







汉语拼音:yì zú








  1. 异姓。亦指异姓之人。

    《周礼·春官·小宗伯》:“小敛大敛,帅异族而佐。” 贾公彦 疏:“异族,据姓而言之。”《史记·三王世家》:“古者天子必内有异姓大夫,所以正骨肉也;外有同姓大夫,所以正异族也。” 晋 陆机 《于承明作与士龙》诗:“饮饯岂异族,亲戚弟与兄。”

  2. 指不同于人类的禽兽草木等。

    晋 左思 《蜀都赋》:“水物殊品,鳞介异族;或藏蛟螭,或隐碧玉。” 宋 苏轼 《异鹊》诗:“仁心格异族,两鹊栖其衙。”

  3. 外民族;外国。

    清 邹容 《革命军·绪论》:“汝国中执政者为同胞歟?抑异族歟?” 鲁迅 《坟·摩罗诗力说》:“苟拒异族之军,虽用诈伪,不云非法。”



  1. In an alien gesture of authority, he would often punctuate such calls with a flicker of his long, forked tongue.

  2. You might run into one or two of those types that don't hold with mixed marriages, but I have to say again: we're the children of love.

  3. He said it was impossible to feel rancor toward Denmark, given all of the intermarriage and connections between the countries.

  4. As I got older, I simply dismissed her protectiveness as just one of her many strange, foreign ways.

  5. For that reason, Yahweh has driven away before you many powerful nations: no one was able to stand before your presence.

  6. In some cases it was their religion, or lack of it, that was significant, and they were referred to as pagans, heathen, or gentiles.

  7. Qui-Gon's compassionate nature was such that he took the strange alien under his protection.

  8. Nereus had agreed to this plan, but had no intentions on handing over such a powerful asset to unknown aliens.

  9. His peculiar alien physiology came about to answer the questions raised by his prowess.


  1. 我不反对异族通婚。

    I do not oppose mixed marriage.

  2. 那个女人引起了异族警报。

    The woman set off an alien alarm.

  3. 一个异族通婚的父系氏族

    An exogamous patrilineal clan.

  4. 异族的通婚已越来越被接受。

    Interracial marriages are becoming more accepted.

  5. 他们的国家处在异族统治之下。

    Their country is under foreign rule.

  6. 你对异族通婚是怎么看的?

    What do you think about mixed marriages?

  7. 父母往往不赞成子女们异族通婚。

    The families of both partners in a mixed marriage often disapprove.

  8. 父母往往不赞成子女们异族通婚。

    The families of both partners in a mixed marriage often disapprove.

  9. 朝纲不振。灾难连连。异族入侵。

    The politics are lousy. The Disaster is going on. The riding people are invading.

  10. 对异族的仇恨团结了埃及人。

    Hatred of the foreigners had unified the Egyptians.

  11. 数据还表明异族婚姻呈上升趋势。

    The numbers also demonstrate that intermarriage is on the rise.

  12. 血夜重生孤傲阴美的苍美异族。

    Blood night rebirth aloof and verdant beauty intermarriage Yin beauty.

  13. 人民在异族暴君的统治下受苦受难。

    The people suffered under foreign tyrants.

  14. 异族婚姻在美国西部各州更为普遍。

    Intermarriage is more common in Western states.

  15. 他姐姐与一位异族男子结了婚。

    His sister intermarried with a man of different race.

  16. 我们俩都是异族通婚所生的子女。

    We are both children of racially mixed marriages.

  17. 他有着异族通婚的父母, 一半荷兰一半英国。

    He is of mixed parentage half Dutch, half English.

  18. 这个国家在异族的统治下民穷财尽。

    The country was bled white by her foreign rulers.

  19. 异族婚姻在非洲裔美国人中仍然很少见。

    Exogamy remains much less prevalent among African Americans.

  20. 冲突的双方都指责对方有消灭异族的企图。

    Each side in the conflict accused the other of ethnic cleansing.

  21. 那时候,异族通婚在有些州属于非法行为。

    At the time, interracial marriages were illegal in certain states.

  22. 嗯, 宗教信仰对异族伴侣来说是个大问题。

    Well, religion is a very big problem for mixed couples.

  23. 有些父母对异族男女约会,既不支持,也不舒服。

    Some parents are not supportive and comfortable with interracial dating.

  24. 民族生产力的发展,形成对异族体育文化的接受。

    The development of the national production forces, which brings about the receptionof the different national sport culture.

  25. 这是太子已然继位, 同老长老一样仇视异族。

    This was the crown prince already continues the position, equally was hostile toward with the old elder the alien race.

  26. 对异族, 异地婚配所生子代身高指标的调研

    Research On the Height Index Of The Filial Generation From Marriages Of Different Nationalities And Different Places

  27. 对于异族婚配的伴侣而言,爱是没有肤色之分的。

    For interracial couples, love knows no color.

  28. 犹太人也就成为阿拉伯人征服的第一个异族。

    Thus Jew became the first different race to be conquered by Arab.

  29. 犹太人也就成为阿拉伯人征服得第一个异族。

    Thus Jew became the first different race to be conquered by Arab.

  30. 两千年来,异族通婚一直是犹太人的一大禁忌。

    For two millennia, exogamy was a major Transgression for jews.


  1. 问:异族拼音怎么拼?异族的读音是什么?异族翻译成英文是什么?

    答:异族的读音是yìzú,异族翻译成英文是 a different race or nation; alien races

  2. 问:异族奴役拼音怎么拼?异族奴役的读音是什么?异族奴役翻译成英文是什么?

    答:异族奴役的读音是yì zú nú yì,异族奴役翻译成英文是 Alien Subjugation

  3. 问:异族结婚拼音怎么拼?异族结婚的读音是什么?异族结婚翻译成英文是什么?

    答:异族结婚的读音是yì zú jié hūn,异族结婚翻译成英文是 exogamy

  4. 问:异族通婚拼音怎么拼?异族通婚的读音是什么?异族通婚翻译成英文是什么?

    答:异族通婚的读音是yì zú tōng hūn,异族通婚翻译成英文是 miscegenation



◎ 异族 yìzú   (1) [different surname]∶异姓,亦指异性之人   (2) [different nation or race]∶外民族;不同的种族