




1. 相 [xiāng]2. 相 [xiàng]相 [xiāng]交互,行为动作由双方来:互~。~等。~同。~识。~传(chuán )。~符。~继。~间(jiàn )。~形见绌。~得益彰(两者互相配合,更加显出双方的长处)。动作由一方来而有……



汉语拼音:jiāo xiāng






  1. 互相。

    《诗·小雅·角弓》:“不令兄弟,交相为瘉。” 孔颖达 疏:“其不善之人於兄弟则无恩义,唯交更相詬病而已。”《南史·儒林传·司马筠》:“经传互文,交相显发,则知慈加之义,通乎大夫以上矣。” 清 李渔 《闲情偶寄·器玩·位置》:“凡作牕櫺门扇,皆同其宽窄而异其体裁,以便交相更替。”



  1. The colors of the suite are aqua blue, paired with leather in the men's salon and a warm persimmon shade for the women's salon.


  2. The increase in its output in the early part of the decade matched the growth in demand from China and India almost barrel for barrel.


  3. So often pages, and I will like turning back to that everyone "photograph kui thief" of the numerous troubled times.


  4. Sanitary and phytosanitary measures shall not be applied in a manner which would constitute a disguised restriction on international trade.


  5. Other characteristics are a call and response between the soloist and the chorus, and an especially tense vocal sound.


  6. The moonlight danced in our cups, reflecting in the dark, playing tag with the candlelight that was dancing in our eyes.


  7. Most critical is the fact that gronhi good let hetian printing to the veterans are around the praise.


  8. As a boy I witnessed the intercommunal rioting that followed the partition of India into the separate countries of India and Pakistan.


  9. We have endlessly explained, the US government is not a dictatorship. Many opinions and many voices come into play.


  1. 正交相三氧化钨

    orthorhombic tungsten trioxide

  2. 红楼翠竹交相掩映。

    The red buildings and green bamboos set each other off.

  3. 偏移正交相移键控

    Quadrature Amplitude Modulation

  4. 镜子交相辉映,看不到尽头。

    These mirrors go glimmering away into infinity.

  5. 差分正交相移健控

    DQPSK. Differential quadrature phase shift keying.

  6. 雪山和蓝天交相辉映, 分外美丽。

    The snow mountains look extremely elegant against the blue sky.

  7. 光差分正交相移键控

    optical DQPSK

  8. 正交相干检波的误差分析

    Error Analysis of the Quadrature Coherent Detection

  9. 复正交矩阵的实正交相抵标准形

    Real Orthogonal Equivalence Canonical Form of Complex Orthogonal Matrix

  10. 湖光山色交相辉映,这样的风景真是太美了。

    The scenery of the lake shineds that of the mountain. How beautiful the view is!

  11. 湖光山色交相辉映,这样的风景真是太美了。

    The scenery of the lake shineds that of the mountain. How beautiful the view is!

  12. 明媚温暖的白天和清澈而凉爽的夜晚交相更替。

    Bright warm days follow clear cool nights.

  13. 钟楼得鼓楼交相辉映, 使古城西安更加美丽壮观。

    With the two towers rivaling each other, the ancient city of Xian is even more beautiful and spectacular than ever before.

  14. 钟楼的鼓楼交相辉映,使古城西安更加美丽壮观。

    With the two towers rivaling each other, the ancient city of Xian is even more beautiful and spectacular than ever before.

  15. 合奏时,各种乐器一起敲击,交相呼应,起伏跌宕。

    At the other rime of ensemble, all the instruments are played together echoing each other.

  16. 她在父母的交相指责下,气得满脸通红。

    Her face flushed with anger under the cross fire of her parents.

  17. 它们与其他装饰物品交相辉映,共同美化您的生活。

    They another beauty with other decoration goods, beautifies your life together.

  18. 与你的双手交相执握, 伴着你一起垂垂老去。

    I will grip your hand and remain together with you to a ripe old age.

  19. 黑色的主色调与边框的银色交相辉映,让人记忆深刻。

    The black main tone and frame's silver another beauty, lets the human remember profoundly.

  20. 基于多相滤波的数字中频正交相干检波系统

    Digital Intermediate Frequency Quadrature Coherent Detection System Based on Polyphase Filtering

  21. 黑色得主色调与边框得银色交相辉映, 让人记忆深刻。

    The black main tone and frame's silver another beauty, lets the human remember profoundly.

  22. 宗教与艺术有着彼此交融和交相为用的关系。

    Religion and art has the relation of amalgamation from each other.

  23. 那幢洁白的建筑与周围葱翠的松木交相辉映, 令人赏心悦目。

    The white building contrasts pleasantly with the green pines round about.

  24. 上嵌215颗红宝石更与金色交相辉映,最适合个性的女孩佩戴。

    Gem and sweetmeats are to live kind of extravagant part, the people that entice all enjoys the happiness of life.

  25. 水灾与自然环境变迁交相作用,将里下河引入赤贫的深渊。

    Consequently the change of natural environment from lagoon to level farmland was completed in Lixia Riverbasin.

  26. 它们全部彼此交相连结在一起,并将这个薄膜拉进细胞中。

    They all interlock with each other, and they pull this membrane down into the cell.


  1. 问:交相辉映拼音怎么拼?交相辉映的读音是什么?交相辉映翻译成英文是什么?

    答:交相辉映的读音是jiāoxiānghuīyìng,交相辉映翻译成英文是 to enhance each other's beauty; to shine upo...