


1. 豁 [huō]2. 豁 [huò]3. 豁 [huá]豁 [huō]残缺,裂开:~口。~子(残缺的口子)。摒弃;舍却:~出性命。豁 [huò]开阔;宽敞:~亮。宽~。开通;大度:~达。显赫;通达:显~。排遣;消散:~情散哀。免除:~免……


1. 然 [rán]然 [rán]对,是:~否。不~。不以为~。以为对,答应,信守:~纳(以为对而采纳)。~诺(许诺,信守诺言)。这样,如此:当~。~后。~则。表示一种语气(a.表决定,犹焉,如“寡人愿有言~”;b.表比拟,犹言一般,如“如……







汉语拼音:huò rán kāi lǎng





原形容由狭窄幽暗一变而为开阔明亮。晋陶潜《桃花源记》:“初极狭,才通人;复行数十步,豁然开朗。” 后用以比喻顿时明白或领悟过来。



  1. But where "The Long Tail" revealed something unexpected and informative, "Free" often feels as though it is stating the obvious.


  2. He thought to himself: After many twists and turns , everything will become clear. Life also goes like this.


  3. Go take a look at the performance of her first quarter of this year, you will suddenly see the light, the wave of the necessary adjustments.


  4. Yesterday, today and tomorrow all can be a fine day if it is a happy day.


  5. it was as if in that small act, her day was brightened.


  6. And talk to a loyal friend just as I had a magic, or whether I suddenly see the light, or make me happy, or make my brows.


  7. Tourism is another elimination of fatigue, feelings of relaxation a panacea, when feeling depressed, out everywhere. let the heart melts.


  8. If you're attached, the two of you are about to experience an epiphany -- a reawakening of the fire that first brought you together.


  9. Instead, we find it very easy to think in very relative terms as options change from one time to another.


  1. 山穷水尽, 豁然开朗。

    An apparently blind alley leads suddenly into an open space.

  2. 山穷水尽,豁然开朗。

    An apparently blind alley leads suddenly into an open space.

  3. 斯特拉豁然开朗。

    Stella had a moment of enlightenment.

  4. 我对问题豁然开朗。

    Ive got an insight into the problem.

  5. 山峡尽处, 豁然开朗。

    One suddenly sees broad light at the end of the mountain valley.

  6. 山峡尽处,豁然开朗。

    One suddenly sees broad light at the end of the mountain valley.

  7. 让我懵懂的心豁然开朗。

    Let me ignorant heart suddenly see the light.

  8. 复行数十步, 豁然开朗。

    On the rich land with a beautiful pool, growing were bamboo, mulberry and the like.

  9. 骤然间, 我得天地豁然开朗了。

    Suddenly my world was righted.

  10. 骤然间,我的天地豁然开朗了。

    Suddenly my world was righted.

  11. 仰望碧天, 他的心情豁然开朗。

    Looking up at the open sky, he suddenly cheered up.

  12. 仰望碧天,他的心情豁然开朗。

    Looking up at the open sky, he suddenly cheered up.

  13. 即使10分钟的散步也会豁然开朗。

    Even a 10minute walk can brighten my outlook.

  14. 但当你拭干泪眼,一切将豁然开朗。

    But when you wipe your eyes, see it clearly.

  15. 它给观众带来豁然开朗,震惊的感觉。

    It creates a uplifting feeling of amazement and excitement for the visitors.

  16. 你的声明使这件事情豁然开朗多了。

    Your statement threw much light on the matter.

  17. 一颗小小的子弹就能让局面豁然开朗。

    How one little bullet can make things suddenly seem so clear.

  18. 自那以后,对我而言所有的事情豁然开朗。

    Everything fell into place for me after that.

  19. 也就是大脑的语言 一切都豁然开朗 谢谢

    the language of the brain, things become possible that didn't seem obviously possible before. Thank you.

  20. 他从各个方面擘肌分理,让问题豁然开朗。

    He analyzed the problem from various aspects, and suddenly enlightened us.

  21. 我对这个问题冥思苦想了很久才豁然开朗。

    I puzzled over the problem for ages before the light suddenly dawned.

  22. 我们在密林中穿行,约数百米,便豁然开朗。

    We pushed ourselves through the thick forest for a few hundred metres and then reached an open space.

  23. 走出长门洞, 豁然开朗, 山又到了我们跟前。

    It was a joy to walk through this long tunnelled gate and see the mountain loom into sight again.

  24. 不管昨天、今天、明天,能豁然开朗就是美好的一天。

    Yesterday, today and tomorrow all can be a fine day if it is a happy day.

  25. 好像就因为这小小的举动, 她的一天就豁然开朗了。

    it was as if in that small act, her day was brightened.

  26. 登顶眺望, 成都平原尽收目中, 令人心胸豁然开朗。

    Top a little perspective, the Chengdu Plain collected in the head, It'suddenly mind.

  27. 因为微笑会让你灰暗的一天豁然开朗、阳光明媚!

    Because the smile will let you gray day become clear suddenly, the sunlight is bright and beautiful!

  28. 经历一段困惑后突然有所顿悟。恍然大悟, 豁然开朗, 茅塞顿开。

    When something clicks for you, It'suddenly makes sense.

  29. 这位智者的训诫使我豁然开朗,明白了很多道理

    The sage's sermon suddenly cleared my view and made me understand many theories.

  30. 这位智者的训诫使我豁然开朗, 明白了很多道理。

    The sages sermon suddenly cleared my view and made me understand many theories.


  1. 问:豁然开朗拼音怎么拼?豁然开朗的读音是什么?豁然开朗翻译成英文是什么?

    答:豁然开朗的读音是huòránkāilǎng,豁然开朗翻译成英文是 suddenly come across a panoramic scene; su...




【拼音】huò rán kāi lǎng



【反义词】百思莫解、大惑不解、百思不解、一窍不通用法偏正式;作谓语、宾语、定语;比喻突然领悟了一个道理解释豁:宽阔。然:的样子。开:宽阔。朗:明亮。 原形容由狭窄幽暗突然变得宽阔明亮的样子, 现比喻对于百思不得其解的事物,在突然间开阔了思路,明白了其中的奥秘。形容突然明白某件事。