian study permit, and where necessary a visa, to be issued by Citizenship and Immigration Canada.


  5. They took messy bunches of loans, with risks as variable as snowflakes, and created securities of uniform quality, easy to buy and sell.


  6. Anyone who intends to hunt with a gun must obtain a gun license from the public security organ of the county or municipality concerned.


  7. The Company, founded in 1993, has landscaping credentials approved and issued by the landscaping industry authority.


  8. The remained 80% of the registered capital shall be paid within one year since the issuing date of business license.


  9. issue duplicates of the Business License, if the enterprise as a legal person needs them for its business operations.


  1. 核发驾驶执照

    approve and issue a driving license

  2. 核发使用权证

    issue certificates for the right of use

  3. 谁核发这些旅游证件得?

    Who issued the travel documents?

  4. 谁核发这些旅游证件的?

    Who issued the travel documents ?

  5. 出资证明书的编号和核发日期。

    Number and issuance date of such certificate.

  6. 工商行政管理局核发营业执照

    Administrative Bureau of Industry And Commerce Issues Business Licence

  7. 你有权向员工们核发法律合同。

    You are entitled to issue employees with legal contracts.

  8. 你有权向员工们核发法律合同。

    You are entitled to issue employees with legal contracts.

  9. 他们主张留存下来我们的核发电站。

    They advocate the retention of our unclear power plants.

  10. 管理、监制和核发全国新闻记者证。

    To administrate, supervise and issue the journalist permits across the country.

  11. 核发签证和进口清关方面的拖延

    Delays in issuance of visas and clearance of imports.

  12. 关于老码头港口经营许可证的核发问题。

    On the issue concerning the issuance of the Permit for Port Operation to old wharfs.

  13. 入境签证由外交和领事代表处负责核发。

    Entry visas are issued by diplomatic and consular offices.

  14. 核发电站,原子能发电站站开,让车子过去。

    Stand clear to let the car pass.

  15. 算命师必须取得州政府核发的特殊许可证。

    Fortune tellers are required to obtain a special permit from the state.

  16. 算命师必须取得州政府核发得特殊许可证。

    Fortune tellers are required to obtain a special permit from the state.

  17. 必须持有关部分核发的安全操纵证上岗操纵。

    The on duty staff must hold the concerning department's security operation certification.

  18. 必须持有工商行政管理部门核发的营业执照。

    Business license issued by the industrial and commercial management departments.

  19. 应检附行政院环境保护署核发之同意文件。

    Approval from the Environmental Protection Administration, Executive Yuan is required.

  20. 其核发准则及费额, 由中央主管机关定之。

    The permit issuing guidelines and the fee schedule shall prescribed by the central competent authority.

  21. 谈谈整顿,核发医疗机构制剂批准文号的体会

    The Consideration of Reorganizing and Authorizing Drug Approval Numbers for Pharmaceutical preparations Dispensed Medical Organization

  22. 考生持主考单位核发的准考证进入考场参加考试。

    Candidates can attend the test with he admission ticket issued by the testing site.

  23. 我没看到过有核发电站采用核聚变。

    I don't see any nuclear power plants with fusion energy.

  24. 四,您的中华民国护照号码是多少?是在哪里核发的?

    What is the number of your ROC passport ? Where was it issued ?

  25. 取得文化或体育等主管部门核发的经营许可证。

    It shall have obtained the business license as issued by the administrative departments of culture or physical education.

  26. 高能质子同核的碰撞核发电站, 原子能发电站

    Collision between high energy proton and nucleus

  27. 关于限制核发签证问题,瑞典是申根公约缔约国。

    As regards restrictions on visas, Sweden is a contracting party of the Schengen Convention.

  28. 复审合格的,由广电总局核发电视剧发行许可证。

    In case the applicant passes the reexamination, the SARFT shall issue it a TV Play Distribution License.

  29. 甲基睾丸酮诱导鲫鱼雌核发育子代性转化的研究

    Study on the methyltestosterone induction of sex reversal in gynogenetic progeny of crucian carp

  30. 当中子穿过物质时,偶尔与核发生弹性碰撞。

    As neutrons pass through matter, they make occasional elastic collisions with nuclei.


  1. 问:核发拼音怎么拼?核发的读音是什么?核发翻译成英文是什么?

    答:核发的读音是héfā,核发翻译成英文是 to approve and issue

  2. 问:核发电拼音怎么拼?核发电的读音是什么?核发电翻译成英文是什么?

    答:核发电的读音是hé fā diàn,核发电翻译成英文是 nuclear electric power generation

  3. 问:核发展中心拼音怎么拼?核发展中心的读音是什么?核发展中心翻译成英文是什么?

    答:核发展中心的读音是hé fā zhǎn zhōng xīn,核发展中心翻译成英文是 Nuclear Development Center

  4. 问:核发育不全拼音怎么拼?核发育不全的读音是什么?核发育不全翻译成英文是什么?

    答:核发育不全的读音是hé fā yù bù quán,核发育不全翻译成英文是 nuclear agenesis

  5. 问:核发电报报头拼音怎么拼?核发电报报头的读音是什么?核发电报报头翻译成英文是什么?

    答:核发电报报头的读音是hé fā diàn bào bào tóu,核发电报报头翻译成英文是 Release Prefix

  6. 问:核发电厂河水泵拼音怎么拼?核发电厂河水泵的读音是什么?核发电厂河水泵翻译成英文是什么?

    答:核发电厂河水泵的读音是hé fā diàn chǎng hé shuǐ bèng,核发电厂河水泵翻译成英文是 reactor plant river water pump

  7. 问:核发电厂设计者拼音怎么拼?核发电厂设计者的读音是什么?核发电厂设计者翻译成英文是什么?

    答:核发电厂设计者的读音是hé fā diàn chǎng shè jì zhě,核发电厂设计者翻译成英文是 reactor plant designer

  8. 问:核发电厂控制系统拼音怎么拼?核发电厂控制系统的读音是什么?核发电厂控制系统翻译成英文是什么?

    答:核发电厂控制系统的读音是hé fā diàn chǎng kòng zhì xì tǒng,核发电厂控制系统翻译成英文是 reactor plant control system

  9. 问:核发动机回收飞行器拼音怎么拼?核发动机回收飞行器的读音是什么?核发动机回收飞行器翻译成英文是什么?

    答:核发动机回收飞行器的读音是hé fā dòng jī huí shōu fēi xíng qì,核发动机回收飞行器翻译成英文是 Nuclear Engine Recovery Vehicle