







汉语拼音:fù gāo






附睾 [fù gāo]
  1. 身体器官。男子和雄性哺乳动物生殖器官的一部分,附于睾丸的后上缘,由许多弯曲的小管构成,功用是储存精子。



  1. This suggests that the secreted epididymal proteins are transferred to spermatozoa by an unusual mechanism.


  2. The first was to establish changes in gene expression along the epididymis as androgenic support is withdrawn.


  3. Conclusion: The ejaculated, epididymal and testicular spermatozoa used in ICSI achieved comparable clinical results.


  4. When men go without ejaculating, the number of sperm stored in the epididymis at the top of the testicle increases.


  5. Mature sperm can wait up to two weeks in a holding area called the epididymis before they make their debut.


  6. Longitudinal section of a testicle showing the seminiferous tubules and the convoluted epididymis .


  7. Objective: To summarize the ultrasonographic characteristics and blood floss patterns in epididymal tuberculosis.


  8. Conclusions It is of high clinical value for high frequency color Doppler ultrasound in the diagnosis of testis and epididymal emergency.


  9. Objective: The hemodynamic parameters and varicocele measurement of epididymitis were studied with color Doppler flow imaging(CDFI).


  1. 附睾上皮细胞

    epididymal epithelial cells

  2. 附睾和输精管修复术

    Repair of epididymis and vas deferens

  3. 附睾或睾丸取精术

    Percutaneous epididymal sperm aspiration or testicular sperm extraction

  4. 附睾是精子的储存库。

    The epididymis is a storage reservoir for sperm.

  5. 附睾肿瘤术前误诊5例

    Epididymal tumors diagnosed erroneously before operation 5 cases

  6. 经皮附睾穿刺取精术

    percutaneous epididymal sperm aspiration

  7. 附睾细针吸活组织检查

    Fine needle biopsy of epididymis

  8. 附睾细针吸引活组织检查

    Fine needle aspiration biopsy of epididymis

  9. 大鼠附睾的超微结构观察

    Ultrastructural Observation on the Epididymis of Rats

  10. 附睾精子核中主要为精核蛋白。

    In epididymal sperm, the main basic proteins is protamine.

  11. 据认,附睾由三个解剖部分组成。

    Three anatomic parts of the epididymis are recognized.

  12. 这些蛋白质主要由前列腺和附睾分泌。

    Most of these proteins originated from the epididymis and prostate.

  13. 附睾头部有硬结。中医怎么治疗啊?

    Epididymis head has scleroma. How is the doctor of traditional Chinese medicine treated ?

  14. 可见2个退化的结构,睾丸附件和附睾附件。

    Note the presence of two vestigial structures, the appendix testis and the appendix epididymis.

  15. 腺苷脱氨酶在人睾丸及附睾的分布

    Distribution of adenosine deaminase in human testis and epididymis

  16. 正常小鼠睾丸及附睾的凝集素结合部位

    Lectin Binding Sites in Normal Mouse Testis and Epididymis

  17. 实验性隐睾术后大鼠附睾酶活性的观察

    Observation of Enzyme Activity of Epididymis in Rats After Artificial Cryptorchism

  18. 用分析天平称大鼠左侧睾丸、附睾的重量。

    Left testis and epididymis were weighed with the analytical balance.

  19. 淋病逆行感染,感染到男性前列腺,精囊腺,附睾。

    gonorrhea retrograde infection, infection, to the male prostate glands, the seminal vesicle epididymis.

  20. 精液囊肿通常位于附睾得头部, 其次位于睾丸得顶端。

    Spermatoceles are usually found at the head the epididymis, next the top the testicle.

  21. 精液囊肿通常位于附睾的头部,其次位于睾丸的顶端。

    Spermatoceles are usually found at the head the epididymis, next the top the testicle.

  22. 附睾尾部及输精管壶腹部是贮存精子的场所。

    The tail and epididymis vasectomy pot belly is the place of storage sperm.

  23. 目的探讨附睾结核超声声像图和血流特征。

    Objective To summarize the ultrasonographic characteristics and blood floss patterns in epididymal tuberculosis.

  24. 奥硝唑对大鼠睾丸和附睾超微结构的影响

    Ultrastructural Changes in Testis and Epididymis of Rats after Treatment with Ornidazole

  25. 睾丸纵切面,示生精小管和迂回蟠曲得附睾。

    Longitudinal section of a testicle showing the seminiferous tubules and the convoluted epididymis.

  26. 睾丸纵切面,示生精小管和迂回蟠曲的附睾。

    Longitudinal section of a testicle showing the seminiferous tubules and the convoluted epididymis.

  27. 奥硝唑对雄性大鼠附睾中肉毒碱含量的影响

    Effect of Ornidazole on Epididymis Carnitine in Male Rats

  28. 附睾管腔内酸化是调控男性生育得重要过程。

    Luminal acidification in the epididymis is an important process for the regulation of male fertility.

  29. 附睾管腔内酸化是调控男性生育的重要过程。

    Luminal acidification in the epididymis is an important process for the regulation of male fertility.

  30. 摘要目的探讨附睾结核超声声像图和血流特征。

    Objective To summarize the ultrasonographic characteristics and blood floss patterns in epididymal tuberculosis.


  1. 问:附睾拼音怎么拼?附睾的读音是什么?附睾翻译成英文是什么?

    答:附睾的读音是,附睾翻译成英文是 Epididymis

  2. 问:附睾丸拼音怎么拼?附睾丸的读音是什么?附睾丸翻译成英文是什么?

    答:附睾丸的读音是fù gāo wán,附睾丸翻译成英文是 duct of epididymis

  3. 问:附睾体拼音怎么拼?附睾体的读音是什么?附睾体翻译成英文是什么?

    答:附睾体的读音是fù gāo tǐ,附睾体翻译成英文是 body of epididymis

  4. 问:附睾头拼音怎么拼?附睾头的读音是什么?附睾头翻译成英文是什么?

    答:附睾头的读音是fù gāo tóu,附睾头翻译成英文是 head of epididymis, caput epididymidis

  5. 问:附睾尾拼音怎么拼?附睾尾的读音是什么?附睾尾翻译成英文是什么?

    答:附睾尾的读音是fù gāo wěi,附睾尾翻译成英文是 tail of epididymis, cauda epididymidis

  6. 问:附睾支拼音怎么拼?附睾支的读音是什么?附睾支翻译成英文是什么?

    答:附睾支的读音是fù gāo zhī,附睾支翻译成英文是 epididymal branches

  7. 问:附睾炎拼音怎么拼?附睾炎的读音是什么?附睾炎翻译成英文是什么?

    答:附睾炎的读音是,附睾炎翻译成英文是 epididymitis

  8. 问:附睾的拼音怎么拼?附睾的的读音是什么?附睾的翻译成英文是什么?

    答:附睾的的读音是fù gāo de,附睾的翻译成英文是 epididymal

  9. 问:附睾窦拼音怎么拼?附睾窦的读音是什么?附睾窦翻译成英文是什么?

    答:附睾窦的读音是fù gāo dòu,附睾窦翻译成英文是 sinus of epididymis

  10. 问:附睾管拼音怎么拼?附睾管的读音是什么?附睾管翻译成英文是什么?

    答:附睾管的读音是fù gāo guǎn,附睾管翻译成英文是 duct of epididymis; epididymal duct

  11. 问:附睾缘拼音怎么拼?附睾缘的读音是什么?附睾缘翻译成英文是什么?

    答:附睾缘的读音是fù gāo yuán,附睾缘翻译成英文是 margo epididymidis

  12. 问:附睾囊肿拼音怎么拼?附睾囊肿的读音是什么?附睾囊肿翻译成英文是什么?

    答:附睾囊肿的读音是fù gāo náng zhǒng,附睾囊肿翻译成英文是 cyst of epididynis

  13. 问:附睾大球拼音怎么拼?附睾大球的读音是什么?附睾大球翻译成英文是什么?

    答:附睾大球的读音是fù gāo dà qiú,附睾大球翻译成英文是 globus major epididymidis

  14. 问:附睾小叶拼音怎么拼?附睾小叶的读音是什么?附睾小叶翻译成英文是什么?

    答:附睾小叶的读音是fù gāo xiǎo yè,附睾小叶翻译成英文是 lobules of epididymis, lobuli epididymidis...

  15. 问:附睾小球拼音怎么拼?附睾小球的读音是什么?附睾小球翻译成英文是什么?

    答:附睾小球的读音是fù gāo xiǎo qiú,附睾小球翻译成英文是 globus minor epididymidis

  16. 问:附睾硬结拼音怎么拼?附睾硬结的读音是什么?附睾硬结翻译成英文是什么?

    答:附睾硬结的读音是fù gāo yìng jié,附睾硬结翻译成英文是 epididymal induration

  17. 问:附睾系膜拼音怎么拼?附睾系膜的读音是什么?附睾系膜翻译成英文是什么?

    答:附睾系膜的读音是fù gāo xì mó,附睾系膜翻译成英文是 mesoepididymis

  18. 问:附睾迷管拼音怎么拼?附睾迷管的读音是什么?附睾迷管翻译成英文是什么?

    答:附睾迷管的读音是fù gāo mí guǎn,附睾迷管翻译成英文是 ductus aberrans Halleri

  19. 问:附睾附件拼音怎么拼?附睾附件的读音是什么?附睾附件翻译成英文是什么?

    答:附睾附件的读音是fù gāo fù jiàn,附睾附件翻译成英文是 appendix of epididymis, appendage of epididymi...

  20. 问:附睾上韧带拼音怎么拼?附睾上韧带的读音是什么?附睾上韧带翻译成英文是什么?

    答:附睾上韧带的读音是fù gāo shàng rèn dài,附睾上韧带翻译成英文是 superior ligament of epididymis