







汉语拼音:kǎo jiāo






  1. 鞣革用的原料,主要成分为鞣酸,是从栲树、红树、栎树等植物中提取的。



  1. The Eucalyptus bark can been used as the new raw material of tannin extract, its tannin extract is worth of promoting and using.


  2. Vegetable tannin extracts have been widely used in leather industry.


  3. It shows that the solution viscosity drops and the relative molecular mass reduces with narrow distribution.


  4. However, the tannin in use for a long time before preparation, and consumption of steam, air, very convenient.


  5. Thus, the tannin extract desulfurization, there has been new progress.


  6. It is reported the PRS desulfidation catalyst regeneration test and the industrial application.


  7. To change more, running a high load, high content of tannin extract desulfurization agent of some results were quite good.


  8. Determination of Vegetable Tannin Extract Content in Desulfurized Liquor by Ultraviolet Spectrophotometry


  9. Chemical modifications of vegetable extracts and applications of the products in chrome-free and chrome-reduced tannages


  1. 水解类栲胶

    hydrolysable tannin extracts.

  2. 缩合类栲胶

    condensed tannin extracts.

  3. 橡椀栲胶的应用

    Application of Valonea Extract

  4. 栲胶改性研究新进展

    Research Progress on Modifications of Vegetable Tannin Extract

  5. 板栗苞中栲胶提取的初步研究

    Preliminary Study in Extraction of Tara Extract among Shell of Castanea Mollissima.

  6. 马占相思栲胶的性质及应用研究

    Property of Acacia Mangium Tannin Extract and its Applications on Leather Processing

  7. 栲胶已在制革工业获得了广泛的应用。

    Vegetable tannin extracts have been widely used in leather industry.

  8. 低温鞣制用栲胶的制备及其性能研究

    Preparation and the Properties of Vegetable Extract Used in Low Temperature Tanning

  9. 层析色谱法对栗木栲胶组成的研究

    Chromatographic studies on the composition of chestnut extract

  10. 栲胶和有机膦结合鞣制山羊服装革工艺

    Combination Tannage of Goat Garment Leather by Vegetable Tannin Extract and Organic Phosphonium

  11. 木素磺酸钠对坚木栲胶的改性研究

    Modification of Quebracho Extract Using Sulfonated Ligin

  12. 摘要栲胶已在制革工业获得了广泛得应用。

    Vegetable tannin extracts have been widely used in leather industry.

  13. 摘要栲胶已在制革工业获得了广泛的应用。

    Vegetable tannin extracts have been widely used in leather industry.

  14. 微波辐照下黑荆树皮栲胶废料制取活性炭

    Preparation of activated carbon from waste materials of tannin extract by microwave radiation

  15. 用胶体滴定法测定了橡椀栲胶中的单宁含量。

    Method of colloidal titration was adopted to determine tannin content of valonia tannin extract.

  16. 表面活性剂在芡实栲胶提取中作用的初步研究

    Primary study on the action of the surfactant in extracting vegetable tannin extract from seedcase of semen euryales

  17. 动态光散射和电泳对栲胶溶液的电化学行为研究

    Study on the Electrochemical Behavior of Tannin Solutions by Dynamic Light Scattering and Electrophoresis

  18. 用胶体滴定法测定了橡椀栲胶中得单宁含量。

    Method of colloidal titration was adopted to determine tannin content of valonia tannin extract.

  19. 同时, 总结了有利于实施结合鞣的栲胶改性方法。

    Meanwhile, the modification approaches of vegetable tannin extracts for the purpose of combination tanning are described.

  20. 微细裂隙软弱岩体橡皮囊三轴试验橡椀栲胶的应用

    Triaxial Compression Test of the Weak Rock with Intensive Tiny Fractures Using a Rubber Pocket Method