


1. 约 [yuē]2. 约 [yāo]约 [yuē]绳子。拘束,限制:~束。~法。制~。~定俗成。共同议定的要遵守的条款:立~。条~。契~。事先说定:~见。~会。邀请:~请。~集。节俭:节~。俭~。简要,简单:由博返~。简~。大略:~计。……









汉语拼音:yuē dìng sú chéng








  • 【解释】:指事物的名称或社会习惯往往是由人民群众经过长期社会实践而确定或形成的。
  • 【出自】:《荀子·正名》:“名无固宜,约之以命,约定俗成谓之宜,异于约则谓之不宜。”
  • 【语法】:联合式;作谓语、定语、宾语;含褒义


  1. Like the other two, body language is an established form of language that expresses cultural meaning in a unique way.


  2. The practical strategy for a security implementation is much more likely to be developed through a more prescriptive process.


  3. Though rarely an official rule, it used to be customary at many companies for women to leave when they got married or had children.


  4. Chunk is a conventional compound, a frequently used phrase or word, which has the characteristics of easy to extract and prefabricate.


  5. There was some special reason for this. Today, we call it Han from the host name, or Ji-Han from old callings, or Shu-Han on the bottom.


  6. After years of applying certain writing conventions, the forms of the ideograms have become stylized and arbitrary.


  7. Like the traditional love sonnet, the traveler's postcard has acquired its own ritualized conventions.


  8. "The subsistence level is only a conventional idea , and conventions change, " Sir Arthur pointed out .


  9. Cook begins with the traditional "honor and a privilege" phrases, adding how attached he is to his alma mater.


  1. 这是个约定俗成的用法。

    The expression was authorized by usage.

  2. 约定俗成和正当的惯例高于法律。

    A prescriptive and legitimate custom overcomes the law.

  3. 这词的误用已约定俗成了。

    The wrong use of the word is sanctioned by usage.

  4. 对这种事我们有约定俗成的解决办法。

    We have established practice for dealing with this kind of thing.

  5. 这都成了一种古怪的约定俗成了。

    So it's kind of like a bat mitzvah.

  6. 可是我们今天讲的故事可不是约定俗成的那样。

    But our story today is different in theme.

  7. 你真的认为给侍者小费是约定俗成的吗?

    Do you really think it's customary to tip the waiters?

  8. 男子应该为女士开门,这是约定俗成的惯例。

    It is a matter of convention that men should open doors for ladies.

  9. 使用电梯时,有约定俗成的正确的和错误的行为。

    There are proscribed right and wrong ways to behave when using an elevator.

  10. 绝大多数都同意这一约定俗成的指导法规。

    There are guidelines to which the majority subscribe.

  11. 绝大多数都同意这一约定俗成得指导法规。

    There are guidelines to which the majority subscribe.

  12. 习惯,习佐,习用通常性的,习惯性的或约定俗成的做法

    A usual, habitual, or accepted practice.

  13. 大多数条例都是约定俗成的并被视为普通文件。

    Most of these are prescriptive and are delivered as plain documents.

  14. 这当然是约定俗成的,因为会产生出大量的词汇。

    This convention was of course doomed because of the tremendous vocabulary it would have generated.

  15. 十三辙是戏曲,曲艺约定俗成要遵照的韵脚辙口。

    The Thirteen Rhymes are the established rhymes in operas and other folk art forms.

  16. 十三辙是戏曲、曲艺约定俗成要遵照的韵脚辙口。

    The Thirteen Rhymes are the established rhymes in operas and other folk art forms.

  17. 对多数人来说,这里或多或少有个约定俗成的文法。

    For many, there is a more or less unwritten code here.

  18. 语言学上的符号和它的意义之间是约定俗成的关系。

    The link between a linguistic sign and its meaning is a matter of convention.

  19. 在那种场合,穿外套系领带是约定俗成的穿着要求。

    Wearing a coat and tie is an accepted convention on such an occasion.

  20. 很明显,有时候,破除约定俗成的东西是必要且有益的。

    Obviously, there are times that bucking convention is necessary and beneficial.

  21. 禁忌是关于神圣或不洁的约定俗成的一种禁制。

    Taboo is a custom of prohibition as considering holiness or unholiness of something.

  22. 禁忌是关于神圣或不洁得约定俗成得一种禁制。

    Taboo is a custom of prohibition as considering holiness or unholiness of something.

  23. 词与外界事物的这种指称关系是任意的, 又是约定俗成的。

    The reference of a word to a thing outside the language is arbitrary and conventional.

  24. 词与外界事物得这种指称关系是任意得,又是约定俗成得。

    The reference of a word to a thing outside the language is arbitrary and conventional.

  25. 这不过是村上先生的误译, 大家就约定俗成的一个幻想。

    A mistranslation by Mr Murakami opens up a common space for imagination.

  26. 这不过是村上先生得误译, 大家就约定俗成得一个幻想。

    A mistranslation by Mr Murakami opens up a common space for imagination.


  1. 问:约定俗成拼音怎么拼?约定俗成的读音是什么?约定俗成翻译成英文是什么?

    答:约定俗成的读音是yuēdìngsúchéng,约定俗成翻译成英文是 established by usage

  2. 问:约定俗成的拼音怎么拼?约定俗成的的读音是什么?约定俗成的翻译成英文是什么?

    答:约定俗成的的读音是yuē dìng sú chéng de,约定俗成的翻译成英文是 conventional; institutionalized


【解释】:指事物的名称或社会习惯往往是由人民群众经过长期社会实践而确定或形成的。 【出自】:《荀子·正名》:“名无固宜,约之以命,约定俗成谓之宜,异于约则谓之不宜。” 【语法】:联合式;作谓语、定语、宾语;含褒义