


本人,己身:~己。~家。~身。~白。~满。~诩。~馁。~重(zhòng )。~尊。~谦。~觉(jué )。~疚。~学。~圆其说。~惭形秽。~强不息。从,由:~从。~古以来。当然:~然。~不待言。~生~灭。放任~流。假如:~非圣人,外宁必有内……


查究,处治:检~。征伐,发动攻击:~伐。声~(宣布罪行而加以抨击)。研究,推求:研~。探~。索取:~还(huán)。求,请求:~教(jiào )。~饶。惹:~厌。~人喜欢。娶:~老婆。……


1. 苦 [kǔ]苦 [kǔ]像胆汁或黄连的滋味,与“甘”相对:甘~。~胆。~瓜。感觉难受的:~境。~海(原为佛教用语,后喻很苦的环境)。~闷。含辛茹~。吃~耐劳。~恼。为某种事所苦:~雨。~旱。~夏。~于(a.对某种情况感到苦脑;b.表示……


把东西送进口中咽下,或依靠某种事物生活:~饭。~药。~斋。消灭(多用于军事、棋奕):~掉敌人一个连。吸:~烟。感受:~惊。~紧。~一堑,长(zhǎng )一智。挨:~官司。承受,支持:~不消。船身入水的深度:~水深浅。被:~那厮砍了一刀。说……



汉语拼音:zì tǎo kǔ chī







  • 【解释】:讨:招惹。自己找苦吃。
  • 【出自】:鲁迅《华盖集·“碰壁”之后》:“可是我有一种毛病,自己也疑心是自讨苦吃的要苗,就是偶尔要想想。”
  • 【语法】:主谓式;作谓语、宾语;含贬义


  1. teenager in a leather jacket jostled his way through crowd, looking for trouble.

  2. The boss seems to be annoyed. To talk to him now is to ask for trouble.

  3. A year ago she would have looked him in the eye and told him he was on thin ice.

  4. I figure if somebody's dumb enough to ask me to go to a political convention and say something, they're gonna have to take what they get.

  5. You asked for it, you know. How can expect to keep your job when you keep coming to work late?

  6. LOVE RULE 6: If feel wholy tense standing beside him, don't make a rod for your own back, being such a fool still take it as Love.

  7. If you let him go with you, you will see that you're asking for trouble.

  8. If you do not take ownership of your actions, your actions will eventually own you.

  9. It is the pack leader's job is to drive non-pack members away. If he needs help from lower ranking pack members he asks for it.


  1. 你自讨苦吃。

    You ask for it!

  2. 你自讨苦吃!

    you asked for it!

  3. 简妮丝自讨苦吃。

    janice asked for it

  4. 你这是自讨苦吃。

    You're making your own misery.

  5. 酒後开车是自讨苦吃。

    Driving after drinking alcohol is asking for trouble.

  6. 人们多么喜欢自讨苦吃啊!

    How man enjoyed suffering!

  7. 我认为, 这是她自讨苦吃。

    It is her doing, I suppose.

  8. 你向他挑战是自讨苦吃。

    You is asking for trouble if you challenge him.

  9. 你总喜欢自讨苦吃,米克

    You have a habit of getting in your own way, Mick.

  10. 你是在自讨苦吃, 知道吗?

    You are cruising for a bruising, you know that?

  11. 离博比远点,别自讨苦吃!

    You keep away from bobby, you know what's good for you!

  12. 这一回他可是自讨苦吃了。

    He's really landed himself in it this time.

  13. 别怪我,因为你是自讨苦吃。

    Don't blame me, cause you asked for it.

  14. 他对上司不礼貌是自讨苦吃。

    He cut his own throat by being nasty to the boss.

  15. 你为什么无缘无故地自讨苦吃呢?

    How can you get so hung about practically nothing?

  16. 不要埋怨他了, 是你自讨苦吃!

    Don't complain about him, you asked for it!

  17. 希望下次他不自讨苦吃。

    Let's hope he gets it right next time.

  18. 你再上诉, 那简直就是自讨苦吃。

    In appealing the case again, you will just be kicking against the pricks.

  19. 你在上诉,那简直就是自讨苦吃。

    In appealing the case again, you will just be kicking against the pricks.

  20. 你自讨苦吃可别指望我来帮你。

    Don't expect me to get you out of your scrapes.

  21. 她所做的这些调查只是自讨苦吃。

    She is asking for trouble with all the inquiries she is making.

  22. 如果你在雾里登山, 你是在自讨苦吃。

    If you climb mountains in misty weather youre really asking for trouble.

  23. 如果你想辞职, 那么你就是在自讨苦吃

    If you want to quit, you just ride for a fall

  24. 哦罗斯, 宝贝你别再自讨苦吃了!

    Oh ross, honey you gotta stop torturing yourself!

  25. 如果你在雾天去爬山,你是在自讨苦吃。

    If you climb mountain in fog, you are asking for it.

  26. 女人杨花水性,信赖她们,那真是自讨苦吃。

    Woe to him who yields himself to the unstable heart of woman!

  27. 生气并说刻薄话, 最后只会自讨苦吃。

    Getting angry and using harsh language will only cause trouble to oneself in the long run.

  28. 现在我才觉得奇怪,为什么要那样自讨苦吃呢。

    I wonder, now, why it hurt.

  29. 这不安全并且让人羞愧, 他们真是自讨苦吃。

    This is disgraceful and insecure they were asking for it.

  30. 说正经的,你那样做可真要自讨苦吃了。

    Seriously though, you could really hurt yourself doing that.


  1. 问:自讨苦吃拼音怎么拼?自讨苦吃的读音是什么?自讨苦吃翻译成英文是什么?

    答:自讨苦吃的读音是zìtǎokǔchī,自讨苦吃翻译成英文是 to ask for trouble; to bring trouble upon ones...



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