




1. 棍 [gùn]2. 棍 [hùn]棍 [gùn]棒:~子。~术。~棒。木~。铁~。称坏人:恶~。赌~。棍 [hùn]捆扎:“~申椒与菌桂兮,赴江湖而沤之”。古同“混”,混成。……



汉语拼音:guǎi gùn



走路时拄的棍子。手拿的一头 多是弯曲的。



  1. 即拐杖。

    《红楼梦》第八三回:“ 探春 会意,开门出去,看见老婆子手中拿着拐棍,赶着一个不乾不净的毛丫头。” 魏巍 《东方》第六部第十四章:“我记得,上次临走,他老人家还拄着拐棍儿送我。”参见“ 拐杖 ”。

  2. 柺棍:走路时拄的棍子。手拿的一端多是弯曲的。亦用于比喻。




  1. The stems of any of these palms, used to make wickerwork, canes, and furniture.


  2. suddenly the door opened and an old woman , leaning on a crutch , hobbled out.


  3. Meditation in itself can get to be a trap, cart be used as a crutch. You've got to get realizations.


  4. I had to prove my "metal stick" was not a weapon. I am partially paralyzed in one of my feet and have to walk with a cane.


  5. The old codger may need a cane to walk, but not for his mind, which is still sharp as a razor blade .


  6. and if I had I wouldn't have strength enough to carry them around, unless I went on crutches.


  7. Old and bent, ashy pale and toothless, he managed with the help of two crutches, to totter into the King's presence.


  8. Presently, they met Starcraft, who was dressed in tattered rags, and hobbled along propped on a thorny stick.


  9. Mary broke her leg, but she is able to get around with crutches.


  1. 身边就是拐棍

    A walking cane here at my side.

  2. 拐棍竹残桩

    Remnant stake of Umbrella bamboo

  3. 她用拐棍戳我。

    She jabbed her stick into me.

  4. 六,六,大拐棍和小拐棍。

    Six, Six, Six, big and little sticks.

  5. 拐棍已折柱不得。

    Never lean on a break staff.

  6. 他扶着一根拐棍。

    He was supporting himself with a stick.

  7. 她拄着拐棍到处走动。

    She gets around with the help of a stick.

  8. 老太太说话时拄着拐棍。

    The old lady leant on her stick as she talked.

  9. 我爱你好比乞丐需要拐棍。

    I love you as much as a beggar needs a crutch.

  10. 她一边叫一边晃着手里的拐棍。

    She shouted and shook the stick at him.

  11. 你要是个瞎子,就去找根拐棍!

    You're blind, you get a cane!

  12. 这个瞎眼的老婆婆完全依靠拐棍走路。

    This blind old lady relies completely on her walking stick to walk.

  13. 但没有这样的拐棍却让他们更加努力。

    But lacking such crutches has made it try harder.

  14. 拐棍糖开始的时候只是根白色的棍状糖果。

    The candy cane begins with a stick of white candy.

  15. 玛丽断了腿, 但她能够借助拐棍到处走动。

    Mary broke her leg, but she is able to get around with crutches.

  16. 他拄着拐棍,由两个朋友搀扶着,乘渡船过了长江。

    On crutches and supported by two friends, he made his way to the ferry leading across the Yangtze River.

  17. 菲尔坐在一把扶手椅里放松下来, 拐棍靠墙放着。

    Phil eased himself into an armchair, leaning his cane against the wall.

  18. 菲尔坐在一把扶手椅里放松下来,拐棍靠墙放着。

    Phil eased himself into an armchair, leaning his cane against the wall.

  19. 然后, 她坐下来, 把公文包放在膝盖上, 把拐棍放在腿的一边。

    Then she settledin, placed her briefcase on her lap and rested her cane against her leg.

  20. 野化培训大熊猫利用后拐棍竹残桩的形态特征分析

    An analysis on the Shape Features of Remnant Stakes of Umbrella Bamboo Left behind by the Field Training Giant Panda


  1. 问:拐棍竹拼音怎么拼?拐棍竹的读音是什么?拐棍竹翻译成英文是什么?

    答:拐棍竹的读音是guǎigùnzhú,拐棍竹翻译成英文是 Fargesia robusta



词目:拐 棍

拼音:guaǐ gùn用途:一种辅助行走的简单器械,通常是一根木制或金属棍子。