


1. 麻 [má]麻 [má]草本植物,种类很多,有“大麻”、“苎麻”、“苘麻”、“亚麻”等。茎皮纤维通常亦称“麻”,可制绳索、织布:~布。~衣。~袋。~绳。~纺。指“芝麻”:~酱。~油。像腿、臂被压后的那种不舒服的感觉:脚~了。感觉不灵,……





汉语拼音:má yóu






  1. 麻实所榨之油。后多指供食用的芝麻油。

    《三国志·魏志·满宠传》:“ 宠 驰往赴,募壮士数十人,折松为炬,灌以麻油,从上风放火,烧贼攻具。” 宋 沉括 《梦溪笔谈·杂志一》:“如今之北方人喜用麻油煎物,不问何物,皆用油煎。” 宋 周密 《志雅堂杂钞·医药》:“盖好麻油,最化痰,试以麻油滴痰上,痰即化为水。” 李季 《王贵与李香香》第二部二:“麻油点灯灯花亮, 王贵 浑身扒了个光。”



  1. Continue to fry Bacheng dry red pepper into small fire fry thirty-two minutes, and then the next bit of sesame oil and toss evenly.


  2. And then placed in a pot with fish and chicken, Braised burn 67 minutes, Serve topped with a little sesame oil.


  3. Heat 1 tbsp oil, saute Shitake mushrooms with chopped garlic until fragrant. Season with a little salt and sesame oil. Remove to cool.


  4. They are called Chinese Dumplings. Please mix a little soy sauce and sesame oil on this plate and dip them into it before eating.


  5. Heat up the sesame oil, add garlic and ginger, stir-fly till fragrant, then add chicken pieces till it changes colour.


  6. with sesame oil, Chinese prickly ash explosions, to stay pepper pepper oil, add onion and red pepper stir well, add seasoning cook uniform.


  7. The adulteration of sesame oil was analyzed by gas chromatography for the composition of fatty acids and hallmark test of sesame oil.


  8. Black sesame chicken breast Rights foods, walnuts + Peanut + papaya also breast, condensed milk and honey might taste better.


  9. Some with black pepper powder, some with mixed herbs, and some with sesame oil and oyster sauce which taste the best among the three.


  1. 蓖麻油酸酯

    ricinoleate ester.

  2. 蓖麻油酸钠

    sodium ricinoleate.

  3. 蓖麻油电容器

    castor oil capacitor.

  4. 酱麻油拌鲜蚶

    Scalded scallops in soy sauce with sesame oil

  5. 蓖麻油能通便。

    Castor oil moves the bowels.

  6. 蓖麻油可作药用。

    Castor oil is used for medicine.

  7. 麻油和醋放得较多。

    and there is greater use of sesame oil and vinegar.

  8. 瓶子里装满了蓖麻油。

    The bottle is filled with castor oil.

  9. 麻油纯度试验法用于定量。

    Hallmark test of sesame oil applys to quantitative estimation.

  10. 烘焙食物时, 可使用蓖麻油。

    In baked goods, use canola oil.

  11. 你懂得什么酱油上浇麻油!

    What do you know about sesame oil added to soy sauce!

  12. 蓖麻油的酯交换甲酯化反应

    Methyl esterification of castor oil by ester exchanging reaction

  13. 起锅后加香菜, 香麻油。

    Add cilantro and sesame oil. Ready to serve.

  14. 可以糖, 醋, 麻油, 果酱等凉拌。

    Can sugar, vinegar, sesame oil, such cold.

  15. 亚麻油是重要的天然保健油。

    Linseed oil is an important natural sanitarian oil.

  16. 吃的时候用盐和麻油调味。

    Season the soup with salt and sesame oil.

  17. 麻油提取紫草工艺条件优选

    Optimization of Extraction Technique of Radix Arnebiae seu Lithospermi by Sesame Oil

  18. 红花, 透明质酸, 麻油, 尿囊素。

    Main Ingredients safflower, hyaluronic acid, sesame oil, allantoin.

  19. 清真火烧则用葫麻油配制。

    Muslim oil burning gourd preparation used.

  20. 最近原材料蓖麻油的价格很高。

    Recently the raw material of castor oil has an excessive price.

  21. 蓖麻油煎蛋引产153例临床分析

    Study on induction of labor by eating castor oil fried eggs in late pregnancyclinical analysis of 151 cases.

  22. 请加一点酱油和麻油在碟子上。

    Please mix a little soy sauce and sesame oil on this plate.

  23. 正宗小车麻油, 举世闻名, 香满全球。

    authentic milled sesame oil is known to all the world and spreads its scent around the gloBe.

  24. 催化加氢制备氢化蓖麻油的研究

    Study of preparation of hydrogenated castor oil by catalytic hydrogenation.

  25. 在面里加入麻油拌匀, 把面放凉。

    Put and sesame oil the noodle, stir it.

  26. 起锅前撒少许麻油翻炒均匀即可。

    Remove from heat sprinkle a little sesame oil and stir fry before evenly.

  27. 这个瓶子里满是汽油、蓖麻油和醋。

    This bottle is full of petrol, caster and vinegar.

  28. 一只瓶子装满煤油,一只瓶子装满蓖麻油,一只瓶子装满醋。

    One was filled with kerosene, one with castor oil, and one with vinegar.

  29. 有时蓖麻油还可以用作了热情洋溢。

    Sometimes castor oil can also be used as an ebullient.

  30. 大麻油是从大麻籽中提炼出来的。

    Hempseed oil is extracted from hempseeds.


  1. 问:麻油拼音怎么拼?麻油的读音是什么?麻油翻译成英文是什么?

    答:麻油的读音是máyóu,麻油翻译成英文是 benne oil; sesame oil