


1. 没 [méi]2. 没 [mò]没 [méi]无:~有。~用。~关系。~词儿。~精打采。~心~肺。不曾,未:~有来过。不够,不如:汽车~飞机快。没 [mò]隐在水中:沉~。~顶之灾。隐藏,消失:埋~。~落。漫过,高过:水~了头顶。淹~……




1. 没 [méi]2. 没 [mò]没 [méi]无:~有。~用。~关系。~词儿。~精打采。~心~肺。不曾,未:~有来过。不够,不如:汽车~飞机快。没 [mò]隐在水中:沉~。~顶之灾。隐藏,消失:埋~。~落。漫过,高过:水~了头顶。淹~……


天黑的时间,与“日”或“昼”相对:~晚。日日~~。~阑(夜将尽时)。~盲。~幕。~宵。~话。~袭。~行(xíng )。~战。……



汉语拼音:méi rì méi yè







  • 【解释】:犹言不分白天夜晚。


  1. All this about Bessie, and the other women whom he drags to his rooms day in and out, occupies my thoughts as we walk to the restaurant.


  2. Low when the wind is black, day and night to scratch, the sun is ugly, like a devil swallowed.


  3. They were willing to work around the clock, sleep in the office and battle each other over strategy and technical decisions.


  4. Mr. Lei recalls the two spent every waking moment trying to resell their virtual trove.


  5. After one year's efforts with all days and all nights, Feng and his associates finally built up their company and made it grown up.


  6. He studies so hard at home day and night that he seems to have cabin fever.


  7. Just being buried under piles of paper day and night is not enough for you to get promoted.


  8. Edison started his own laboratory at Menlo Park, New Jersey. He hired mechanics and chemists to help him.


  9. Your companions to fight day and night, hoping to bridge the hands of the enemy to recover from the back, a lot of people have sacrificed.


  1. 没日没夜的呆在医院里

    aroundtheclock for the last 12 days.

  2. 没日没夜得恐惧是废话吗?

    This fear preying on us night and day crap?

  3. 没日没夜的恐惧是废话吗?

    This fear preying on us night and day crap?

  4. 狗没日没夜地在后院吠。

    Dogs were barking in the back yard all day and all night.

  5. 工人们被迫没日没夜地干活。

    The workers are made to work day and night.

  6. 或没日没夜地下载音乐和电影。

    Or download music and movies, like there's no tomorrow.

  7. 没日没夜的照顾小闹腾非常的辛苦。

    Consoling a colicky baby night after night is terribly hard.

  8. 我们不能这样没日没夜地干啊。

    We can't work around the clock.

  9. 可能的话,我恨不得没日没夜地绞人呢。

    If I could, I'd hang people day and night.

  10. 没日没夜的工作能比酒精更有效果!

    Having the work of the night and sunset can be more effective than alcohol!

  11. 每天没有日没夜得放,没日没夜得炸!

    On the night a day of the release, day and night of the bombing!

  12. 每天没有日没夜的放,没日没夜的炸!

    On the night a day of the release, day and night of the bombing!

  13. 十多天没日没夜的救援让陈岩瘦了10多斤。

    Days of roundtheclock rescue let Duo Jin Yan lost 8.

  14. 没日没夜的工作对他的精力和健康消耗极大。

    Working day and night is a great drain on his strength and health.

  15. 我最初有没有朋友, 只是没日没夜的谈吉他, 钢琴。

    I didn't have any friends at first, just played piano and guitar all day and night.

  16. 拼死拼活的节食,没日没夜的运动锻练,收益效果甚少。

    Starving yourself or exercising all day long is not always effective.

  17. 他在家没日没夜的刻苦学习,都快得幽闭症了。

    He studies so hard at home day and night that he seems to have cabin fever.

  18. 哥哥没日没夜地打工赚钱就是为了早日还清印子钱。

    Brother worked hard day and night to pay the usurer as soon as possible.

  19. 哥哥没日没夜地打工赚钱就是为了早日还清印子钱。

    Brother worked hard day and night to pay the usurer as soon as possible.

  20. 出于这个原因,从事自由职业常常意味着没日没夜地工作。

    For this reason, freelancing often means days packed with work.

  21. 煤矿主不顾矿工的死活,让他们没日没夜地工作。

    The mine manager didn't care at all about his employees'safety and made them work day and night.

  22. 煤矿主不顾矿工的死活,让他们没日没夜地工作。

    The mine manager didn't care at all about his employees' safety and made them work day and night.

  23. 公司所有的员工都这样没日没夜地干活, 非常辛苦。

    All employees in the company work day and night, and take great pains.

  24. 公司所有的员工都这样没日没夜地干活,非常辛苦。

    All employees in the company work day and night, and take great pains.

  25. 他为了生活费跟爱人的医疗费没日没夜地工作,真的很可怜。

    He works day and night to put food on the table and pay his wife’s hospital bills. I feel bad for him.

  26. 想要升职, 仅仅靠没日没夜地埋头在文件堆里是不够的。

    Just being buried under piles of paper day and night is not enough for you to get promoted.

  27. 我没日没夜的爱你!

    I love you without day and night!

  28. 我没日没夜得爱你!

    I love you without day and night!

  29. 我没日没夜的爱你!

    I love you without day and night!

  30. 剩我们在这没日没夜的工作?

    While we finish up all this?


  1. 问:没日没夜拼音怎么拼?没日没夜的读音是什么?没日没夜翻译成英文是什么?

    答:没日没夜的读音是méirìméiyè,没日没夜翻译成英文是 Day in and day out; not distinguishing day an...



没日没夜 (méi rì méi yè)

解释:犹言不分白天夜晚。 出处:高阳《胡雪岩全传·平步青云》上册:“所以缫丝一定是一家大小动手,没日没夜赶完为止。” 示例:他让省里科研所请去了,正~地写书哪! 用法:作定语、状语;指不分昼夜干事。 近义词 夜以继日、非日非月