







汉语拼音:yú mù






  1. 对美好的赞叹。

    《诗·周颂·维天之命》:“维天之命,於穆不已。”《汉书·司马迁传》:“ 汉 兴已来,至明天子……受命於穆清,泽流罔极,海外殊俗重译款塞,请来献见者,不可胜道。” 颜师古 注:“於,叹辞也;穆,美也。言天子有美德而政化清也。”《魏书·宗钦传》:“於穆吾子,含贞藉茂,如彼松竹,陵霜擢秀。” 清 魏源 《默觚上·学篇十四》:“耄而德业愈巍奂,卒能归根復命于於穆之天。”



  1. Forces loyal to Muammar Qaddafi won control of rebel towns in Libya's east and west.


  1. 穆尔则热衷于技术。

    Moore was avid in technology.

  2. 珠穆朗玛峰高耸于周围群山之上。

    Jolmo Lungman dominates over all surrounding mountains.

  3. 穆沙拉夫于1964年开始他的军事生涯。

    Musharraf began his military career in 1964.

  4. 穆沙拉夫于1964年开始他得军事生涯。

    Musharraf began his military career in 1962.

  5. 穆沙拉夫于昨日辞职,因此无须面对弹劾。

    He resigned yesterday rather than face a probable impeachment trial.

  6. 但穆里尼奥不会沉迷于鲜花和掌声中。

    Mourinho will not be sitting back on his laurels though.

  7. 相对于珠穆朗玛峰,奥林匹斯山有多巨大。

    relative to Mount Everest.

  8. 相反, 他们热衷于知道穆里尼奥将在哪里观看比赛。

    Instead, they are obsessed with where Mourinho watches the game.

  9. 登山者于昨日早晨登上珠穆朗玛峰得顶峰。

    The climbers reached the summit of Mount Everest yesterday morning.

  10. 登山者于昨日早晨登上珠穆朗玛峰的顶峰。

    The climbers reached the summit of Mount Everest yesterday morning.

  11. 穆里尼奥把自己定位于一个外交官, 而不是敌人。

    Jose Mourinho has not made himself out as a diplomat, rather the opposite.

  12. 穆迪一直自豪于研究的可观性并不令人惊讶。

    That Mr Moody is constantly being upstaged by the subject of his study is not surprising.

  13. 穆迪一直自豪于研究得可观性并不令人惊讶。

    That Mr Moody is constantly being upstaged by the subject of his study is not surprising.

  14. 此次胜利后不久,穆罕默德于632年在麦地那去世。

    Mohammed died in Medina soon after this victory,in 632.

  15. 它们清楚载于古兰经内以及穆罕默德先知的传统中。

    They are clearly embodied in the Koran and the traditions of the Prophet Mohammed.

  16. 这只雌性阿穆尔豹出生于德国莱比锡的一间动物园。

    This female Amur leopard cub was born at a zoo in Leipzig, Germany.

  17. 在穆斯科克斯杂岩体中,铬铁矿矿层仅产于长石质橄榄岩中。

    The chromite deposits in the Muskox Complex occur only in feldspathic peridotite.

  18. 巴博总统接受了于10月11日在亚穆苏克罗举行会议的邀请。

    President Gbagbo accepted the invitation for11 October in Yamoussoukro.

  19. 书写于此,我发现自己和穆兰的关系更像是两个室友。

    It was autumn, over two years ago, and writing about it now I see that Mulan and I interacted much like two roommates.

  20. 拉莫内特酒庄最早建立于19世纪,归管于夏穆鲁家族近100年。

    Chateau Ramonet was first established in the 19th century, run by the Charmolues for nearly 98 years.

  21. 当穆巴拉克于三日之后决定发表演讲时,似乎为时太晚。

    By the time Mr Mubarak decided to speak, three days later, it seemed too late to turn the tide.

  22. 假如你知道地球的最高点珠穆朗玛峰海拔2.9万英尺,你也许会合理地推测到地球的最低点大概接近于这个距离。

    If you know that Earth's highest point Mount Everest, is 29,000 feet, you might reasonably conclude that its lowest point would be close to the same distance.

  23. 但那只独栖于肃穆的半身雕像上的乌鸦只说了

    But the Raven, sitting lonely on the placid bust, spoke only