


不,不是:~凡。~法。~分(fèn )。~礼。~但。~同小可。啼笑皆~。不对,过失:痛改前~。文过饰~。习~成是(对于某些错的事情习惯了,反认为是对的)。与“不”呼应,表示必须(有时后面没有“不”字):我~看这本书。责怪,反对:~难(nàn……


1. 同 [tóng]2. 同 [tòng]同 [tóng]一样,没有差异;相~。~一(a.一致,统一;b.共同的一个或一种)。~侪(同辈)。~庚(同岁)。~年。~胞。~人(a.在同一单位工作的人;b.同行业的人)。~仁(同人)。~仇敌忾。……




1. 可 [kě]2. 可 [kè]可 [kě]允许:许~。认~。宁~。能够:~见。~能。~以。不~思议。值得,认为:~怜。~悲。~亲。~观。~贵。~歌~泣。适合:~身。~口。~体。尽,满:~劲儿干。大约:年~二十。“潭中鱼~百许头”。表示……



汉语拼音:fēi tóng xiǎo kě








  • 【解释】:小可:寻常的。指情况严重或事情重要,不能轻视。
  • 【出自】:元·孟汉卿《魔合罗》第三折:”萧令史,我与你说,人命事关天关地,非同小可!”
  • 【示例】:进了郑家门,这一惊~,只见郑老爹两眼哭得通红。
  • 【语法】:动宾式;作谓语、定语;指事关重大


  1. Needless to say, it is a tremendous experience for the soldier to be able to cry out his sorrows to a host of sympathetic listeners.


  2. The old man, happening in course of time to look that way, at length chanced to see him to his unbounded astonishment.


  3. To an English artist, still without a national gallery, the impact of viewing such a collection cannot be underestimated.


  4. If I were a medical man, I should prescribe a holiday to any patient who considered his work important.


  5. The new research also showed that: Regular consumption of red wine, has no small significance to the human body.


  6. Since the US was the epicentre of the financial crisis, the relatively small decline in output is remarkable.


  7. After all, Islamic resistance to westernization is not a new phenomenon, though it has taken on a new and potentially cataclysmic dimension.


  8. The transformation that has occurred in the women themselves is not the least important.


  9. it is a tremendous thing , this question of the eastern front.


  1. 这种指控非同小可。

    This is a serious accusation.

  2. 这是非同小可的成就。

    This is no small accomplishment.

  3. 这件事非同小可。

    Too much depends on this now.

  4. 这件事非同小可。

    Too much depends on this now.

  5. 这就非同小可了。

    And this is very critical stuff.

  6. 这次会议非同小可。

    This was no ordinary meeting.

  7. 但是这个敌人非同小可。

    But this foe is unlike any other.

  8. 你必须知道这事非同小可

    You must know what a big deal this is.

  9. 杀死10万人非同小可。

    It is not inconsequential to kill 100,000 people.

  10. 我认为这种威胁非同小可。

    I take this threat very seriously.

  11. 这一情况的含义是非同小可的。

    The implications of this are enormous.

  12. 这在当时可是非同小可的标志。

    This was a mark of high distinction at the time.

  13. 这件事非同小可,不能轻举妄动。

    This is no trivial matter; make no move without careful thought.

  14. 填报升学志愿非同小可, 要慎重考虑。

    Filling in a college application form is no trivial matter, you must consider it carefully.

  15. 这件事非同小可,我们一定要抗议!

    This is no trivial matter; we must raise our voices against it.

  16. 东线的问题,是一件非同小可的事情。

    It is a tremendous thing, this question of the eastern front.

  17. 这件事非同小可,必须赶快向领导汇报。

    This is not a trivial thing, you have to report it to your boss immediately.

  18. 这件事非同小可,必须赶快向领导汇报。

    This is not a trivial thing, you have to report it to your boss immediately.

  19. 妇女本身所起的变化也非同小可。

    The transformation that has occurred in the women themselves is not the least important.

  20. 但和男人外出过夜对我来说非同小可。

    But going to a hotel with a man is a big deal to me.

  21. 谢谢,为了我的性生活和谐 你的功劳非同小可。

    Thanks. You'll never know What you've done for my sex life.

  22. 人们意识到1950年快来了 这一年可能非同小可啊

    People realized that 1948 was going to happen, and it could be big.

  23. 这点可是非同小可,因为她是个虔诚的天主教徒

    which is actually saying something because she's a devout Catholic.

  24. 在解决气候变化问题中,伙伴关系作用非同小可。

    The role of partnership in addressing climate change is significant.

  25. 毫无疑问, 在他自己眼中, 他得命运是非同小可得。

    Doubtless his lot is important in his own eyes.

  26. 要成为一个神憎鬼厌的人物,要有非同小可的才干。

    It requites no small talents to be a decided bore.

  27. 学会采行这四大步骤的人,都可以得到非同小可的回馈。

    Here is a magnificent reward for all who learn to take these four steps.

  28. 这些压力非同小可, 且这两个因素也都曾被公开讨论过。

    These pressures are serious, and both are discussed publicly.

  29. 由于这笔损失非同小可, 我们要求你们迅速补偿短卸的货物。

    Since the loss is not negligible, we request that you make up the shortlanded goods promptly.

  30. 玩笑归玩笑,这些事对一个东道主国家确实非同小可。

    All kidding aside, these aren't small matters for a host country.


  1. 问:非同小可拼音怎么拼?非同小可的读音是什么?非同小可翻译成英文是什么?

    答:非同小可的读音是fēitóngxiǎokě,非同小可翻译成英文是 no small matter


非同小可:指情况严重或事情重要,不能轻视。 也指人的学问,本领不同寻常。小可:寻常的。指情况严重或事情重要,不能轻视。出 处: 元·关汉卿《魔合罗》第三折:“萧令史,我与你说,人命事关天关地,非同小可!”