







汉语拼音:shòu qìng





  1. It is acknowledged as one of the finest football stadiums in the world and was sold out for every first-team game in its opening season.


  2. The cotton bags quickly sold out in London and New York, with hundreds of people lining up for them.


  3. All shows were completely sold out! On the black market tickets were sold for up to 2000 dollar.


  4. Tickets of the concert soon sold out because it was that pop singer's swansong and everyone wanted to be there.


  5. "We are clearing out some inventory, " she said. "When these REOs get sold, then people can start selling their own homes. "


  6. GM's bankers stopped taking orders for the sale on Tuesday afternoon after essentially running out of shares to sell, the person said.


  7. The dress fly off the air will probably sold out by the end of the weekend.


  8. newspaper were sold out on the day these pictures were published.


  9. Economists say inventory would be cleared in about six months in a healthy housing market.


  1. 此书已经售罄。

    The book has gone out of print.

  2. 音乐会票已售罄。

    There is no ticket left for the concert.

  3. 该公寓迅速售罄。

    The apartment had sold out very quickly.

  4. 湿地公园门票售罄

    Wetland Park tickets sold out

  5. 创刊号在出版隔日就售罄。

    Its launch issue was sold out the day after it hit the streets.

  6. 湿地公园三日团体票已售罄

    Wetland Park group tickets for the next three days sold out

  7. 湿地公园星期日团体票已售罄

    Wetland Park group tickets for Sunday sold out

  8. 昨天最早售罄得是动车组得票。

    Yesterday, the bullet train tickets were among the first to be sold out.

  9. 昨天最早售罄的是动车组的票。

    Yesterday, the bullet train tickets were among the first to be sold out.

  10. 售罄, 我能否于政府新闻处补购?

    For those sold out items in ESD, can I purchase them from ISD?

  11. 附近商店里的手电筒,电池 和面包早已售罄

    The stores nearby were out of flashlights and batteries and bread.

  12. 只要刊物还未售罄, 书店仍会补充存货。

    In fact, as long as stocks are still available, the inventory at the Bookstore will also be replenished.

  13. 贵方传真所询商品中有五项已售罄。

    Five of the items enquired for in your fax are sold out.

  14. 本场演出票已售罄,要不您买下一场得?

    Tickets for this show have all sold out. What about buying one for the next show?

  15. 本场演出票已售罄, 要不您买下一场的?

    Tickets for this show have all sold out. What about buying one for the next show?

  16. 本场演出票已售罄,要不您买下一场的?

    Tickets for this show have all sold out. What about buying one for the next show?

  17. 此商品目前已售罄。因此,我们不能向你报价。

    The item is presently sold out.Therefore, we can not send you an offer.

  18. 我们第一个淡黄色,紫色和天蓝色系列已经售罄。

    We sold out of our first run of pistachio, violet and azure blue.

  19. 在使用了传动带的三款中,有两款今年已经售罄。

    Two of the three are already sold out for the year.

  20. 他是这个夏季最火的艺人,每次演出,票都售罄。

    He was the biggest attraction this summer selling out every concert.

  21. 他是这个夏季最火的艺人,每次演出,票都售罄。

    He was the biggest attraction this summer selling out every concert.

  22. 全日空说, 周日上午飞往冈山的航班机票全部售罄。

    The flight to Okayama was sold out on Sunday morning, ANA said.

  23. 总会有一个分配的门票为每个滑冰会议, 直到售罄。

    There will always be an allocation of tickets for each skate session available until sold out.


  1. 问:售罄拼音怎么拼?售罄的读音是什么?售罄翻译成英文是什么?

    答:售罄的读音是shòuqìng,售罄翻译成英文是 To be sold out.



《 售 罄 》是中国首部探索复制地产销售冠军的实战派力著·作者本身是一位有十年经验的资深产人,其历时一年多时间,深入走访,研究广,深两地20余位售楼冠军,首次全面系统地披露房地产销售的经典必杀技·该书以大量翔实一线实战案例深入浅出地介绍了房地产销售过程中的100多个行销技巧,可作为一,二手销售人员培训教材·该书从售楼人员的自我激励,销售准备,看楼谈价,结案成交和新顾客开发以及到老顾客服务等等,都提供众多实用技巧,并通过生动的案例及相关辅助材料让读者易学易用·