


1. 风 [fēng]2. 风 [fěng]风 [fēng]空气流动的现象。气象学特指空气在水平方向的流动:~向。~速。~级。~险。~波(喻纠纷或乱子)。~雨如磐(a.指风雨不断,天色黑暗,给人以重压的感觉;b.喻社会黑暗或境地艰难)。~花……





汉语拼音:fēng shuāng








  1. 风和霜。《后汉书·卢植传论》:“风霜以别草木之性,危乱而见贞良之节。” 唐 杜审言 《赠苏味道》诗:“雨雪关山暗,风霜草木稀。” 陈毅 《冬夜杂咏·秋菊》:“本性能耐寒,风霜其奈何?”

  2. 比喻艰难辛苦。《北齐书·文襄帝纪》:“犯危履难,岂避风霜。”《二刻拍案惊奇》卷二一:“随行两个家人,一个叫做 王恩 ,一个叫做 王惠 。多是经歷风霜、惯走江湖的人。” 杨朔 《香山红叶》:“但是从你脸上密密的纹路里,猜得出你是个久经风霜的人。”

  3. 比喻峻厉严肃的内容。《西京杂记》卷三:“ 淮南王 安 著《鸿烈》二十一篇……自云:‘字中皆挟风霜。’”《南齐书·崔祖思传》:“故以教化比雨露,名法方风霜。”

  4. 比喻高洁坚贞的节操。《晋书·列女传赞》:“操洁风霜,誉流邦国。” 南朝 梁 刘孝标 《辩命论》:“故 季路 学於 仲尼 ,厉风霜之节。” 清 姚鼐 《旌表贞节大姐六十寿序》:“吾尝閲 归熙甫 作 顾文康 之女寿序,言其家隆盛,能以艷阳桃李之年,而有冰雪风霜之操。”

  5. 比喻变迁的岁月。

    汉 枚乘 《忘忧馆柳赋》:“弱丝清管,与风霜而共雕。” 唐 沉佺期 《游少林寺》诗:“雁塔风霜古,龙池岁月深。” 宋 林逋 《洞霄宫》诗:“风霜 唐 碣久,草木 汉 祠空。” 明 梅鼎祚 《玉合记·赐完》:“故人相向,还忆别几度风霜。”《东北人民抗日诗词选·追悼冯志刚同志》:“国土沦丧,人命草菅苦备尝;八载风霜, 黑水 波涛如泪浆。”

  6. 指御史之职。

    唐 杜甫 《入衡州》诗:“扶颠待柱石,独坐飞风霜。” 仇兆鳌 注引 赵汸 曰:“风霜,御史之任。”《文献通考·职官五三》:“御史臺, 龙朔 二年改为宪臺,门北闢,主阴杀也,故御史为风霜之任。弹纠不法,百寮震恐,官之雄峻,莫之比焉。” 明 沉鲸 《双珠记·与珠觅珠》:“枫陛新瞻天仗,兰臺入手风霜。”



  1. Rattan left perseverance, suffering, struggle. 1300 the wind snow and rain, to turn it into a tree, turn, become fine.


  2. Mom, Dad, now I know. So no matter what happens, please let me go through it with both of you hand in hand. I'm always here with you. . .


  3. Through the dark clouds, after suffering frustrations, our motherland, the mother river of the years, step by step, the difficult tune.


  4. A kind of smile came out of her tears as the lines in her tested face told me all that I needed to know.


  5. A week later, the second young man also returned. He looked terribly weary and his face was weather-beaten.


  6. The buttresses of the Great Wall have been through years of harsh weather.


  7. Not to control the wind after the rain and snow, let us first wheat ground into flour, bake a sweet-smelling bread.


  8. So we need friends, we need to accompany us through the wind, frost, rain and snow people.


  9. Fengshuang Grounding the history of a nation's Ao Gu Zheng-Zheng, years of rain and snow forged this nation's indomitable Hunling.


  1. 风霜伴我行

    Hardships Accompanies Me in Journey

  2. 历经风霜雪雨

    Through the wind and the chill and the rain.

  3. 几度沧海桑田, 几度风霜雨雪。

    Several vibrant several wind rain and snow.

  4. 风霜雨露使岩石分化。

    The rocks are disintegrated by frost and rain.

  5. 我脸上汇尽风霜。

    Being full of hardships of a journey on my face.

  6. 在宁静的隆冬, 风霜簌飒飒

    In the bleak midwinter, frost wind made moan,

  7. 祝福你那一片风霜的白头!

    But blessings on your frosty pow

  8. 他年事已高,经不起风霜雨雪了。

    You are too old to endure harsh weather.

  9. 爱你渐衰的脸上愁苦的风霜。

    And loved the sorrows of you changing face.

  10. 张骞杖节而来,一脸风霜。

    Zhang Qian came here by holding a cane, with a weather beaten face.

  11. 不经风霜苦, 哪得梅花香。

    You can hardly gain your ends without making constant efforts.

  12. 没有风霜雨血得考验哪有铮铮得傲骨?

    Where doesnt have wind and frost rain bloods test to have clank the lofty character?

  13. 没有风霜雨血的考验哪有铮铮的傲骨?

    Where doesnt have wind and frost rain bloods test to have clank the lofty character?

  14. 尽管冬天严寒, 玫瑰丛仍然傲立风霜。

    Despite the hard winter, the rose is still alive.

  15. 青年饱经忧患,老来不畏风霜。

    If one had experienced great hardships and sorrow in youth, one would not be daunted by storms and frost in old age.

  16. 这所小屋四面都受到风霜雨雪的侵袭。

    The house was exposed to the elements on al sides.

  17. 娇弱的植物必须妥为保护以避免风霜的侵袭。

    Delicate plants must be protected from and frost.

  18. 就是这座古城的城墙也饱经历史风霜。

    The very walls of the old city are full of history.

  19. 娇弱的兰花应被妥善照顾以防风霜的侵袭。

    The delicate orchid should be protected from cold, wind and frost.

  20. 历史的车轮碾过岁月的风霜, 脚步已渐渐地远去。

    The wheel of history over the years have gone by, windfrost.

  21. 这些长城上得垛堞, 已经经受了多年岁月风霜得洗礼。

    The buttresses of the Great Wall have been through years of harsh weather.

  22. 这些长城上的垛堞,已经经受了多年岁月风霜的洗礼。

    The buttresses of the Great Wall have been through years of harsh weather.

  23. 这些长城上的垛堞,已经经受了多年岁月风霜的洗礼。

    The buttresses of the Great Wall have been through years of harsh weather.

  24. 感谢泥土和风霜,使我增添了迎接挑战的信心和毅力!

    For earth, that I add frost, and the challenge of confidence and persistence!

  25. 从此以后,无论怎样的风霜雨雪,我都不会再有畏惧。

    From then on, regardless of how wind and frost sleet, may I all not be afraid.

  26. 此情难留,纤影远去,惆怅飘送一季的风霜。

    This situation is difficult to stay, fiber film away, melancholy drift to send season's wind and frost.

  27. 我看到风霜雨雪袭击下依然发芽、生长且充满勃勃生机的生命。

    I see sprouting, crawling, flying life, undeterred by weather.

  28. 面孔黝黑,满脸风霜的工人跟在他们的经理人旁边走下飞机。

    Swarthy, weatherbeaten workmen disembark alongside managers clutching laptop computers, briefcases, even copies of the Financial Times newspaper.


  1. 问:风霜拼音怎么拼?风霜的读音是什么?风霜翻译成英文是什么?

    答:风霜的读音是fēngshuāng,风霜翻译成英文是 wind and frost—hardships of a journey or in one...




拼音: fēng shuāng释义:(1)指岁月变迁。沈佺期《游少林寺》诗:“雁塔风霜古,龙池岁月深。”(2)指艰难困苦。《聊斋志异·王成》:“王生平未历风霜,委顿不堪。”(3)指法纪的严肃。《齐书·崔祖思传》:“教化比雨露,名法方风霜。”饱经风霜bǎo jīng fēng shuāng

