




圈子,环绕:~围。~天。~转(zhuǎn )。~匝(a.环绕;b.周到)。普遍、全面:~身。~延。~全。~游。时期的一轮,亦特指一个星期:~岁。~年。~期。~星(十二年)。上~。完备:~到。~密。~详。~正(端正)。~折(事情进行不顺利)。……



汉语拼音:liǎng zhōu







  1. 战国 时由 周 王室分裂而成的 西周 、 东周 两个小国的合称。

    《战国策·西周策》:“今公又以 秦 兵出塞,过两 周 ,践 韩 而以攻 梁 ,一攻而不得,前功尽灭。”《史记·周本纪》:“ 秦 借道两 周 之间,将以伐 韩 。”《晋书·束晳传》:“是故两 周 争东西之流, 史起 惜 漳渠 之浸,明地利之重也。”

  2. 指 周 代。

    周 在 犬戎 攻杀 幽王 后, 平王 即位,东迁 洛邑 ,迁都前史称 西周 ,迁都后称 东周 ,合称“两 周 ”。《北史·文苑传序》:“逮乎两 周 道丧,七十义乖。”



  1. ACT III ACT III Two weeks. I said I could do it in two weeks, and I did it.


  2. Two weeks later, she had become a gentle child. She was ready to learn.


  3. The skipper returned to full training this weekend after two weeks out with a hamstring problem.


  4. It's been a really emotional day for me, and the way the fans have been with me for the last two weeks . . . Honestly, it's incredible.


  5. She's carrying the carcass around now, which she'll continue to do for quite a long time. Usually. . . maybe a week or two, even.


  6. He may not want to see you for a week or two.


  7. Two weeks ago, Buss released a statement in which he said the team would build around Bryant.


  8. She was looking out of the window two weeks later trying not to think of him when a car pulled up. It was bright and shiny metallic blue.


  9. This could seriously diminish the chances of a significant deficit reduction deal to be reached over the next two weeks.


  1. 错过两周。

    You miss two.

  2. 两周,宝贝。

    Two weeks,baby.

  3. 两周,宝贝。

    Two weeks, baby.

  4. 两周,宝贝。

    Two weeks, baby.

  5. 有效期两周

    be valid for two weeks.

  6. 过期两周的

    to be two weeks overdue

  7. 以两周为期

    not to exceed two weeks.

  8. 耽搁了两周。

    Procrastinated for 2 weeks.

  9. 给病假两周

    to give a sick leave of two weeks.

  10. 两周一次地

    Every two weeks.

  11. 两周 或者三周吧。

    Couple,maybe three days.

  12. 我被停学两周

    I'm suspended for two weeks.

  13. 你只有两周时间

    Two weeks.

  14. 我感冒两周了。

    I had the flu for a couple of weeks.

  15. 我要休假两周。

    I'm going on holiday for a fortnight.

  16. 她住院两周了。

    She has been hospitalizing for 2 weeks.

  17. 两周的强化训练

    two weeks of intensive training

  18. 没有爱人得两周。

    Two weeks without my lover.

  19. 没有爱人的两周。

    Two weeks without my lover.

  20. 只有两周,很遗憾。

    Just two weeks, unfortunately.

  21. 至少已经两周了。

    It's been there for at least two weeks.

  22. 至少已经两周了。

    It's been there for at least two weeks.

  23. 这个排休假两周。

    The platoon goes on leave for two weeks.

  24. 审理暂停了两周。

    The hearing have be suspend for two week.

  25. 我请求准假两周。

    I beg to apply for two weeks'leave of absence.

  26. 心脏移植术后两周

    So, two weeks postop heart transplant.

  27. 在两周的时间内

    in a fortnight's time.

  28. 有些士兵休假两周。

    Some soldiers went on furlough for two weeks.

  29. 两周了屁都没有。

    Two weeks and nothing.

  30. 两周了屁都没有。

    Two weeks and nothing.


  1. 问:两周训练拼音怎么拼?两周训练的读音是什么?两周训练翻译成英文是什么?

    答:两周训练的读音是liǎng zhōu xùn liàn,两周训练翻译成英文是 Two-Week Training