




核算:~时。~量(liàog )。~日程功。测量或核算度数、时间、温度等的仪器:晴雨~。湿度~。主意,策略:~策。~谋。谋划,打算:~划。~议。姓。……



汉语拼音:xiǎo jì




1.小统计。《周礼·天官·小宰》“月终,则以官府之叙,受羣吏之要”汉 郑玄 注:“主每月之小计。”

2.小计谋。《管子·霸言》:“夫争天下者,必先争人。明大数者得人,审小计者失人。”《魏书·刘裕传》:“义隆 好行小计,扇动边民。”

3.指小计划。汉 桓宽《盐铁论·论邹》:“昔 秦始皇 已吞天下,欲并万国,亡其三十六郡;欲达瀛海,而失其州县。知大义如斯,不如守小计也。”

4.指郡国的上计吏。汉 桓宽《盐铁论·疾贪》:“徭使相遣,官庭摄追,小计权吏,行施乞贷。”

5.从低估算。宋 陆游《酒无独饮理》诗:“糟丘未易办,小计且千石。”《续资治通鉴·宋神宗熙宁五年》:“工师造屋,初必小计,冀人易于动工,及既兴作,知不可已,乃始增多。”



  1. 小统计。

    《周礼·天官·小宰》“月终,则以官府之叙,受羣吏之要” 汉 郑玄 注:“主每月之小计。”

  2. 小计谋。

    《管子·霸言》:“夫争天下者,必先争人。明大数者得人,审小计者失人。”《魏书·刘裕传》:“ 义隆 好行小计,扇动边民。”

  3. 指小计划。

    汉 桓宽 《盐铁论·论邹》:“昔 秦始皇 已吞天下,欲并万国,亡其三十六郡;欲达瀛海,而失其州县。知大义如斯,不如守小计也。”

  4. 指郡国的上计吏。

    汉 桓宽 《盐铁论·疾贪》:“徭使相遣,官庭摄追,小计权吏,行施乞贷。”

  5. 从低估算。

    宋 陆游 《酒无独饮理》诗:“糟丘未易办,小计且千石。”《续资治通鉴·宋神宗熙宁五年》:“工师造屋,初必小计,冀人易于动工,及既兴作,知不可已,乃始增多。”



  1. If you fill in all the Quantity and Price fields, you see that the subtotals and the total price are calculated correctly (see figure 16).


  2. Now that you know the indexes, you can extract the values for the merchandise subtotal, taxes, and final total from the array.


  3. For each purchase order an XQuery is executed that returns a formatted result of each product subtotal.


  4. A grand total is added to the end of the report, and group totals are added to any groups that exist on the report.


  5. The next example demonstrates that you can make each group stand out to make it easier to find subtotals in the report.


  6. If you want to create subtotals or show other summary information for subsets of a table, you create groups using an aggregate query.


  7. How to be persuasive with a gentle touch. Knowing how to get what you want will make you more savvy.


  8. They feared that smaller and less risky projects would get elbowed out of the budget.


  9. To add a subtotal to a matrix , add a subtotal to an individual group within the matrix .


  1. 小计和合计

    extensions and footings.

  2. 本公里小计

    Sub total of this kilometer.

  3. 无形及递延资产小计

    Total Intangible and Deferred Assets

  4. 默认情况下, 组没有小计。

    Groups do not have subtotals by default.

  5. 选择要计算小计的属性。

    Choose the properties for which you want subtotals.

  6. 以下查询将生成小计报表

    This query generates a subtotal report

  7. 略施小计达成一桩交易

    to finesse a deal

  8. 查看项目, 所有费用和小计。

    Show items, all costs and the subtotal.

  9. 你得将邮费加入小计部分。

    You have to acid the cost of postage to the subtotal.

  10. 开支小计占总数百分比的分析

    Analysis of expenditure subtotals as a percentage of total

  11. 总计查询计算多组记录的小计。

    A totals query calculates subtotals across groups of records.

  12. 显示栏得小计, 例如合同文档数。

    Display subtotals of columns, such as the number of contract documents.

  13. 显示栏的小计,例如合同文档数。

    Display subtotals of columns, such as the number of contract documents.

  14. 我略施小计, 使竞争对手不知所措。

    I used a few tactics to keep my competition in the dark.

  15. 我略施小计,使竞争对手不知所措。

    I used a few tactics to keep my competition in the dark.

  16. 这是我们去年圣诞节花费的小计。

    This is a little ledger of what we spent last year for christmas.

  17. 你略施小计便能将他缚住。

    A very little trouble on your side secures him.

  18. 此操作将为小计打开一个新标题。

    This will open a new header for the subtotal.

  19. 从一开始我就看穿了你的小计谋。

    I saw through your little ruse from the start.

  20. 神略施小计, 就完成了对人的考核。

    God with a small project was completed, the assessment of people.

  21. 神略施小计,就完成了对人得考核。

    God with a small project was completed, the assessment of people.

  22. 我决定略施小计弄到她聚会的请柬。

    I decided to try and wangle an invitation to her party.

  23. 每月数字和乘客统计资料小计之间存在差异。

    A discrepancy existed between the monthly figure and the subtotal of the passenger statistics.

  24. 我长长的吐了一口烟, 说雕虫小计, 玩物丧志。

    I long to vomit one of cigarettes, said carving insects Subtotal, high aims in life.

  25. 打印每个号码得小计功能留给读者作练习。

    Printing individual totals for each number is left as an exercise for the reader.

  26. 打印每个号码的小计功能留给读者作练习。

    Printing individual totals for each number is left as an exercise for the reader.

  27. 要得出总计得分, 就把各栏的小计加起来。

    To obtain the overall score, add up the totals in each column.

  28. 定义多组要对度量值组中的度量值计算的小计。

    Defines sets of subtotals to calculate for measures in a measure group.

  29. 定义一组要对度量值组中的度量值计算的小计。

    Defines a set of subtotals to calculate for measures in a measure group.

  30. 一个聪明的律师能施小计诱使囚犯承认有罪。

    A clever lawyer can cozen the prisoner into an admission of guilt.


  1. 问:小计拼音怎么拼?小计的读音是什么?小计翻译成英文是什么?

    答:小计的读音是xiǎojì,小计翻译成英文是 minor total

