







汉语拼音:diàn jì








  1. 思念;记挂。

    《红楼梦》第八回:“ 寳玉 一面看,一面问:‘姐姐可大愈了?’ 寳釵 ……含笑答道:‘已经大好了,多谢惦记着。’”《二十年目睹之怪现状》第十六回:“难得你惦记着来看看我。” 朱自清 《背影》:“最近两年的不见,他终于忘却我的不好,只是惦记着我。”



  1. No matter where you are, regardless of wind or rain, there is always someone thinking about you, feeling worried of you and missing you.

  2. However, I served as President of the United States But do not mind at all times during this incident.

  3. Get Smart: Forget the upgrades. Scale back to a limited number of text messages for you and the kids, too.

  4. but she is still remembered all over the world for what she did for the poor.

  5. You know, some one miss you at times, and think of you, your eyes with smile, shining as stars, brightening all nights in my mind.

  6. I don't know why witches miss amusement park. If I could fly on a broom, I would not think of it all the time.

  7. No one appears to be missing their toys, and I can once more concentrate on my internet shopping wish list.

  8. Marek was always trying to be agreeable, poor fellow, as if he had it on his mind that he must make up for his deficiencies.

  9. At least they do remember him if just a little call, And remember that he's here just watching his baseball.


  1. 我始终惦记着他。

    He is ever present in my thoughts.

  2. 有一点时间, 我很惦记。

    A bit of time, I keep thinking about.

  3. 她老惦记着这些老人。

    She's always thinking about these old people.

  4. 她老惦记着这些老人。

    She's always thinking about these old people.

  5. 他老惦记着这件事。

    He couldn't get his mind off the matter.

  6. 我一直惦记着这件事。

    I've been thinking about that all the time.

  7. 那是我没惦记的部分。

    That is the one part of dating that I haven't missed.

  8. 那是我没惦记的部分。

    That is the one part of dating that I haven't missed.

  9. 她就不再惦记那冰淇淋了

    if you give her ice cream.

  10. 你还惦记着我们, 真感谢你。

    It is sweet of you to have remembered us.

  11. 你还惦记著我们,真感谢你。

    It is sweet of you to have remembered us.

  12. 他不会惦记爵士乐的唱片的。

    He was not going to miss jazz records.

  13. 你不提防男人, 男人可非常惦记你!

    You care nothing for a man who cares so much for thee!

  14. 我知道, 我今后一辈子都惦记你。

    I know all my whole life through, I'll be remembering you.

  15. 这里有人只是惦记我的钱。

    There are people here who are only after my cash.

  16. 无论在哪里,他都惦记着我们。

    He thinks of us, wherever he is.

  17. 那百姓的孩子才惦记着吃。

    Only the child of the common people always think it over.

  18. 我们会惦记她的,不过她会很幸福。

    We shall miss her; but SHE will be happy.

  19. 接着他想,老是惦记着这玩意儿。

    Then he thought, think of it always.

  20. 别惦记自己, 还有自己感觉多么糟糕。

    Get your mind off yourself and how bad you feel.

  21. 她老惦记着给孩子打件毛衣。

    She's been thinking of knitting a sweater for her child.

  22. 当然没有, 我早就惦记着它们了。

    Sure, it's a slow period right now.

  23. 现在才是约会里我开始惦记的。

    Now that's the part of dating I have missed.

  24. 现在才是约会里我开始惦记的。

    Now that's the part of dating I have missed.

  25. 现在才是约会里我开始惦记的。

    Now that's the part of dating I have missed.

  26. 请相信我,我是惦记著你的利益的。

    Believe me, I have your best interests at heart.

  27. 临摹宋体落款时却惦记着你。

    Copying the Song typeface, I inscribe my name but think about yours.

  28. 但我也会惦记着那些拒绝我的人。

    But I also thought of those who refused.

  29. 那半个月, 我会天天惦记着你们。

    That half month, I can keep thinking about you daily.

  30. 别惦记我们我们不久就和你们在一起了。

    Don't bother about us we'll join you later.


  1. 问:惦记拼音怎么拼?惦记的读音是什么?惦记翻译成英文是什么?

    答:惦记的读音是diànjì,惦记翻译成英文是 think about



惦记 diàn jì (对人或事物)心里老想着,放不下心。 思念;记挂. [remember;be concerned about;keep thinking about]∶经常记在心里 爸爸老惦记着田里还没灌水 [think of]∶总是想着 妈妈惦记着给舅舅送几块钱去 造句:老师傅虽然退休了,可心里总是惦记着厂里的工作.

近义词:惦念 记挂 挂念 牵挂 想念 挂念

反义词:忘记 《红楼梦》第八回:“ 寳玉一面看,一面问:‘姐姐可大愈了?’ 寳钗 ……含笑答道:‘已经大好了,多谢惦记着。’”《二十年目睹之怪现状》第十六回:“难得你惦记着来看看我。” 朱自清 《背影》:“最近两年的不见,他终于忘却我的不好,只是惦记着我。”