







汉语拼音:sú huà







  1. 庸俗的话。

    唐 杜荀鹤 《题仇处士郊居》诗:“洞里客来无俗话,郭中人到有公情。”

  2. 俗语。

    《儿女英雄传》第十一回:“俗话儿説的,‘行行出状元’;又説,‘好汉不怕出身低’。” 巴金 《灭亡》八:“俗话说,塞翁失马,安知非福……也许 袁先生 还有更大的幸福在日后呢。” 魏巍 《东方》第五部第七章:“俗话说,‘小心没大岔’,他就去扒地雷周围的土。”

  3. 通俗的说法;当地的习惯说法。

    《儿女英雄传》第二五回:“其实,按俗话,这也就叫作‘翻了’。” 杨朔 《红石山》:“ 察哈尔 龙关 西南有座高山,原名 黄泉岭 ,俗话讹做 黄草梁 。” 赵树理 《催粮差》:“县政府就把未来完粮的户口,随便挑一些写成一张单子,并且出一张拘人的票,把单子粘在后边派个差人出来走一趟,俗话叫催粮。”



  1. However to breathe out one's life when a man has had enough of these things is the next best voyage, as the saying is.


  2. It was a modest effort, as it should have been; as the saying goes, I had much to be modest about.


  3. This product HAS been sold all over the world without advertising, just as the proverb says, "Good wine needs no advertising" .


  4. As the saying goes, "water of the TU, when springs with reportedly" animal world like this, not to mention the people we are thinking of it!


  5. One of the most important things for you to remember is to AVOID ROUTINE CONVERSATION AT ALL COSTS.


  6. There's an old saying that putting someone on a pedestal makes it a lot easier to get kicked in the head.


  7. No, I just want you to follow our customs: when in Rome do as the Romans do. You know, there's a famous Chinese saying.


  8. It plays an important role in social recognition, just as the old saying goes: a thing is the entity of a name.


  9. As the saying goes, "such as lights eliminate dead" , "dead dead dead on the end of a" do not know what anything is gone.


  1. 安徽俗话报

    Anhui Suhua Bao.

  2. 俗话说得好

    You know what they say.

  3. 俗话说, 少见多怪。

    Use lessens marvel, it is said.

  4. 俗话说,少见多怪。

    Use lessens marvel, it is said.

  5. 俗话说,无风不起浪。

    As the saying goes,'There's no smoke without fire.'

  6. 俗话说,时间就是金钱。

    As the proverb goes, time is money.

  7. 近雅远俗话词论

    On the Elegance and Vulgarity of Ci Poetry

  8. 俗话说,人比人,气死人。

    As the saying goes, than people, exasperating.

  9. 俗话说从错误中学习。

    There is the saying we learn from our mistakes.

  10. 俗话说土木工程不可擅动。

    As the saying goes Civil Engineering not usurp move.

  11. 看来俗话说的真是不假。

    It's obviously true what they say.

  12. 俗话说“兔子不吃窝边草”。

    There is a old saying that"a rabit does not eat the grass near its nest".

  13. 俗话说,百善孝为先。

    As the saying goes, filial piety is the most important in all virtues.

  14. 你得学点儿新的俗话了。

    You need to learn some new slang.

  15. 你知道的那句俗话, 熟能生巧。

    You know what they say, practice makes perfect.

  16. 俗话说,这山望着那山高。

    As the saying goes, this mountain high Looking at the mountain.

  17. 俗话说你必须三思而后行。

    You have to look before you leap, as the saying goes.

  18. 俗话说, 沧海横流, 方显英雄本色。

    As the saying goes, chaos, heroes demonstrate their nature.

  19. 俗话说得好, 忠言逆耳利于行。

    As thea saying goes, honest advice, though unpleasant to the ear, benefits conduct.

  20. 俗话说得好,忠言逆耳利于行。

    As thea saying goes, honest advice, though unpleasant to the ear, benefits conduct.

  21. 俗话说,好汉不挣有数的钱。

    The saying is better, a made man never earns definite salary.

  22. 俗话说得好,妇女能顶半边天。

    As the saying goes, women can hold up half the sky.

  23. 俗话说三个女人能顶半边天。

    There is a saying that is Three women could become half an sky.

  24. 俗话说,两个脑袋总比一个强。

    Two heads, it is said, are better than one.

  25. 正如俗话说的,眼不见,心不烦。

    Out of sight, out of mind, as they say.

  26. 俗话说的好,光说不练假把式。

    As the saying goes, fake handle and a spout lip.

  27. 不过俗话说的好,过去是过去,现在是现在。

    But as the saying goes, that was then and this is now.

  28. 俗话说,一分预防胜似十分医治。

    As the saying goes, an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.

  29. 俗话说,宁欠阎王债,不欠小鬼钱。

    As the saying goes, it's better to owe a debt to Hades than to the little devils.

  30. 俗话说,宁欠阎王债,不欠小鬼钱。

    As the saying goes, it's better to owe a debt to Hades than to the little devils.


  1. 问:俗话拼音怎么拼?俗话的读音是什么?俗话翻译成英文是什么?

    答:俗话的读音是súhuà,俗话翻译成英文是 proverb


