







汉语拼音:yōu hún







  1. 谓人死后的阴魂。

    唐 朱逵 《怀素上人草书歌》:“妙絶当动鬼神泣, 崔 蔡 幽魂更心死。” 清 洪昇 《长生殿·冥追》:“ 贵妃 ,且在 马嵬驛 暂住幽魂,吾神去也。”《老残游记》第五回:“这节妇为夫自尽,情实可悯,可否求大人将他丈夫放下,以慰烈妇幽魂?”



  1. Moved by her fidelity , Zeus sent Hermes to escort the shade of Protesilaus back to the upper air to stay with his wife for three hours.


  2. Arctic Wolf *New* - Alters the appearance of your Ghost Wolf transformation, causing it to resemble an arctic wolf.


  3. They say this place is cursed and secured by kind of a ghost and everyone who enters the theatre should say hello to it.


  4. After years hiding in the shadows, the ancient ghosts of an old Pittsburgh theater make their presence known once again.


  5. The fresh shade, on the path to judgment, steps out of the marshes of the Styx into the City of Lost Souls.


  6. Increases the critical strike damage bonus of your Sinister Strike, Gouge, Backstab , Ambush, Ghostly Strike, or Hemorrhage ability by 30%.


  7. In A Chinese Ghost Story 3, Joey Wang watches a frightened Tony Leung Chiu Wai run through a dark forest, in fear for his life.


  8. I'm the ghost of the dark river.


  9. This will use your mount when out of combat, and ghost wolf when in combat.


  1. 幽魂奇恋下载

    Strange Love of a Ghost

  2. 我的先祖的幽魂。

    The shades of my dead ancestors

  3. 我得先祖得幽魂。

    The shades of my dead ancestors.

  4. 我可以召唤地底的幽魂。

    I can call spirits from the vasty deep.

  5. 我可以召唤地底得幽魂。

    I can call spirits from the vasty deep.

  6. 期待那个可怕的幽魂已经离去。

    Expecting to see the fearful apparition gone.

  7. 混沌势力争相拉拢暗夜幽魂。

    Night Haunter became susceptible to the whispered temptations of Chaos.

  8. 暗夜幽魂早已乘坐军团飞船逃走了。

    Night Haunter had already mobilised his legion's craft.

  9. 帝皇展开了双手接近暗夜幽魂。

    The Emperor opened his arms wide as he approached Night Haunter.

  10. 革命的幽魂今天仍在影响许多人的心态。

    The ghost of the revolution still affects many people's mind today.

  11. 被谋杀男人的幽魂出没于这间房子的周遭。

    The specter of the murdered man haunted the house.

  12. 修正一个幽魂面具会显示错误的额外奖励。

    Fixed a bug in which Haunting Guise was displaying the wrong stat bonuses.

  13. 卡德尔,极寒幽魂,是时光之外的冰冷投影。

    Kaldr, the Ancient Apparition, is an image projected from outside time.

  14. 幽魂正在复生, 奥巴马需要带头将其再度埋葬。

    A spectre is rising. To bury it again, Barack Obama needs to take the lead.

  15. 小王是个迷信的人, 他一直相信世界有幽魂。

    Xiaowang is a susperstitious person and believes that there are ghosts.

  16. 小王是个迷信的人,他一直相信世界有幽魂。

    Xiaowang is a susperstitious person and believes that there are ghosts.

  17. 火焰在摇曳。我感到远古的幽魂对你保持着警惕。

    The flame flickers. I sense the spirits from the past are wary of you.

  18. 我还可能会变为一个打入地狱不得翻身的幽魂呢。

    I may yet become a lost soul.

  19. 这里是伤感流连之地, 萦绕着过往的幽魂和失乐园的阴影。

    These are haunted places, haunted by ghosts of the past, but shadows of a paradise lost.

  20. 唉!他们怎样地使得幽魂们一受到第一鞭就提起腿来了?

    Ah, how they made them skip and lift their heelsthe very first the whip

  21. 他们怎样地使得幽魂们一受到第一鞭就提起腿来了啊!

    Ah, how they made them skip and lift their heels at the very first crackthe whip!

  22. 奥巴马在亚洲八天的巡访后, 心中有个幽魂在飘荡无误。

    THE spectre looming over Barack Obamas eightday swing through Asia was unmistakable.

  23. 攻击能量将部分影响伏击,背刺,幽魂击,回刺的武器伤害乘数。

    Ambush, Backstab, Ghostly Strike, and Riposte now properly increase the attack power contribution by the percent modifier.


  1. 问:幽魂拼音怎么拼?幽魂的读音是什么?幽魂翻译成英文是什么?

    答:幽魂的读音是yōuhún,幽魂翻译成英文是 Ghost, spirit, apparition.



从恶魔的魂灵中升起的一种不死怪,其实就是一堆会飞的骨骼,骨骼周围绕以邪恶的光环。幽魂的传说分 布在世界各处,也就是常说的鬼。