






1. 相 [xiāng]2. 相 [xiàng]相 [xiāng]交互,行为动作由双方来:互~。~等。~同。~识。~传(chuán )。~符。~继。~间(jiàn )。~形见绌。~得益彰(两者互相配合,更加显出双方的长处)。动作由一方来而有……


1. 助 [zhù]2. 助 [chú]助 [zhù]帮助协同,辅佐:辅~。帮~。~手。~人为乐。~桀为虐。拔苗~长(zhǎng )。爱莫能~。相传为殷代的租赋制度。助 [chú]古同“锄”,除去。……



汉语拼音:dǐng lì xiāng zhù







  1. He told Grant: "This will have the best possible effect upon the men. It will be very gratifying and will do much to help our people. "


  2. But for you both, I won't buy the factory even if it is as cheap as a gratis thing.


  3. Through her good offices we were eventually able to invite pop singers to sing at our fund-raising party.


  4. I thank all of you for your support to my predecessors, and hope I will receive your continued assistance.


  5. We are sending you a small sum of money in acknowledgment of your valuable help.


  6. I'm immensely grateful to you for your support.


  7. So for those of you in the room who have this kind of talent, expertise, please consider yourselves invited to help us.


  8. If the answer to your difficulty falls within my experience, I'll give you all the help I can.


  9. As Japan's cities struggle with the aftermath of the earthquake and tsunami, their sister cities in America look for ways to help.


  1. 没错 多亏我鼎力相助

    Yep.Thanks to my handiwork.

  2. 没错 多亏我鼎力相助。

    Yep. Thanks to my handiwork.

  3. 我们感谢他们鼎力相助。

    We thanked them for all their help.

  4. 我需要他再次鼎力相助。

    I'll need his assistance again.

  5. 我们感谢他们的鼎力相助。

    We thanked them for all their help.

  6. 多蒙鼎力相助, 不胜感谢。

    We are extremely grateful to you for the trouble you have taken on our behalf.

  7. 而且我需要你的鼎力相助。

    And I need you and your abilities to distribute it.

  8. 钱, 借此感谢您的鼎力相助。

    money in acknowledgment of your valuable help.

  9. 阁下鼎力相助之功不可胜言。

    The value of your assistance is inestimable.

  10. 他得到其他一些成员的鼎力相助。

    He was ably assisted by a number of other members.

  11. 她和她的孩子们需要我们的鼎力相助。

    And now she and her children deserve our fullest attention.

  12. 在困难时期, 则意味着欧盟在鼎力相助。

    In troubled times, though, they mean that the EU struggles to act.

  13. 他说只要有时间,他会鼎力相助的。

    He said he'd fall over backwards to help, if only he had the time.

  14. 公司的发展离不开各界朋友的鼎力相助。

    The company's development is inseparable from all the friends of Dinglixiangzhu.

  15. 不论你有什么样的困难, 我们都会鼎力相助的。

    We shall use our great strength to help no matter what difficulty you have.

  16. 我们寄上少量得钱, 藉此感谢您得鼎力相助。

    We send you a small sum of money in acknowledgment of your valuable help.

  17. 我们寄上少量的钱,藉此感谢您的鼎力相助。

    We send you a small sum of money in acknowledgment of your valuable help.

  18. 兹奉上薄款对阁下之鼎力相助聊表谢意。

    We are sending you a small sum of money in acknowledgment of your valuable help.

  19. 多亏他的鼎力相助, 我们才能取得如此大的成功。

    Thanks to his help, we can get so much success.

  20. 我们寄上少量得钱, 借此感谢您得鼎力相助。

    We are sending you a small sum of money in acknowledgment of your valuable help.

  21. 我们寄上少量的钱,借此感谢您的鼎力相助。

    We are sending you a small sum of money in acknowledgment of your valuable help.

  22. 不过,她是在保姆的鼎力相助下才办到的。

    But she does it with a lot of help from a nanny.

  23. 李智兵先生对本杂志的鼎力相助与技术支持!

    Special thanks Mr Lee for the powerful helping and technical support.

  24. 如果没有你的鼎力相助, 我们不可能这么快完成工作的。

    But for your generous help, we couldn't have finished the work so soon.

  25. 我们热忱地盼望每位学友和社会各界朋友鼎力相助。

    We expect each schoolmate and social friends from all walks of life to aid with great strength heartily.


  1. 问:鼎力相助拼音怎么拼?鼎力相助的读音是什么?鼎力相助翻译成英文是什么?

    答:鼎力相助的读音是dǐng lì xiāng zhù,鼎力相助翻译成英文是 generous help



发音: dǐng lì xiāng zhù 英语 Put your shoulder to the wheel 释义:鼎力:大力 。大力相助。指别人对自己的大力帮助。敬辞,一般用于请人帮助时的客气话。“鼎力”指能够扛(gāng)鼎的巨大力气、能力,是赞美他人之辞。属于敬辞,不能用于自己。


反义词:百般阻挠、落井下石 近义词:倾囊相助 拔刀相助 .