







汉语拼音:guǎi mài






  1. 拐骗贩卖人口。

    《二十年目睹之怪现状》第三六回:“他把弟妇拐卖了,还要栽他一个逃走的名字。” 老舍 《四世同堂》九:“ 尤桐芳 不记得她的父母是谁,‘尤’是她养母的姓。四岁的时候,她被人拐卖出来。”



  1. The company said the two women were researching a news report on North Korean women being sold by human traffickers.


  2. Put simply, child trafficking is the movement of a child, within a country or across borders for exploitative purposes.


  3. Now the police have to investigate as soon as they receive a report, and many kidnappers have been caught early in the process.


  4. Chinese law allows punishments up to death for people who sell infants, along with lesser penalties for buyers and brokers.


  5. I then started going to the provinces where the cases had happened and meeting the anti-abduction teams in the police.


  6. All that is to be made clear is whether he abducted and sold women and children.


  7. In a number of "son preference" is serious country, gender imbalance also makes the phenomenon of trafficking in women intensified.


  8. Stepped-up police co-operation to stamp out an evil little trade in Hmong women would be a good start.


  9. In Italy, public patience snapped earlier this year after reports of gruesome muggings, rapes and the alleged stealing of a baby.


  1. 拐卖妇女犯罪

    crime of abduct women

  2. 拐卖妇女儿童

    abduct and sell women and children

  3. 拐卖妇女为娼

    white slavery.

  4. 拐卖妇女为娼的人

    white slaver

  5. 一个被拐卖的女英雄

    who was trafficked.

  6. 严厉打击溺婴拐卖儿童行为

    Strongly combat infanticide and child trafficking

  7. 拐卖妇女和对卖淫者的剥削

    Trafficking in women and exploitation of prostitution

  8. 但这还不是人口拐卖的全部

    But that's not the only purpose that human beings are sold for.

  9. 清代打击拐卖妇女犯罪之考察

    A Review on Beating Kidnap Women Crime in the Qing Dynasty

  10. 他用宗教的幌子拐卖女性并致富。

    He uses religion get women and make himself rich.

  11. 拐卖妇女和走私毒品都是重罪。

    Trafficking drugs or women is a big crime.

  12. 拐卖妇女和走私毒品都是重罪。

    Trafficking drugs or women is a big crime.

  13. 收买被拐卖的妇女、儿童罪探析

    Exploration and Analysis on the Crime of Purchasing Abducted Women and Children

  14. 真棒,我们从杀害变成了拐卖儿童了。

    Great, we've gone from infanticide to child abduction.

  15. 甚至也有中产家庭的孩子被拐卖的

    You have even the middle class sometimes getting trafficked.

  16. 这些拐卖行为是在收养的名义之下进行的

    They are sold in the name of adoption.

  17. 文山军警联动破获跨国拐卖妇女案

    Wenshan military police link a case of cross border trafficking of women and children

  18. 禁止拐卖、绑架妇女,也不许贩卖和购买妇女。

    It forbids the abduction and kidnapping of women as well as the sale and purchase of such women.

  19. 此外,第113段提到已草拟了拐卖儿童法。

    Furthermore, paragraph113 mentions that the Trading in Children Act has been drafted.

  20. 刑事犯罪则以杀伤罪和拐卖罪为主要形式。

    The crime was as the main form with crime of wounding and crime of abducting.

  21. 关于严惩拐卖,绑架妇女,儿童的犯罪分子的决定

    Decision on Punishing Criminal Elements Committing abduction and Selling or Kidnapping of Women or Children

  22. 委员会欢迎根除拐卖妇女和儿童问题委员会的工作。

    The Committee welcomes the work of the Committee for the Eradication of Abduction of Women and Children.

  23. 联合国儿童基金估计,每年有大约120万儿童被拐卖。

    The United Nations Children Funds, UNICEF, estimates that 1.2 million children are trafficked each year.

  24. 法律将保护那位被人贩子欺骗和拐卖的姑娘。

    Law will protect the girl taken in and sold by the abductor.

  25. 流离失所的人们报告了任意杀戮,强奸和拐卖的行为。

    Displaced persons reported indiscriminate killing, rape and abduction.

  26. 浅析收买被拐卖的妇女、儿童罪中的几个问题

    Several Problems Concerning the Crime of Buying Abducted and Trafficked Women and Children.

  27. 云南拐卖19名儿童案犯被处重刑,四人被判死刑

    Criminals who trafficked 19 Yunnan children given heavy sentences, four sentenced to death

  28. 她已经成功地对一棕拐卖人口案件进行了公诉。

    She has already successfully prosecuted a case of trafficking in persons.

  29. 它称官员无视窑主使用被拐卖的男孩从事危险工作。

    It involves allegations that officials ignored kilnowners use of abducted boys to perform dangerous work.


  1. 问:拐卖拼音怎么拼?拐卖的读音是什么?拐卖翻译成英文是什么?

    答:拐卖的读音是guǎimài,拐卖翻译成英文是 abduct and sell

  2. 问:拐卖人口拼音怎么拼?拐卖人口的读音是什么?拐卖人口翻译成英文是什么?

    答:拐卖人口的读音是guǎimài rénkǒu,拐卖人口翻译成英文是 human trafficking

  3. 问:拐卖人口罪拼音怎么拼?拐卖人口罪的读音是什么?拐卖人口罪翻译成英文是什么?

    答:拐卖人口罪的读音是guǎimàirénkǒuzuì,拐卖人口罪翻译成英文是 crime of abducting and selling people

  4. 问:拐卖儿童罪拼音怎么拼?拐卖儿童罪的读音是什么?拐卖儿童罪翻译成英文是什么?

    答:拐卖儿童罪的读音是guǎimàiértóngzuì,拐卖儿童罪翻译成英文是 crime of abducting and trafficking in children...



拐卖guǎi mài