







汉语拼音:xiě yì







  1. If you think life to be less than satisfactory, all come at you unsatisfactory thing can appear as the evil spirits so always.


  2. Fashion is always the spirit of the age of impressionism.


  3. So far as means of expressions is concerned, Chinese painting can be divided into two schools: the xieyi school and the gongbi school.


  4. Jane T emergence of Chinese paintings are realistic, impressionistic, after the inevitable result of sophisticated.


  5. A comfortable sofa is put in the home, come home every time above take a rest, eliminate exhaustion of a day, how enjoyable.


  6. Chinese painting heavy expression, stress is " written" , " freehand brushwork" , " I" , shaped to place, in order to express.


  7. Being made of metal, the work tries to express aesthetic appreciation of China's freehand brushwork in modern metal sculpture.


  8. Experience in freehand and computer graphics essential and able to work with colors.


  9. The box packaging, very beautiful. Is the painting of peach, a more elegant. He and I are all greatly!


  1. 写意花鸟画

    Expressive Bird and Flower Painting.

  2. 水墨写意画

    monochrome abbreviated ink work.

  3. 浅谈写意花鸟创作

    How to Paint Freehand Flower and Bird Paintings

  4. 写意花鸟画创作随笔

    Short Notes on Creating the Freehand Brushwork of Flowers and birds

  5. 写意以写实为基础。

    Chinese nonobjective need realistic basis.

  6. 简谈写意水墨画的欣赏

    Appreciation of Chinese Drawing

  7. 论水彩画的写意性

    On Freehand Brushwork of Watercolor Painting

  8. 谈水彩风景画的色彩写意

    The Coloring In Watercolor Painting And Landscape

  9. 谈工笔花鸟画的写意倾向

    Freehand Brush in Fine Flowers and Birds Painting

  10. 文人工笔对写意的影响

    On influences upon scholar fine brushwork to freehand brushwork in traditional Chinese paintings

  11. 青花绘画工艺与国画写意

    Technique of Blue and White Painting and Freehand Brushwork of Chinese Paintings

  12. 新世纪关于写意花鸟画的思考

    About the Freehand Brushwork of Flowers and Birds in the New Era

  13. 浅谈写意山水的意象表现形式

    On the Image Expression Forms of the Freehand Landscape Painting.

  14. 论传统工笔画的写意性

    An Discussion of Free Style Characters of the Traditional Chinese Realistic Painting

  15. 鲜明的色彩,简单的设计,轻松写意。

    Technicolor, simple design, relaxed and enjoyable.

  16. 你看起来不太写意, 你感受何如样?

    You look sick. How a person feeling?

  17. 曾先生的写意花鸟画以简著称。

    Mr Tsang's flower and bird paintings to Jane.

  18. 我更喜欢写意画,尤其是山水画。

    I prefer Xieyi painting, especially the landscape paintings.

  19. 宋元以后,文人画兴起,崇尚写意。

    After the Song Dynasty, literati painting, which emphasizes on conception comes up.

  20. 他以草书入画, 擅长粗笔写意

    His paintings also show the cursive script style in his rough sketches.

  21. 工笔画与写意画视觉差异的感悟

    Thoughts on the Visual Differences between Paintings of Fine Brushwork and Freehand Brushwork

  22. 赋形偏重于绘形, 写意着眼于感悟。

    CS manifests itself in working form, while DM hid in feeling and sentiment.

  23. 你会为自己学会自立感到写意的。

    You'll have the satisfaction of standing on your own two feet.

  24. 写意重彩画中的色彩的理性与个性

    The Rationality and Individuality the of Coloring of Abstract Colored Ink Paintings

  25. 邵保胜玩禅舞,写意六合八法。

    Peter Ziboce demonstrates water boxing in the way of Zen Dance.

  26. 写意人物画的以形传神影响因素研究

    The influential factors of freehand brushwork

  27. 千峰林立,万笏朝天,山山写意,峰峰象形。

    Shiqianfeng Lin, Wan Kwun into the air, freehand Mountain, Fengfeng pictographic.

  28. 宋朝的梁楷, 创立泼墨写意人物画。

    Song dynasty, liankai, Institute Chinese wash ink freehand brushwork character.

  29. 谈谈彩陶纹饰中形象描绘的写意特征

    On the subjective indication character of the image description in the striped ornaments of the colorful earthenware

  30. 写意创作是自然的石块和良好的表面。

    Freehand creations are good for stones and natural looking surfaces.


  1. 问:写意拼音怎么拼?写意的读音是什么?写意翻译成英文是什么?

    答:写意的读音是xiěyì,写意翻译成英文是 freehand brushwork

  2. 问:写意人生拼音怎么拼?写意人生的读音是什么?写意人生翻译成英文是什么?

    答:写意人生的读音是,写意人生翻译成英文是 Life Art


