











汉语拼音:yǐ tíng kòu zhōng







  • 【解释】:莛:草茎。原意是钟的音量大,用草茎去敲,就不能使它发出应有的响声。后比喻学识浅薄的人向知识渊博的人请教。
  • 【出自】:汉·东方朔《答客难》:“以管窥天,以蠡测海,以莛撞钟,岂能通其条贯,考其文理,发其音声哉。”
  • 【示例】:今欲上质高贤,又恐语涉浅陋,未免“~”,自觉唐突,何敢冒昧请教!
  • 【语法】:偏正式;作谓语、定语;含贬义



  1. 他们是以顺时钟的方向环绕著青金石。

    They are circling the Lazuli stone in clockwise direction.

  2. 他们是以顺时钟的方向环绕着青金石。

    They are circling the Lapis Lazuli stone in clockwise direction.

  3. 圆筒以每分钟20转的速度转10分钟。

    The drum is rotated at 20 revolutions per minute for 10 minutes.

  4. 大本钟一向以其准时而闻名。

    The Big Ben is famous as its on time.

  5. 此时的瀑布,以每分钟50万立方米的流量狂泻直下。

    At that time,500,000 cubic meters of water pour over the falls every minute.

  6. 此时得瀑布, 以每分钟50万立方米得流量狂泻直下。

    At that time, 500, 000 cubic meters of water pour over the falls every minute.

  7. 不管几点钟, 以集结号为令。随时准备撤退。

    At all times, listen for the assembly bulge call. Retreat when you hear it.

  8. 离开空调头发上几秒钟,以帮助顺利角质层。

    Leave conditioner on hair for a few seconds to help smooth the cuticle.

  9. 我们在八点钟致谢词, 以此结束了会议。

    We concluded the meeting at eight o'clock vote of thanks.

  10. 修改时钟间隔值以实时匹配思科时钟。

    Alter the value to match the CISCO clock with the real time.

  11. 以表芯装成的钟,但不包括税目91。04的钟。

    Clocks with watch movements, excluding clocks of heading No. 91. 04

  12. 他以不到一秒钟的差距输了比赛。

    He lost by less than one second.

  13. 将苦瓜去籽, 切件然后以盐水浸约15分钟。

    Deseed bitter melon and section. Soak in salt water for 15 minutes.

  14. 春季我们通常把钟拨快一小时以充分利用夏天的白昼。

    In spring we usually set the clocks ahead one hour to take advantage of the summer daylight.

  15. 它把游客向上提升到100米高度,随后在仅仅三秒钟时间内,以超过每小时100公里的速度,让游客骤然回到地面。

    It hoists riders 104 metres upwards and then plummets them back to earth in just three seconds at a speed topping 100 kilometres an hour.

  16. 钟以报过午时。

    The clock struck noon.

  17. 以像杜鹃的声音报时的钟。

    Announces the hours with a sound like the call of the cuckoo.

  18. 她以半秒钟之差获胜。

    She won by half a second.

  19. 德国以它的咕咕钟著名。

    Germany is famous for its cuckoo clocks.

  20. 她以多少秒钟破的纪录。

    By how many seconds did she break the mark.

  21. 她以我少秒钟破的纪录。

    By how many seconds did she break the mark.

  22. 以牛油纸盖面,隔水蒸45分钟。

    Cover with greaseproof paper, steam for45 minutes.

  23. 牧师以鸣钟来宣布典礼开始。

    The Priest rings the Wedding Bell to announce the ceremony.

  24. 他们以微不足道的价格拍卖掉1只钟。

    They knocked a clock down for a trifling sum.

  25. 以微不足道的价格拍卖掉了一只钟

    Knock a clock down for a trifling sum

  26. 单击以在演示文稿中快退10秒钟。

    Click to rewind 10 seconds in the presentation.

  27. 他们以微不足道的价格拍卖掉一只钟。

    They knocked a clock down for a trifling sum.

  28. 轮班钟敲击中空的金属乐器以示时间

    A stroke on a hollow metal instrument to mark the hour.

  29. 我们在八点钟以祈祷结束了会议。

    We concluded the meeting at eight o'clock with a prayer.

  30. 以此作钟钮, 大概是象征钟声宏亮。

    As for the bell button, a symbol of bell is probably clear.

