




1. 副 [fù]2. 副 [pì]副 [fù]第二位的,辅助的,区别于“正”、“主”:~职。~手。~官。~使。附带的,次要的:~业。~品。~食。~刊。~歌。~产品。~作用。相配,相称(chèn ):名实相~。其实难~。量词(a.一组或一套……


关于军事或技击的,与“文”相对:~装。~器。~警。~林。~坛。~生。~旦。~丑。~净。~举。勇猛,猛烈:英~。威~。~断。~士。~夫。半步,泛指脚步:步~。踵~。行(xíng )不数~。姓。……





汉语拼音:quán fù wǔ zhuāng





地方武装 dìfāng wǔzhuāng 地方上的军队,尤指相对中央的军队而言。



全副武装 [quán fù wǔ zhuāng]
  1. 全副武装(quánfùwǔzhuāng),形容对人或对事情准备充分,特指在装备和技术方面的准备。最早是应用于对部队武器装备的形容方面。



  1. Luxury has always been a cyclical industry, but in the past decade it has soared and plunged like a well-dressed bungee-jumper.


  2. At a short remove upon the same temporary platform was an officer in the uniform of his rank, armed. He was a captain.


  3. You know a man in the company who wouldn't double-time Currahee with a full pack, just to pass in that guy's morning coffee?


  4. This was the case: it seemed as if she were surrounded by a group of armed people whose spears all pointed outwards.


  5. The throne was built at one end of a vast hall big enough to house up to six fully equipped Space Marine Companies.


  6. Though often represented as fully armed, helmet and breastplate and all that, she favoured patriotic defense.


  7. He was always armed, and he always seemed ready to fight.


  8. Sure boss, I'm sure making an entire well armed army angry with you was a great idea, Boss. How could it not be, you thought it up.


  9. I was armed and all the village women were surprised to see a woman like this.


  1. 他全副武装。

    He was armed cap-a-pie.

  2. 他全副武装。

    He is armed from top to toe.

  3. 他们全副武装。

    They were fully armed.

  4. 警察全副武装。

    Police were heavily armed.

  5. 双方都全副武装。

    Both sides were armed to the teeth.

  6. 士兵们个个全副武装。

    Every soldier was fully armed.

  7. 大批全副武装的部队

    an array of heavily armed troops

  8. 他全副武装, 出去滑冰。

    He is all kit out to go skating.

  9. 敌人士兵是全副武装。

    The enemy soldiers were armed to the teeth.

  10. 武装到牙齿。全副武装

    to be armed to the teeth

  11. 他全副武装 保护自己

    When he lashes out and gets all defensive,Trying to protect himself?

  12. 他全副武装 保护自己?

    When he lashes out and gets all defensive, Trying to protect himself?

  13. 我要你全副武装上阵。

    I want you riding shotgun.

  14. 全副武装地穿着某物

    to be kitted out with/ in something

  15. 战士们全副武装, 准备战斗。

    The soldiers were armed to the teeth and ready to fight.

  16. 这支联合舰队全副武装。

    The combined fleet is armed to the teeth.

  17. 这些是我全副武装的同志们

    Now these are my comrades in arms.

  18. 歹徒全副武装破门而入。

    The gangster burst through the door, armed to the teeth.

  19. 全副武装的士兵们立正站着。

    Soldiers in full combat gear stood at attention.

  20. 全副武装的和披甲的武器平台。

    Heavily armed and armored weapon platform.

  21. 他们已全副武装,随时准备应急。

    They were armed to the teeth, ready for any emergency.

  22. 他们三个全副武装并有所戒备。

    The three were fully armed and on their guard.

  23. 新泽西州的警察已全副武装,

    The New Jersey police were armed

  24. 全副武装人员参与了这些袭击事件。

    Those attacks involved heavily armed personnel.

  25. 全副武装全副武装和战士的甲胄

    The complete arms and armor of a warrior.

  26. 约翰逊, 全副武装就像古代的英雄。

    And Johnson, well armed like a hero of yore.

  27. 长官下令全副武装的警察冲进去。

    The senior officer ordered in the mounted police.

  28. 长官下令全副武装得警察冲进去。

    The senior officer ordered in the mounted police.

  29. 长官下令全副武装的警察冲进去。

    The senior officer ordered in the mounted police.

  30. 他步伐轻快,两旁是全副武装的侍卫。

    He walks briskly, flanked by heavily armed guards.


  1. 问:全副武装拼音怎么拼?全副武装的读音是什么?全副武装翻译成英文是什么?

    答:全副武装的读音是quánfùwǔzhuāng,全副武装翻译成英文是 fully armed

  2. 问:全副武装的拼音怎么拼?全副武装的的读音是什么?全副武装的翻译成英文是什么?

    答:全副武装的的读音是quán fù wǔ zhuāng de,全副武装的翻译成英文是 Fully-Armed


全副武装(quán fù wǔ zhuāng),形容对人或对事情准备充分,特指在装备和技术方面的准备。最早是应用于对部队武器装备的形容方面。