







汉语拼音:bìng ruò







  1. 患病而衰弱。

    巴金 《灭亡》第十二章:“他明白这样的热辩、这样的愤怒只能戕害他底病弱的身体。”



  1. And behold , there was a woman who had a spirit of infirmity eighteen years, and she was bent double and could not stand erect at all .


  2. Some time later, the young man, looking white and ill, came out again and called Jerry, so we went across the road.


  3. Gentlemen of the jury, a man's dog stands by him in prosperity and in poverty, in health and sickness.


  4. The government's political opponents have been calling for concrete evidence that the ailing president is still fit enough to rule.


  5. Because you thrusted with sides and shoulders, and struck all the weak cattle with your horns, till they were scattered abroad.


  6. If you guessed, "unleash a hard-kill pandemic that takes out a significant portion of the weak or sick people" then you guessed right.


  7. The horrible ugliness of this exposure of a sick and guilty heart to the very eye that would gloat over it!


  8. She was the solitary companion of a sick father.


  9. And was that why she always chose the weak ones in the first place?


  1. 病弱者饮食

    invalid diet.

  2. 使病弱使体质上无力

    To incapacitate physically.

  3. 她照看病弱的母亲。

    She looks after her invalid mother.

  4. 长期酗酒的、病弱的等。

    A chronic alcoholic, invalid, etc.

  5. 他帮助照看他病弱的祖父。

    He helps to look after his grandfather who is an invalid.

  6. 她病弱娇嫩,吃不了苦。

    She was delicate and refined and unused to hardship.

  7. 她病弱娇嫩,吃不了苦。

    She was delicate and refined and unused to hardship.

  8. 她是病弱的父亲的唯一伴侣。

    She was the solitary companion of a sick father.

  9. 是病弱的伯父我们的领导是活动。

    Wan Uncle was still our leader this activity.

  10. 他是个病弱之人,需要护士照顾。

    He is an invalid and has to have a nurse.

  11. 又或者他们会变得病弱,翅膀凋萎?

    Will they grow wan and weak, with withered flanks and shrunken wings?

  12. 他的对他的病弱的妻子的照顾,使他感到孤独。

    His devotion to his sick wife dawned on him a lonely existence.

  13. 他拖着病弱之躯还坚持帮助别人。

    Although he is sick, he still insists on helping others.

  14. 又差遣他们去宣扬神的国,医治病弱的。

    And he sent them to proclaim the kingdom of God and to heal the sick.

  15. 当寒冷的季节来到时,那些病弱的人易于感冒

    Those who be delicate in health be liable to catch cold when the cold season set in

  16. 咯吱作响的门最耐久。病弱者往往长命。

    Creaking doors hang the longest.

  17. 如果未被给予适当的尊重, 它将病弱和消亡。

    When not treated with reasonable respect it will sicken and die.

  18. 对普通高校病弱学生开设康复保健课的研究

    The Research into Giving Physical Education of the Rehabilitation and Health Care to Invalid Students at Colleges

  19. 圣者,因你的名垂顾并医治我们的病弱。

    O Holy One, visit and heal our infirmities, for Thy Name's sake.

  20. 那就是她为什么总是先选择那些病弱的人的理由吗?

    And was that why she always chose the weak ones in the first place?

  21. 几天前我们偶尔相识,我曾为他病弱的身体祷告。

    A few days earlier we ran into each other and I had prayed for his health.

  22. 每年秋天,村民们都要挑出畜群里的病弱杀掉。

    Each autumn, the villagers will cull the sick members of the herd.

  23. 这小伙子用自己大量的业余时间来为病弱的老年人做事。

    The lad gives his spare time freely to help the weak and sick old people.

  24. 他决定通过锻炼和重体力劳动来克服体质的病弱。

    He decided to overcome his physical weaknesses through exercise and hard work.

  25. 多数犹太妇女在她这个年龄段的时候, 早已是病弱膏肓。

    Most Jewish women of her age were sickly and weak.

  26. 我不知道她是如何继续挑起照料她那病弱母亲的重担的。

    I don't know how she continues to bear up under the strain of having to look after her invalid mother.

  27. 精细、壮而瘦高的史蒂芬放出光滑的陷阱,来诱捕六条病弱如丝的蛇。

    Strict strong stringy Stephen Stretch slickly snared six sickly silky snakes.


  1. 问:病弱拼音怎么拼?病弱的读音是什么?病弱翻译成英文是什么?

    答:病弱的读音是bìngruò,病弱翻译成英文是 Weak because of illness.

  2. 问:病弱的拼音怎么拼?病弱的的读音是什么?病弱的翻译成英文是什么?

    答:病弱的的读音是,病弱的翻译成英文是 crazy

  3. 问:病弱者拼音怎么拼?病弱者的读音是什么?病弱者翻译成英文是什么?

    答:病弱者的读音是,病弱者翻译成英文是 weakling

  4. 问:病弱的人拼音怎么拼?病弱的人的读音是什么?病弱的人翻译成英文是什么?

    答:病弱的人的读音是,病弱的人翻译成英文是 valetudinarian



【拼音】bìng ruò

【注音】ㄅㄧㄥˋ ㄖㄨㄛˋ


【解释】 [valetudinarian] 体弱多病者的,或与之有关的,有其特点的。世界上所缺少的是健康的道德,而不是病弱的道德