







汉语拼音:huǎng bào







  1. 假造事实报告。越剧《二度梅》第二场:“ 彩环 ,你谎报有功,老爷赏你银子五两,快去请夫人、公子、小姐前来。” 刘绍棠 《鹧鸪天》五:“奴役劳动,形式主义,谎报高产,是他们的三大法宝,就是不顾社员死活。”



  1. Back in the attorney-client visitation room, Lincoln is livid that evidence of a fake phone call isn't enough for a stay of execution.


  2. While admitting that this forecast was somewhat uncertain, the scientists warned against treating it as a cry wolf.


  3. So it is rather easy to spoof the origin of a complaint, while giving Facebook and the accused no chance for a direct rejoinder.


  4. There is no excuse for concealment, falsely report, drag, ready to accept the safety leadership instruction.


  5. Right. The simplest explanation is she's a 40-year old lying about her age. Maybe an actress trying to hang on.


  6. The company's expiring contract, MaoNa to keep position misstated pregnant, task of Lin had to be talented company fired.


  7. At the time, I believe the Union had an official cutoff age of 18 for soldiers, but that was often flouted and people often lied.


  8. SARAH: I remember one woman died because she lied about her weight. They set the equipment for a lighter person, and she hit the ground.


  9. Andy: "Son, you just go back to bed, and stop crying wolf. "


  1. 谎报的货物

    goods wrongfully declared.

  2. 她谎报年龄。

    She lies about her age

  3. 谎报货物数量

    False declaration of the quantity of cargo

  4. 据报或谎报

    submit no or false report.

  5. 严禁谎报火警。

    It is strictly prohibited to make false reporting of fire.

  6. 她谎报了年龄。

    She'd lied about her age.

  7. 谎报资料可以论罪。

    Giving false informationis a punishable offence.

  8. 她谎报自己的年龄。

    She lied about her age.

  9. 谎报案件问题探析

    A Probe into the Untruly Reporting Case

  10. 她谎报自己的国籍。

    She storied about her nationality.

  11. 所以,他们喜欢谎报身高。

    So they lie about their height.

  12. 谎报险情,制造混乱的。

    Making false reports of dangerous situations and fomenting chaos.

  13. 未经申报或谎报的货物

    Undeclared or wrongfully declared cargo

  14. 他为了参军谎报了年龄。

    He lied about his age to join the army.

  15. 学校向教育厅谎报实事。

    It misrepresented facts to the Ministry.

  16. 谎报统计数字捞取政治好处

    distort statistics for political gain

  17. 阻拦报火警或者谎报火警的。

    Those who obstruct fire alarm reporting or make false report on fire disaster.

  18. 我听了这个谎报,大为发火。

    I was angry at that false report.

  19. 你不仅失败了,还谎报功劳。

    Not only your failure, but now the report of success.

  20. 政府被指责谎报了失业人数。

    The government was accused of massaging the unemployment figures.

  21. 也有几起谎报火警的现象。

    There are also a few fake fire alarms.

  22. 这不是谎报,真的发生了火警。

    It wasn't a hoax, there really was a fire.

  23. 他16岁时谎报年龄加入了陆军。

    Hed lied about his age when he joined the army at16.

  24. 有人问起时,他就会谎报年龄。

    If asked, he lies about his age.

  25. 不报, 谎报事故罪的理解与适用

    Comprehension and Application of the Unreported and Concealed Accident Crime

  26. 你向他们谎报资历是很不老实的。

    It was very dishonest of you to lie to them about your qualifications.

  27. 我一辈子都在与谎报身高的男人打交道。

    All my life I have been dealing with guys who lie about their height.

  28. 法庭判定另外一项谎报财产的罪名不成立。

    The Court cleared him of a separate charge that he falsely declared his assets.

  29. 这个传闻本身就是亚美尼亚人有意虚构的谎报。

    The story itself was a canard deliberately invented by the Armenians.

  30. 近五分之一的女性甚至会谎报自己的感情状态。

    Almost one in five women even lied about their relationship status.


  1. 问:谎报拼音怎么拼?谎报的读音是什么?谎报翻译成英文是什么?

    答:谎报的读音是huǎngbào,谎报翻译成英文是 to make a false report about; canard

  2. 问:谎报收益拼音怎么拼?谎报收益的读音是什么?谎报收益翻译成英文是什么?

    答:谎报收益的读音是huǎng bào shōu yì,谎报收益翻译成英文是 false returns

  3. 问:谎报险情拼音怎么拼?谎报险情的读音是什么?谎报险情翻译成英文是什么?

    答:谎报险情的读音是huǎng bào xiǎn qíng,谎报险情翻译成英文是 misreport of perils

  4. 问:谎报军情罪拼音怎么拼?谎报军情罪的读音是什么?谎报军情罪翻译成英文是什么?

    答:谎报军情罪的读音是huǎngbàojūnqíngzuì,谎报军情罪翻译成英文是 crime of making false reports about military si...