


跟着:~从。~员。~葬。~即(立刻)。~行(xíng )。~身。~喜。~波逐流。~行(hāng )就市。顺从,任凭:~意。~口。~宜。~和。~俗。~笔。~遇而安。顺便,就着:~带。~手关门。像:他长得~他父亲。姓。……





汉语拼音:suí xìng








  1. The Impressionists had a sense of freedom, which, through loose brushwork and a bold palette, introduced spontaneity and subjectivity.


  2. clearly, Nintendo is trying to ease the casual players into the more complicated gameplay styles.


  3. Rising divorce rates and a growth in casual dating were apparent well before the first online matchmaking sites came into being.


  4. He writes with feeling, backed up by an impressively broad list of sources as well as sharp critical insight and astute judgment.


  5. Any mutt can have puppies, but it takes a real dog to be a father. Just follow your heart.


  6. But do not often eat too much or too little arbitrarily. Your stomach will kick against your non-humane torture some day.


  7. Literature sometimes departs from this model, but academic literature has no such license.


  8. Our explorations, though, seemed to have less system than the historic kind: something usually came up along the way.


  9. Random thoughts and pictures may keep popping in and you'll have to keep pulling your attention back to the object again.


  1. 情随性迁。

    Changes in temperament bring changes in relationship.

  2. 我会更放松,我会更随性。

    I'd relax. I would limber up.

  3. 而艺术家们则喜欢随性而动

    The artists follow their guts.

  4. 他总是不修边幅, 随性惯了。

    He never pays any attention to his appearance, and is used to the carelessness in that respect.

  5. 他总是不修边幅,随性惯了。

    He never pays any attention to his appearance, and is used to the carelessness in that respect.

  6. 也没时间吃顿随性的早餐

    or have a spontaneous breakfast.

  7. 我是一个安静, 自由, 随性的人。

    I am a quiet, free, casual people.

  8. 白色,随性的白色,不像黄色那样挑剔。

    White, spontaneous white, is not picky as Yellow.

  9. 白色,随性得白色,不像黄色那样挑剔。

    White, spontaneous white, is not picky as Yellow.

  10. 我就是太随性才会惹麻烦的。

    My heart is what keeps getting me in trouble.

  11. 小孩子的言行常常是随性而为。

    Children's words and actions are often fairly random.

  12. 但蕾哈娜却是个更随性的才女。

    But Rihanna is a far more nebulous talent.

  13. 随性、流动正是他现在创作的意趣之一。

    Casualness and mobility are what he is interested in for art creation now.

  14. 德莱顿的文风随性多变,蒲柏则谨慎工整。

    The style of Dryden is capricious and varied, that of Pope is cautious and uniform.

  15. 不正式与随性的用语不适合在正式的学术文章出现。

    Such informal and casual phraseology is not appropriate for academic papers.

  16. 射手随性,直爽是你的风格。因此,没有人比你更。

    Royal purple and midnightblueare your best colors.

  17. 开始,我们很快,后来我们就随性而行,懒懒地躺着。

    At first we went fast but later we just and lay there kinda lazy.

  18. 没有称量, 自由随性的一气呵成, 就成了上图的模样。

    No weighing, along with the gender of freedom in one take, became the appearance.

  19. 看关蓝色的天空,让阳光随性地洒在你的脸上。

    Look at the blue sky, let the sunshine touch your face in free style.

  20. 在上海人看来,慵懒随性的生活里透着海派的余韵。

    In the eyes of Shanghaines, an indolent and loosening life symbolizes Shanghai style.

  21. 闪亮是打造奢华感的法宝,粗犷的厚跟增添不羁的随性。

    Ablaze it is a magic weapon that makes costly sense, straightforward thick follow a gender with what add unruly.

  22. 自在,随性的方式比对知识,才能的掌握带来更大的快乐

    Being carefree brings greater happiness than the possession of knowledge

  23. 这个手袋从自由出发, 带有随性, 是欧美风格的完美体现。

    This handbag is the perfect reflection of European and American style with freedom and independence features.

  24. 这个手袋从自由出发, 带有随性, 是欧美风格得完美体现。

    This handbag is the perfect reflection of European and American style with freedom and independence features.

  25. 不要随性刻意追求什么结果,每个结果都一样,那就是死亡。

    Don't follow a gender painstakingly what results, each the result is same, it is death.

  26. 海水也可以如此艺术, 随性得掠过也能产生抽象画作。

    The sea water also may so art, Passed over gently and swiftly along with the nature also can produce the abstract painting.

  27. 海水也可以如此艺术,随性的掠过也能产生抽象画作。

    The sea water also may so art, Passed over gently and swiftly along with the nature also can produce the abstract painting.

  28. 给我一种遁世,让我独自吟唱那如鸟鸣得随性之歌。

    Give me to warble spontaneous songs recluse by myself.

  29. 给我一种遁世,让我独自吟唱那如鸟鸣的随性之歌。

    Give me to warble spontaneous songs recluse by myself.

  30. 他缺钱是因为他随性地把钱都花在了不必要的东西上面。

    His lack of money was the result of caprice in spending on unnecessary things.


  1. 问:随性拼音怎么拼?随性的读音是什么?随性翻译成英文是什么?

    答:随性的读音是suí xìng,随性翻译成英文是 casual; arbitrary


