


为躲避不利于自己的环境或事物而离开:~跑。~敌。~匿。~遁。~逸。躲开不愿意或不敢接触的事物:~避。~难(nàn )。~汇。~税。~世(避世)。……


跑,逃跑,逃~。奔~。散失:~散。~史。~事。~闻。安闲,安乐:安~。~乐(安乐)。以~待劳。闲情~致。超过一般:超~。~兴(xìng )(超逸豪放的兴致)。~趣。~致。~品(超脱绝俗的艺术品)。~珠(特异的珍珠,喻人的品德)。隐遁:~士(……



汉语拼音:táo yì








  1. 亦作“ 逃佚 ”。逃跑。

    《北史·刘昶传》:“ 暉 ( 刘暉 )推主坠牀,手脚殴蹈,主遂伤胎。 暉 惧罪逃逸。” 宋 司马光 《涑水记闻》卷六:“﹝ 胡顺之 ﹞乃令里正聚藁,自抵其居,以藁塞门而焚之。 臧 氏人皆逃逸。” 郭希仁 《从戎纪略》:“ 定三 ( 钱定三 )见势不可支……与其弟 国宝 由署后越城逃佚。” 刘白羽 《火光在前》第四章:“情况是万分危急的, 宋希濂 主力拼命缩进 宜昌 ,企图逃逸。”



  1. If the sun loses much of its outer layers into space, Earth will end up in a wider, safer orbit.

  2. A writer for Canada's Globe and Mail referred to that incident in a column headlined, "China's hit-and-run morality. "

  3. The escape function algorithm is one of the most practical global optimization algorithm for optical design published so far.

  4. During dinner, when Renard gets a little too close, Megan stabs him with a knife in the thigh, and escapes out of the house.

  5. and asked the person who lived there to call 911 to report that there had been a hit-and-run.

  6. He said unfortunately one of the attackers managed to escape.

  7. Before boarding the moment of the "snow leopard" was the police stopped, not escape.

  8. It was a hit and run. But the police already have him in custody.

  9. And they react to these inner feelings just as any animal reacts to any hurt or threat: by readiness to fight or to flee.


  1. 毋令逃逸。

    You must not let him escape.

  2. 俘获与逃逸

    Escape and captive.

  3. 逃逸美国红鱼

    Escaped cultured red drum

  4. 工蚁逃逸率

    rate of workers escaped.

  5. 痘苗逃逸突变株

    vaccinia escape mutant

  6. 有可能是肇事逃逸

    Could have been a hitandrun.

  7. 那就是肇事逃逸了

    That would be a hit and run.

  8. 通过泄漏逃逸的东西

    Something that escapes by leaking.

  9. 盗匪抢夺皮夹而逃逸。

    Catch up The mugger caught the wallet up and fled.

  10. 你因试图逃逸被捕了。

    You are under arrest for attempted escape.

  11. 捕食者追赶和猎物逃逸

    predator pursuit and prey evasion

  12. 找到我自己的逃逸轨道。

    Find my own escape trajectory.

  13. 失控电子。逃逸电子。脱逸电子。逸散电子

    runaway electron

  14. 被抓了才叫肇事逃逸

    Only if you got caught.

  15. 是你所需的逃逸速度。

    That is the escape velocity that you need.

  16. 发射逃逸塔鸭式系统

    Launch Escape Tower Canard System.

  17. 这个人已经逃逸了好几年了。

    This man has eluded the authorities for years.

  18. 气体无法从容器里逃逸出来。

    Gas cannot escape from the capsule.

  19. 这就证明了能量发生了逃逸

    this will be evidence that the energy has drifted away.

  20. 这一项和这一项,逃逸速度相等。

    And so this term is the same as this term for your escape velocity.

  21. 使我们可以达到长寿逃逸速度?

    that will allow us to get to escape velocity?

  22. 那辆逃逸得汽车迄未发现踪迹。

    The getaway car is still untracked.

  23. 那辆逃逸的汽车迄未发现踪迹。

    The getaway car is still untracked.

  24. 我们被车撞了,肇事司机逃逸。

    We were victims of a hit and run driver.

  25. 而你,谢谢你做我们的逃逸司机

    And you, thanks for being our getaway driver.

  26. 交通肇事罪中的因逃逸致人死亡

    On the Definition of Death Caused by Escape in the Crime of Traffic Accident

  27. 我逃逸不出你给的冷圈套。

    I don't know you to escape the cold trap.

  28. 第二部分,交通肇事后逃逸问题。

    The chapter two is about fleeing after a traffic accident.

  29. 在活动视界里, 逃逸速度等于光速。

    At the event horizon, the escape velocity is equal to the speed of light.

  30. 交通事故逃逸现场的法医学鉴定

    The Medical Jurisprudence of Appraisal for Difficult Road Traffic Accident Escape Cases


  1. 问:逃逸拼音怎么拼?逃逸的读音是什么?逃逸翻译成英文是什么?

    答:逃逸的读音是táoyì,逃逸翻译成英文是 flight; escape

  2. 问:逃逸峰拼音怎么拼?逃逸峰的读音是什么?逃逸峰翻译成英文是什么?

    答:逃逸峰的读音是táo yì fēng,逃逸峰翻译成英文是 escape peak

  3. 问:逃逸合成拼音怎么拼?逃逸合成的读音是什么?逃逸合成翻译成英文是什么?

    答:逃逸合成的读音是táo yì hé chéng,逃逸合成翻译成英文是 escape synthesis

  4. 问:逃逸构造拼音怎么拼?逃逸构造的读音是什么?逃逸构造翻译成英文是什么?

    答:逃逸构造的读音是táo yì gòu zào,逃逸构造翻译成英文是 escape structure

  5. 问:逃逸概率拼音怎么拼?逃逸概率的读音是什么?逃逸概率翻译成英文是什么?

    答:逃逸概率的读音是táo yì gài lǜ,逃逸概率翻译成英文是 escape probability

  6. 问:逃逸深度拼音怎么拼?逃逸深度的读音是什么?逃逸深度翻译成英文是什么?

    答:逃逸深度的读音是táo yì shēn dù,逃逸深度翻译成英文是 escape depth

  7. 问:逃逸轨道拼音怎么拼?逃逸轨道的读音是什么?逃逸轨道翻译成英文是什么?

    答:逃逸轨道的读音是táo yì guǐ dào,逃逸轨道翻译成英文是 escape orbit

  8. 问:逃逸核糖体拼音怎么拼?逃逸核糖体的读音是什么?逃逸核糖体翻译成英文是什么?

    答:逃逸核糖体的读音是táo yì hé táng tǐ,逃逸核糖体翻译成英文是 run-off ribosome

  9. 问:逃逸警戒角拼音怎么拼?逃逸警戒角的读音是什么?逃逸警戒角翻译成英文是什么?

    答:逃逸警戒角的读音是táo yì jǐng jiè jiǎo,逃逸警戒角翻译成英文是 Escape Warning Angle

  10. 问:逃逸飞行器拼音怎么拼?逃逸飞行器的读音是什么?逃逸飞行器翻译成英文是什么?

    答:逃逸飞行器的读音是táo yì fēi xíng qì,逃逸飞行器翻译成英文是 Escape Vehicle

  11. 问:逃逸推进系统拼音怎么拼?逃逸推进系统的读音是什么?逃逸推进系统翻译成英文是什么?

    答:逃逸推进系统的读音是táo yì tuī jìn xì tǒng,逃逸推进系统翻译成英文是 Escape Propulsion System



逃逸,亦作“ 逃佚 ”。现代汉语词典中对“逃逸”一词的解释是“逃跑”的意思。