




1. 混 [hùn]2. 混 [hún]混 [hùn]搀杂在一起:~杂。~和。~同。~淆。~为一谈。乱,胡乱:~乱。~世魔王。蒙,充:蒙~。~充。~进。鱼目~珠。苟且度过:胡~。~事。混 [hún]同“浑”。……



汉语拼音:xiā hùn







  1. 胡乱苟且地过日子。

    柳青 《铜墙铁壁》第四章:“这阵地也有了,窑也有了,快给 得富 成家吧,不要让他再瞎混,免得两家失和气。” 郭小川 《走厦门》诗:“哦,不行!一个革命军人,一刻也不能瞎混!”



  1. With the final exam coming up in a week, I don't really have time to flirt with.


  2. The last three years I fooled around and cut lots of classes. Now, I can easily say that it is the only thing in life that I regret.


  3. During the Depression, when nobody had any money, he would invite boys to ride the ice truck with him just to get them off the street.


  4. Do not fiddle all day, force yourself at least one hour a day to make an effort, otherwise you will loose everything.


  5. Rash man not clear, confess gilly all hang out with jamie, finally also mix a problem, make human life, to flee to aunt's house.


  6. If I were him, I wouldgive him a good talking-to . I would insist on his stopping fooling around like that.


  7. The US is the happiest country to see the failure of Copenhagen, while Europe is the most disappointed, followed by China.


  8. I don't even think I got anything done all Tuesday, I just skipped class and dicked around.


  9. Stop playing about with those girls, you can't afford to waste any more tine.


  1. 我没有跟她瞎混

    I am not hanging out.

  2. 他们不同那些人瞎混。

    They don't mess with those people.

  3. 别瞎混了,继续工作。

    Just stop pratting around and get on with your work.

  4. 休假时喜欢和同学瞎混

    Liked to mess around with pals on days off

  5. 别瞎混了, 回去干活吧。

    Stop buggering about and get back to work.

  6. 她整天都在学校里瞎混。

    She was mooning in school, all day.

  7. 她整天都在学校里瞎混。

    She was mooning in school, all day.

  8. 你们花太多时间瞎混了。

    You guys spent too much time hanging out.

  9. 别再瞎混了,做点事吧。

    Stop fiddling about and do some work.

  10. 他干嘛不在自己办公室瞎混?

    Why isn't he goofing around in his own office ?

  11. 不要再瞎混了, 听我说吧。

    Stop mucking about and listen to what I'm saying.

  12. 我这几年净瞎混了,一事无成。

    I have muddled along all these years and achieved nothing.

  13. 他常和一伙不三不四的人瞎混。

    He often hangs around with a bunch of dubious characters.

  14. 我不该再瞎混下去了,我该专注于学业。

    I should not dick around. I would focus on study.

  15. 你们俩不要再瞎混了,做你们的作业吧!

    Will you two stop messing around and get on with your homework!

  16. 只要你多花点时间读书,而不是到处瞎混。

    If you spend more of your time reading rather than jacking around.

  17. 他过去经常逃课,在码头上和其他几个男孩瞎混。

    He used to skip lessons and hang around the harbor with some other boys.

  18. 别在同那些女孩子瞎混了,你可再不能浪费时间了。

    Stop playing about with those girls, you can't afford to waste any more tine.

  19. 还有一周就期末考试, 我真的没时间瞎混了。电影中的

    With the final exam coming up in a week, I dont really have time to flirt with.

  20. 我最后见到他时,他在和一些护士瞎混,一副乐在其中的样子。

    The last I saw of him though he was mucking about with the nurses and really enjoying himself.