


1. 有 [yǒu]2. 有 [yòu]有 [yǒu]存在:~关。~方(得法)。~案可稽。~备无患。~目共睹。表示所属:他~一本书。表示发生、出现:~病。情况~变化。表示估量或比较:水~一丈多深。表示大、多:~学问。用在某些动词前面表示客气……





汉语拼音:yǒu dí






  1. 即 有易 。有,词头。

    《楚辞·天问》:“昏微遵迹, 有狄 不寧。” 王国维 《王恒》:“ 有狄 ,亦即 有易 也。古‘狄’、‘易’二字同音,故互相通假。”参见“ 有易 ”。



  1. Heisenberg matrix mechanics could hardly be regarded as laws of nature without the fundamental formulation of Dirac.


  1. 梅瑞狄斯,有车来了

    Meredith, there's a car coming!

  2. 狄克今天有点情绪低落。

    Dick is feeling a bit down today.

  3. 马克,梅瑞狄斯有点担心

    Mark, Meredith has some concerns.

  4. 苔丝 狄 蒙娜我得主, 您有什麽吩咐?

    Desdemona. My lord, what is your will?

  5. 公爵你有什求,苔晋狄蒙娜?

    Duke of Venice. What would You, Desdemona

  6. 公爵你有什麽请求,苔丝狄蒙娜?

    Duke of Venice. What would You, Desdemona?

  7. 你有没有。跟梅瑞狄斯说过

    Have you. talked to Meredith.

  8. 你认为梅瑞狄斯很有天赋吗?

    You know Meredith is inbred?

  9. 我有一个有利的狄更斯的作品。

    I have a favor for Dickens' s works.

  10. 克劳狄斯想有一个大的军队。

    Claudius wanted to have a big army.

  11. 狄克逊医生不喜欢跟人有目光接触

    Dr. Dixon is not big on eye contact.

  12. 这部讽刺作品有点狄更斯的风格。

    It's a satire somewhat in the manner of Dickens.

  13. 苔丝 狄 蒙娜我想世上不会有那样得女人得。

    Desdemona. I do not think there is any such woman.

  14. 狄美乐哗, 你真有一对锋利的眼睛。

    Domino So, what sharp little eyes youve got.

  15. 媒体对狄娜阿姨的话是有夸张,误导之嫌。

    The media completely misinterpreted what Auntie Tina said.

  16. 在查尔斯?狄更斯的小说中有许多人物。

    There are plenty of characters in the novels of Charles Dickens.

  17. 有无证据表明外国军队和狄扬的人一起?

    Is there any evidence of foreign troops fighting with Deong's forces ?

  18. 有无证据表明外国军队和狄扬得人一起?

    Is there any evidence of foreign troops fighting with Deong's forces ?

  19. 凯利, 有一个侦探现在就要来狄发因斯。

    Kelly, a detective is on his way to Defiance right now.

  20. 还有康涅狄格州一家国际营销公司得工作。

    And a job with an international marketing company in Connecticut.

  21. 加州狄斯奈乐园每天都有成群的旅客涌入。

    Hordes of tourists pour in Disneyland's New California Adventures everyday.

  22. 他们的词汇,一如艾米莉?狄更生的词汇,也有了高雅的情调。

    Their vocabulary, like that of Emily Dickinson, acquired regal overtones.

  23. 我现在跟德里克还有梅瑞狄斯是一家

    Derek and Meredith and I are in a relationship.

  24. 狄龙当时在国家计划这种异端邪说面前有点畏缩不前。

    The Dillon of that day recoiled from such heresies as country planning.

  25. 只有女神们为了不使阿佛洛狄忒太难堪都留在家里。

    One god, however, the jovial Bacchus, was dear to the blacksmith.

  26. 我只差一本书就可以有全套狄更斯作品了。

    I need one more volume to complete my set of Dickens.

  27. 但今天有个外伤要来,我会处理的,梅瑞狄斯

    But there's a trauma coming in. I got it, Meredith.

  28. 有时候, 艾迪加甚至模仿狄更斯的一些修辞手法。

    Now and then, Adiga even mirrors some of Dickenss stylistic devices.

  29. 传说中狄奥尼索斯的身边还有一个随从萨提尔。

    Legends of Dionysus' s side there is an entourage Satir.

  30. 然而在撒狄你还有几名是未曾污秽自己衣服的。

    Yet you have a few people in Sardis who have not soiled their clothes.