






1. 而 [ér]而 [ér]古同“尔”,代词,你或你的:“~翁归,自与汝复算耳”。连词(a.表平列,如“多~杂”。b.表相承,如“取~代之”。c.表递进,如“~且”。d.表转折,如“似是~非”。e.连接肯定和否定表互为补充,如“浓~不烈”……





汉语拼音:fēng yōng ér zhì








  • 【解释】:像一窝蜂似地一拥而来。形容很多人乱哄哄地朝一个地方聚拢。
  • 【出自】:清·李汝珍《镜花缘》第二十六回:“徐承志等他去远,刚要回船,前面尘头滚滚,喊声渐近,又来许多草寇。个个头戴浩然巾,手机器械,蜂拥而至。”
  • 【示例】:该处七哨匪徒,不下数十万人,每聚众时,用牛角一吹,无不~。


  1. Such sentiments are shared by at least some of the hundreds of Chinese visitors swarming Hallstatt daily during the summer months.

  2. If just two fighters held up a piece of cloth with "al-Qaeda" on it, he said proudly, American generals would run to the place in swarms.

  3. Flow business is "the side of the boat all banks are running towards, " says Ted Moynihan of Oliver Wyman, a consultancy.

  4. And if the result of Chinese efforts was collapse and a refugee flood across the Yalu, Washington would be prepared to help financially.

  5. Self-belief, at least, was never a problem, and with success as a writer came greater success with women.

  6. it's gonna lose in the long run; and eventually start developing avoidance behavior that if it kills something, the wolves come along. . .

  7. But human resources directors in India and China told us that what was a trickle of returnees a decade ago had become a flood.

  8. But distillers such as Adler finally seem to be making an impact with orders pouring in from all over the world.

  9. Sanlu in to hear the news of bankruptcy throughout the country hundreds of Sanlu flocked to a dealer.


  1. 球迷蜂拥而至。

    The football fans swarmed in.

  2. 病人们蜂拥而至。

    So, a patient can come in and actually blow into their device.

  3. 蜂拥而至的移民

    a wave of immigrants

  4. 公众蜂拥而至观看演出。

    The public have flocked to the show.

  5. 从全球蜂拥而至的捐款。

    And donations were pouring in from all around the world.

  6. 田野里满是蜂拥而至得蝗虫。

    Locusts swarmed over the field.

  7. 田野里满是蜂拥而至的蝗虫。

    Locusts swarmed over the field.

  8. 每天人们都随车流蜂拥而至。

    Everyday people arrive there in a stream of cars and buses.

  9. 机遇在招手,女人们蜂拥而至好莱坞。

    Opportunity beckoned and women flocked to Hollywood.

  10. 天使不敢践踏的地方, 蠢才蜂拥而至。

    For fools rush in where angels fear to tread.

  11. 远近四方得记者蜂拥而至, 采访伦琴。

    From near and far reporters streamed to interview Rontgen.

  12. 远近四方的记者蜂拥而至,采访伦琴。

    From near and far reporters streamed to interview Rontgen.

  13. 大百货商店大减价的时候人们蜂拥而至。

    People pour into big department stores when they have sales.

  14. 人们蜂拥而至瞻望皇室人员外出时的仪仗队。

    People came in flocks to see the royal procession.

  15. 她的突然的悲惨的故去,导致媒体蜂拥而至的采访。

    Her sudden tragic death sparked off a feeding frenzy in the media.

  16. 他们知道警局要关门了,于是就蜂拥而至。

    They knew the station was shutting down and moved in.

  17. 反种族主义团体蜂拥而至,争相把他告上法庭

    Antiracism groups flew to indict her.

  18. 这是蜂拥而至欣赏少林盛况的游客的乐事。

    A delight for tourists to flock to the spectacle and color of shaolin.

  19. 马耳他人已经习惯了陌生游客的蜂拥而至。

    The Maltese are used to strange visitors invading their homeland.

  20. 为了报道这件事情,记者和摄像师蜂拥而至。

    The reporters and cameramen swarmed around the accident like bees around a honey pot.

  21. 总服务台应为大批顾客的蜂拥而至作好准备。

    The front desk must prepare for a surge of arrving guests.

  22. 水手们兴高采烈, 蜂拥而至, 把这两个人围了起来。

    The sailors swarmed into a laughing and cheering ring around the two men.

  23. 红卫兵蜂拥而至, 在此举行仪式批判刘和刘得亲属。

    Red Guards swarmed there for ritual denunciations of Liu and his ilk.

  24. 红卫兵蜂拥而至,在此举行仪式批判刘和刘的亲属。

    Red Guards swarmed there for ritual denunciations of Liu and his ilk.

  25. 这就是那个吸引计算机业界人士蜂拥而至的展览。

    This is the show that attracts computer industry people like bees to a honeypot.

  26. 经营低糖食品可以大敛其财, 于是竞争蜂拥而至。

    Since selling low sugar food can make a big fortune, the competition in the sector is extremely furious.

  27. 广告商蜂拥而至,因为该模式为他们提供了瞬间线索。

    Advertisers have flocked to the model because it gives them instant leads.

  28. 我们在宾馆举行了一个非正式的晚会,人们蜂拥而至。

    We had an informal party at a hotel, and people just flooded in.

  29. 许多女人看到他,就像一群蜜蜂见到蜜那样蜂拥而至。

    So many women swarmed him like bees to the honey.

  30. 推土机刚一启动,伦敦博物馆的考古学家们就蜂拥而至了。

    Barely had the bulldozers started when Museum of London archaeologists swooped.





【拼音】fēng yōng ér zhì

