







汉语拼音:yóu yóu








  1. 愉悦。

    《孟子·万章下》:“与乡人处,由由然不忍去也。”《韩诗外传》卷三引作“愉愉”。《管子·小问》:“至其成也,由由乎兹免,何其君子也。” 尹知章 注:“由由,悦也。”

  2. 迟疑、犹豫貌。

    《楚辞·刘向<九叹·惜贤>》:“默顺风以偃仰兮,尚由由而进之。” 王逸 注:“由由,犹豫也。言己欲寂默不语,以顺风俗,随众俛仰,而不敢毁誉,然尚犹豫不肯进也。”

  3. 宽舒貌。

    唐 皇甫松 《大隐赋》:“大道由由而熙熙,吾莫知施。”



  1. The rotorcraft are mainly composed of a frame, a control lever, free rotary wings, a Magnus effect drive system, a tailplane and a gas tank.


  2. Since the Internet was initially funded by the government, it was originally limited to research, education, and government uses.


  3. Those high-profile arrests were done by Afghans, reviewed by Afghan judges. . . They're finding things, and becoming more aggressive.


  4. water pump is composed of motor, speed reducer , crankshaft, connecting bar, crosshead, piston, pump body mostly.


  5. I can imagine culturally defined roles from a different time, but that time isn't a part of my life.


  6. In the meantime, Croatia's own former nationalist party, led by Jadranka Kosor, the prime minister, is crestfallen.


  7. Rule5. Never forget that the lowest bidder made your weapon.


  8. The WOBD is operated by a 24 volt reverse acting damper motor.


  9. Philip Morris et al. , which was decided in 2006 by Judge Gladys Kessler in federal district court in Washington.


  1. 喜来登福朋由由大酒店

    Four Points by Sheraton Shanghai

  2. 本案由一个由5名法官组成得团队来审理。

    A group of five judges will decide the case.

  3. 本案由一个由5名法官组成的团队来审理。

    A group of five judges will decide the case.

  4. 那种昆虫的身体由一个由关节相连的硬外壳构成。

    The insect's body is made up of an articulate hard outer shell.

  5. 那种昆虫得身体由一个由关节相连得硬外壳构成。

    The insect's body is made up of an articulate hard outer shell.

  6. 那种昆虫的身体由一个由关节相连的硬外壳构成。

    The insect's body is made up of an articulate hard outer shell.

  7. 生产由或似由发酵生产

    To produce by or as if by fermentation.

  8. 由或者好像由喷气推动力推动一样。

    driven by or as if driven by jet propulsion.

  9. 由或仿佛由一个尖头形成的标记

    a mark formed by or as if by a sharp end

  10. 它部分由铁部分由木而制成。

    It is made part of iron and part of wood.

  11. 点由或仿佛由一个尖头形成的标记

    A mark formed by or as if by a sharp end.

  12. 历览前贤家与国, 成由勤俭败由奢。

    To see all the nation and family of past, the extravagance causes failure and success comes from thrift.

  13. 短句做礼拜时由牧师领唱由会众应唱的短句

    A short sentence spoken or chanted by a priest and followed by a response from the congregation.

  14. 正由或者将由计算机的任何组成部分接收的数据。

    Data being received or to be received by any component part of a computer.

  15. 使膨胀,使肿胀使由或好象由内部压力而膨胀或扩张的

    To cause to expand by or as if by internal pressuredilate.

  16. 研讯的任何一方可由律师或由律师及大律师代表。

    A party to an inquiry may represented a solicitor or a solicitor and counsel.

  17. 由操作员或由排字系统自动进行的分字或齐行决定。

    MADE either by the operator or automatically by the typesetting system.

  18. 噪音由或好象由这类电动钻发出的响而刺耳的声音

    A loud,harsh noise made by or as if by a powered tool of this kind.

  19. 从俭人奢易由奢返俭难历览前贤家与国,成由勤俭败由奢。

    It is easy for the frugal to become extravagant, But very difficult to reverse the procedure To see all the nation and family of past, The extravagance causes failure and success comes from thrift.

  20. 由俭入奢易, 由奢入俭难。

    It is easy to go from economy to extravagance, but not from extravagance to economy.

  21. 由俭入奢易,由奢入俭难。

    It is easy to turn thrift into extravagance; it is difficult to turn extravagance into thrift.

  22. 由你还是由我来主持会议?

    Will you chair the meeting or shall I ?

  23. 由关节连接的由关节连接组成部分的连接的

    Consisting of sections united by joints jointed.

  24. 由公证经办的由公证实行或布置的

    Executed or drawn up by a notary public.

  25. 由梭伦创建的由400人组成的元老院

    the senate of 400 founded by Solon in ancient Athens

  26. 由梭伦创建得由400人组成得元老院

    the senate of 400 founded by Solon in ancient Athens

  27. 由另一国交由一国支配的机关的行为

    Conduct of organs placed at the disposal of a State by another State

  28. 指示是由用户还是由系统来绘制标题。

    Indicates whether the user or the system paints the captions.

  29. 美好的生活即由爱激励,由知识引导的生活。

    The good life is one inspired by love and guided by knowledge.

  30. 深部开采, 岩石由硬变软, 由固变流。

    In deep mining, rock changes from hard to soft, from solid to liquid.