







汉语拼音:tíng gōng








  1. 停止工作。

    曹禺 《日出》第二幕:“这楼既然刚盖,最好立刻停工。” 侯宝林 《宽打窄用》:“堆着有什么亏吃?省得停工待料又得我负责。”



  1. It was the only time the N. B. A. had lost games to a labor stoppage.


  2. Yet Honda's workers have achieved this, while three other car factories that rely on the plant's components have had to close as well.


  3. How much downtime did we log last week?


  4. The labor stoppage, commonly known as the strike , is a natural result of tension between labor and management.


  5. Marion Strong wrote me that you were back at home and quite upset that the secretarial position had not turned out well.


  6. These works have been closed since the beginning of this year due to the strike of the workers.


  7. Dump trucks were loaded with construction waste as the site was prepared for a siesta that could last up to six months, if not longer.


  8. The occasion for the citywide shutdown was an event most expect never to see again.


  9. Normally that would lead to temporary seasonal layoffs, which did not show up in the latest figures.


  1. 开停工过程

    Course of starting and stopping.

  2. 直到完全停工

    until they shut down completely.

  3. 这工厂已停工。

    The factory has ceased running.

  4. 停工待工人员

    people who are out of work or waiting for work

  5. 他们终于停工了。

    At last they ceased working.

  6. 别,别发停工通知。

    No,no,don't send out the layoff notices.

  7. 别,别发停工通知。

    No, no, don't send out the layoff notices.

  8. 罢工使工厂停工。

    The strike brought the factory to a standstill.

  9. 工厂将停工三天。

    The mill's closing down for three days.

  10. 小伙子要扫把停工,

    The boy told the broom to stop.

  11. 小伙子要扫把停工。

    The boy told the broom to stop.

  12. 工厂因罢工而停工。

    The plant shutdown for the strike.

  13. 停工时间的会计处理

    Accounting for idle time

  14. 旧工厂将必须停工。

    The old factory will have to close down.

  15. 停工数月的工厂

    factories silent for months

  16. 这个月六个工厂停工。

    Six factory have shut down this month.

  17. 我到六点就停工了。

    I knock off work at six.

  18. 你什么时候停工吃中饭?

    What time do you knock off for lunch?

  19. 汽笛响了, 工人们停工午餐。

    The whistle went and the man knocked off for lunch.

  20. 新塔的建设将会停工。

    The construction of the new tower will be hauled up.

  21. 新塔的建设将会停工。

    The construction of the new tower will be hauled up.

  22. 新塔得建设将会停工。

    The construction of the new tower will be hauled up.

  23. 这些钢厂在星期天不停工。

    These steel works are not closed on Sundays.

  24. 由于外部原因造成的停工时间

    external idle time

  25. 最初的计划是无限期停工。

    The original plan was to hold an indefinite stoppage.

  26. 你需要休息,何不停工两周?

    You need a rest. Why not take a fortnight off from work?

  27. 这一天工作够了, 停工吧。

    Let us call it a day, stop.

  28. 该是停工回家的时候了。

    It was time to pack up and go home.

  29. 他们并没有休息或停工时间。

    They have no recreation or recess in their work.

  30. 关于停工费用索赔问题的处理

    Treatment of Claim Against Shutdown


  1. 问:停工拼音怎么拼?停工的读音是什么?停工翻译成英文是什么?

    答:停工的读音是tínggōng,停工翻译成英文是 cessation of work

  2. 问:停工期拼音怎么拼?停工期的读音是什么?停工期翻译成英文是什么?

    答:停工期的读音是tíng gōng qī,停工期翻译成英文是 down time

  3. 问:停工点拼音怎么拼?停工点的读音是什么?停工点翻译成英文是什么?

    答:停工点的读音是tíng gōng diǎn,停工点翻译成英文是 shutdown point

  4. 问:停工就餐拼音怎么拼?停工就餐的读音是什么?停工就餐翻译成英文是什么?

    答:停工就餐的读音是tíng gōng jiù cān,停工就餐翻译成英文是 out to Lunch

  5. 问:停工待料拼音怎么拼?停工待料的读音是什么?停工待料翻译成英文是什么?

    答:停工待料的读音是tíng gōng dài liào,停工待料翻译成英文是 not Operational Ready Material

  6. 问:停工时期拼音怎么拼?停工时期的读音是什么?停工时期翻译成英文是什么?

    答:停工时期的读音是tíng gōng shí qī,停工时期翻译成英文是 stoppage period

  7. 问:停工时间拼音怎么拼?停工时间的读音是什么?停工时间翻译成英文是什么?

    答:停工时间的读音是tíng gōng shí jiān,停工时间翻译成英文是 time-out

  8. 问:停工期间拼音怎么拼?停工期间的读音是什么?停工期间翻译成英文是什么?

    答:停工期间的读音是tíng gōng qī jiān,停工期间翻译成英文是 lay-off

  9. 问:停工检查拼音怎么拼?停工检查的读音是什么?停工检查翻译成英文是什么?

    答:停工检查的读音是tíng gōng jiǎn chá,停工检查翻译成英文是 shut down inspection

  10. 问:停工时间工资拼音怎么拼?停工时间工资的读音是什么?停工时间工资翻译成英文是什么?

    答:停工时间工资的读音是tíng gōng shí jiān gōng zī,停工时间工资翻译成英文是 idle time pay



词目:停工 读音:tíng gōng 基本解释 [stop work;shut down] 停止工作或生产 停工抢险 详细解释 停止工作。 曹禺 《日出》第二幕:“这楼既然刚盖,最好立刻停工。” 侯宝林 《宽打窄用》:“堆着有什么亏吃?省得停工待料又得我负责。”