







汉语拼音:xiàn jǐng







  1. With a revulsion of feeling, she repeated that Gerald was worthless and thanked Heaven that she had escaped that danger.


  2. It seems almost funny to call this stone trap a room, being bare of all furnishings and warmth.


  3. Mr Rodriguez used a custom-built infrared trap to snap the wolf as it leapt into the air.


  4. Empirical evidence for the existence of population traps is not substantial .


  5. The stubborn fawn who played hooky had been trapped and killed by a hunter.


  6. Lear Lost and Found: Positional confusion in a fast airplane can set up a string of traps on the approach.


  7. All programming languages include potential pitfalls and surprises for novice and experienced users.


  8. You said: Tonight, I will be jump out of the trap of this mundane. But, I will be jump at tomorrow again. And deep more and more.


  9. I believe these magical devices called Ether Traps should protect me if only I can trick the spectres into them.


  1. 浮标陷井网

    buoyed trap.

  2. 流动性陷井

    liquidity trap.

  3. 异步系统陷井

    asynchronous system trap

  4. 狮子触动了陷井。

    The lion sprang a trap.

  5. 在陷井里设饵

    bait a trap

  6. 狼在陷井里挣扎。

    The wolf struggled in the trap.

  7. 最大相对误差陷井

    A Trap of Maximum Relative Error

  8. 猎人把狐狸诱入陷井。

    The hunter lured a fox into a trap.

  9. 不久, 狮子掉进了陷井。

    Some time after, the lion was caught in a trap.

  10. 设陷井捕兽者和猎人

    Trapper and hunter

  11. 你们的男人正走进陷井了。

    Your husband and his friends are walking into a trap.

  12. 诱捕设计使落入陷井或使入圈套。

    To trap or ensnare, as by a stratagem.

  13. 我感觉象是掉进陷井的兔子。

    I feel like a rabbit taken in the snare.

  14. 我感觉象是掉进陷井得兔子。

    I feel like a rabbit taken in the snare.

  15. 这肯定会是最大的一个陷井。

    That's the biggest trap of all.

  16. 行进图可以帮助我们摆脱这一陷井。

    The road map can help us get out of this trap.

  17. 你在陷井里抓到那只狐狸了吗?

    Do you take that fox in your trap?

  18. 牺牲者被诱使了入猎人设置得陷井。

    The prey was lured into a trap set by the hunter.

  19. 牺牲者被诱使了入猎人设置的陷井。

    The prey was lured into a trap set by the hunter.

  20. 我感受到所有的爱都是一个陷井

    It feels like all love is sort of a trap

  21. 这只熊陷入了猎人所设的陷井中。

    The bear got entangled by the trap set by the hunters.

  22. 这只熊陷入了猎人所设得陷井中。

    The bear got entangled by the trap set by the hunters.

  23. 我们绝不能陷入国际上所说的陷井。

    We must not be caught in the trap of what is said at the international level.

  24. 我们可以从两个方面对人口陷井提出批评。

    We can criticize the population trap on two major grounds.

  25. 关于人口陷井存在的经验证据还不够充分。

    Empirical evidence for the existence of population traps is not substantial.

  26. 一个狐狸不能以同一的陷井捉它两次。

    A fox is not taken twice in the same snare.

  27. 完成所有关卡, 以找出一些特殊的陷井和奖励!

    Complete all the levels to find some special tricks and treats!

  28. 这星期在你设得陷井内, 你诱捕了几只狐狸?

    How may foxes have you trapped in your special trap this week?

  29. 这星期在你设的陷井内,你诱捕了几只狐狸?

    How may foxes have you trapped in your special trap this week?

  30. 他认为,采取人权方针有助于避免陷入这两个陷井。

    He believed that a human rights approach would help avoid falling into these traps.