











汉语拼音:quán yí zhī cè







  • 【解释】:指为了应付某种情况而暂时采取的办法。同“权宜之计”。


  1. This is just a quick Q&A as a stopgap until a real driver writers' power management guide is available.


  2. Interest rates are near zero, and quantitative easing is at best a feeble tool for boosting growth;


  1. 政府至多只是权宜之策。

    Government is at best but an expedient.

  2. 政治管理之策

    strategies for political administrations

  3. 这是折中之策。

    This was the compromise.

  4. 问心无愧乃万全之策。

    A good conscience is a sure card.

  5. 他有一个万全之策。

    He has a prudential plan.

  6. 居安思危,此乃万全之策。

    Peace with sword in hand, its safest making.

  7. 公选工作的改进之策

    The Plan of Improving the Work of Choosing Leading Cadres Openly

  8. 这是治国安民之策。

    This is the policy to run the country well and give the people peace and security.

  9. 清白的良心就是万全之策。

    Clear conscience is a sure card.

  10. 减轻农民负担的治本之策

    fundamental way of reducing the burden on farmers

  11. 一定会想出万全之策的

    and we are gonna come up with a plan.

  12. 浅议电力咨询企业经营之策

    Operation Strategy of Power Consulting Enterprises

  13. 从严治党的最根本之策

    Basic Measures for the Party Enforcing Strict Discipline

  14. 减少农民是富裕农民的治本之策

    The shrink of peasantry is the ultimate approach to enrich them

  15. 奥运会电视转播权的营销之策

    Marketing Tactics of the TV Broadcasting Right of Olympic Games

  16. 保持共产党员先进性的治本之策

    The fundamental measure to remain the progressiveness of Party members

  17. 在这种情况下有没有万全之策?

    Is there a sovereign remedy for this condition ?

  18. 北魏孝文帝的安民之策

    The Measures to Quiet the People of King Xiaowen in North Wei

  19. 我们认为万全之策是切实可行的。

    We hold a sure card to be practicable.

  20. 认清自己, 看轻自己才真是上上之策。

    Truly to know and despise self is the best and most perfect counsel.

  21. 浅谈分散插村安置移民稳定之策

    Discussing stable policy on setting down immigrant by means of scattering and joining another village

  22. 然而, 民主, 既不是权宜之计, 也不是万全之策。

    Democracy, though, is neither an instant nor complete solution.

  23. 高校图书馆书库违规现象及应对之策

    Solutions to the Phenomena against the Rules of the Library in Colleges and Universities

  24. 我向你保证,我们会想出万全之策

    I promise you. We're gonna make a plan.

  25. 当前税务稽查存在的问题与应对之策

    Current Problems in Tax Inspection and the Countermeasures

  26. 当前权力观错位的成因及其治理之策

    The reason and countermeasure on misplacement of power outlook

  27. 把水利基础设施建设当作扶贫治本之策

    Taking Water Infrastructure Construction as a Fundamental Measure of Poverty Alleviation

  28. 因而,强化监督是防止腐败的治本之策。

    Consequently, aggrandizement monitors the plan that is the a permanent cure that prevents corruption.

  29. 有利有弊,趋利避害,才是正确的应对之策。

    For benefits but avoiding risks is only the correct countermeasure.

  30. 试论农产品注册商标的管理与发展之策

    The Management and Development of the Registered Trademarks of Agricultural Product