


1. 浅 [qiǎn]2. 浅 [jiān]浅 [qiǎn]从表面到底或外面到里面距离小的,与“深”相对:深~。~滩。~海。屋子进深~。不久,时间短:年代~。程度不深的:这篇文章很~。~薄。~尝。~见。~近。~陋。颜色淡薄:~红。~淡。浅 ……





汉语拼音:qiǎn tān







  1. 海、湖、河中水浅的地方。

    清 采蘅子 《虫鸣漫录》卷一:“不意船及浅滩,改驾小舟,一拥而上。” 茹志鹃 《高高的白杨树·澄河边上》:“会议决定,由两个同志出去寻找当地老乡,了解一下哪里有浅滩。”



  1. Salmon are also learning to reproduce in shallow regions of your ocean rather than spawning upstream to allow this to be so.


  2. During periods of elevation the area of the land and of the adjoining shoal parts of the sea will be increased.


  3. Crocodile lives in shallow part of the river or in the wetland, but sometimes it climb up to the land. It is a very dangerous animal.


  4. As airpower took over, thunder and lightning lit up the sky while the two platoons forded the river and climbed up to the Korengal Outpost.


  5. The little bird was found, exhausted but otherwise well, on Sunday after a couple spotted him in a nearby shallow estuary.


  6. We're going to get him, " I said. " God, look at him! Let's get him into the riffle.


  7. This technique is particularly effective where a riffle drops into a pool or at the dis-charge of a spillway or penstock.


  8. This helps explain why, despite 15 years of conservation efforts, the cod of the Grand Banks have failed to recover.


  9. No one fully understands why the cod have not returned to the Grand Banks off Canada, even after 16 years of no fishing.


  1. 曹妃甸浅滩

    Caofeidian Shoal.

  2. 在浅滩搁浅

    stranded on a shoal.

  3. 多浅滩的海峡

    a shoaly channel.

  4. 涉水浅滩觅食。

    Along the shallow, wading for food.

  5. 岩壁陡峭的浅滩

    The shallow precipitous rocky habitat

  6. 磨蚀浅滩坡角

    slope angle of abrasion shoal patch.

  7. 中部浅滩浮标中沙浮标

    middle ground buoy

  8. 快速驱船驶离浅滩

    to shoot the boat off the shoals

  9. 将船弃于浅滩上

    abandoned the boat in the shallows.

  10. 在浅滩上设立标识

    beacon the shoals

  11. 徒涉在浅滩处通过

    To cross at a ford.

  12. 他们常去浅滩拾蛤蜊。

    They often go clamming.

  13. 想不到彩虹鱼在浅滩出现

    fluorescent snapper unexpectedly appear in the shallows.

  14. 树荫遮蔽了避风的浅滩。

    Shadows shade the sheltered shallows.

  15. 退潮时我们在浅滩挖蛤蜊。

    We dug clams in the flats et low tide.

  16. 他巧妙地操舟离开浅滩。

    He maneuvered his boat away from the shoals.

  17. 船一定要小心避开浅滩。

    Ships must be careful to avoid the shallows.

  18. 这船被指定用来标志浅滩。

    The ship was assigned to beacon the shoals.

  19. 浅滩上的潮水逐渐退去。

    The tidal stream or current gradually decreases in the shallows.

  20. 船在一处浅滩上搁浅了。

    The boat ran aground on a shoal.

  21. 岛的附近有险礁和浅滩。

    There are dangerous rocks and shallows near the island.

  22. 闽江口内沙浅滩整治方案

    Schemes to Regulate Sandy Shoal in Minjiang Estuary.

  23. 他带领队伍避开危险的浅滩。

    He led the team to avoid dangerous shallows.

  24. 坚定不移向着太阳,度过浅滩暗礁。

    Steady sunward, though the weather hide the wide and treacherous shoal.

  25. 我们得左转舵以绕过浅滩。

    We need to port the boat to get around the shoal.

  26. 我们得左转舵以绕过浅滩。

    We need to port the boat to get around the shoal.

  27. 局部浅滩上波流的共同绕射

    Wave diffraction in current on a shoal

  28. 过渡段浅滩发生在连续河湾之间。

    Crossing bars occur between successive bends.

  29. 有浅滩和小浪得快速流动得水。

    Fast moving water with riffles and small waves.

  30. 有浅滩和小浪的快速流动的水。

    Fast moving water with riffles and small waves.


  1. 问:浅滩拼音怎么拼?浅滩的读音是什么?浅滩翻译成英文是什么?

    答:浅滩的读音是qiǎntān,浅滩翻译成英文是 shoal; shallows; ford

  2. 问:浅滩冲浪拼音怎么拼?浅滩冲浪的读音是什么?浅滩冲浪翻译成英文是什么?

    答:浅滩冲浪的读音是,浅滩冲浪翻译成英文是 Skimboarding

  3. 问:浅滩海湾拼音怎么拼?浅滩海湾的读音是什么?浅滩海湾翻译成英文是什么?

    答:浅滩海湾的读音是qiǎn tān hǎi wān,浅滩海湾翻译成英文是 bayou

  4. 问:浅滩植物区系拼音怎么拼?浅滩植物区系的读音是什么?浅滩植物区系翻译成英文是什么?

    答:浅滩植物区系的读音是qiǎn tān zhí wù qū xì,浅滩植物区系翻译成英文是 bank flora


