




1. 把 [bǎ]2. 把 [bà]把 [bǎ]拿,抓住:~酒(拿着酒杯)。~玩(拿着赏玩)。控制,掌握:~握。~舵。看守:~守。~门儿。自行车、手推车等的手柄:车~。可以用手拿的小捆:秫秸~儿。专权,一手独揽:~持大权。从后托起小孩两腿使……



汉语拼音:zhǎng bǎ






  1. 掌握;掌管。

    《元典章·刑部八·取受》:“风宪是掌把纪纲法则的职分。” 元 高文秀 《襄阳会》第一折:“我也掌把不住这 荆 襄 九郡。”《初刻拍案惊奇》卷三八:“你既是 张 家的儿子媳妇,怎生掌把着 刘 家的家私?”



  1. He curled them between his palms at whiles and swallowed them softly.


  1. 弗兰克直起腰, 把铁蹄掌丢进冷水。

    Frank threw the shoe hissing into cold water and strengthened his back.

  2. 弗兰克把铁蹄掌丢进冷水, 铁掌发出丝丝的声音, 他直起腰。

    Frank threw the iron shoe hissing into cold water and strengthened his back.

  3. 我總覺得被外國人圍繞的美感 來自於他們一掌把你打醒。

    And I've always felt that the beauty of being surrounded by the foreign is that it slaps you awake.

  4. 他不时她用双掌把它搓成小卷儿,轻轻地咽下去。

    He curled them between his palms at whiles and swallowed them softly.

  5. 魔术师把镍藏在掌中。

    The magician palmed the nickel.

  6. 人们没有发现他已把牌藏于掌中。

    The people did not find that he had palmed the card.

  7. 我建议你把他所有掌控的股票都买断!

    I advise you to buy out his share of his share!

  8. 我建议你把他所有掌控得股票都买断!

    I advise you to buy out his share of his share!

  9. 她把那小鸟握在掌心里。

    She hold the small bird in the hollow of her hand.

  10. 时间把我们玩弄于股掌之间


  11. 她把双掌紧紧地合在一起。

    She pressed her palms together.

  12. 让我们再一次把热烈的掌声

    Give it up for Nikki Papagus.

  13. 他掌稳舵轮把船驶进了港囗。

    He took the wheel and steered the ship into port.

  14. 我要尽力把这个大家伙掌握住。

    I will try to manage the big one.

  15. 把它虚幻的衣衫掌掴在我脸上。

    Slapping its phantom laundry in my face.

  16. 把它虚幻得衣衫掌掴在我脸上。

    Slapping its phantom laundry in my face.

  17. 他把两只手掌对在一起,掌纹通关。

    He has two lines across his palms.

  18. 他把两只手掌对在一起,掌纹通关。

    He has two lines across his palms.

  19. 为了把任务完成好, 我们必须对情况了如指掌。

    In order to accomplish the task well, we must understand to the last detail how the matter stands.

  20. 掌声与欢呼几乎把教堂天顶冲破!

    The claps and cheers were so amazing as if they could break the ceiling through.

  21. 最后,她把那幅油画搁在她大腿上,鼓起掌来。

    At the end, she placed the painting back in her lap and clapped.

  22. 把你得双掌置于安全得长凳, 指尖指向臀部。

    Place the palm of your hands on a secure bench, with your fingers pointing towards bottom.

  23. 把你的双掌置于安全的长凳,指尖指向臀部。

    Place the palm of your hands on a secure bench, with your fingers pointing towards bottom.

  24. 我背上挨了猛烈的一掌,几乎把我打倒在地。

    I was nearly knocked down by a hefty slap on the back.

  25. 老板娘把刀夹在腋下好像看戏似地鼓起掌来。

    Madame put her knife under her arm, and clapped her hands as at a play.

  26. 我认为那是一种耻辱,把法律玩弄于股掌之间。

    I think it's a disgrace, taking the law into your own hands like that.

  27. 他在掌声中把邀请来的演讲人介绍给听众。

    He brought on the guest speaker, amid applause.

  28. 把瓶子交给你的用户并让他持瓶靠近掌诊仪。

    Hand the bottle to your client and have them hold it near the hand cradle.

  29. 把瓶子交给你得用户并让他持瓶靠近掌诊仪。

    Hand the bottle to your client and have them hold it near the hand cradle.

  30. 当我们进入体育场时,掌声雷动,把我从沉思中惊醒。

    I was awakened out of my musings by the thunderous applause when we entered the stadium.