




1. 何 [hé]2. 何 [hē]3. 何 [hè]何 [hé]疑问代词(a.什么,如“~人?”b.为什么,如“~必如此?”c.哪样,怎样,如“~不?”“~如?”d.哪里,如“~往?”e.发表反问,如“~乐而不为?”)。副词,多么:~其壮……



汉语拼音:nài hé










  1. 怎么,为何。

    《礼记·曲礼下》:“国君去其国,止之曰‘奈何去社稷也’;大夫曰‘奈何去宗庙也’;士曰‘奈何去坟墓也’。” 宋 叶适 《题韩尚书帖》:“当时有识者皆怪讶,谓‘此乃古人遗风,前辈雅韵,奈何反被劾也!’” 冰心 《往事(二)》八:“奈何以青年有为之身,受十方供养?”

  2. 怎么样;怎么办。

    《战国策·赵策三》:“ 辛垣衍 曰:‘先生助之奈何?’ 鲁连 曰:‘吾将使 梁 及 燕 助之。 齐 楚 则固助之矣。’”《楚辞·九歌·大司命》:“羌愈思兮愁人,愁人兮奈何?”

  3. 犹言办法。

    《警世通言·玉堂春落难逢夫》:“ 王定 没奈何,只得来到下处,开了皮箱,取出五十两元寳四个,并尺头碎银。” 柳青 《创业史》第一部第六章:“你家里有事情,但有三分奈何,甭耽搁她的功课。”

  4. 谓采取手段、办法整治对方。

    《水浒传》第二回:“为因新任一个 高太尉 ,原被先父打翻,今做殿帅府太尉,怀挟旧仇,要奈何 王进 。” 元 岳伯川 《铁拐李》第一折:“ 张千 ,休教走了这老子,等我慢慢的奈何他。”《平山冷燕》第三回:“﹝ 晏文物 ﹞如此踌躇了一夜,欲要隐忍,心下却又不甘;欲要奈何他,却又没法。” 清 孔尚任 《桃花扇·阻奸》:“啐!半夜三更,只管软裡硬裡,奈何的人不得睡。”《红楼梦》第七四回:“我想太太分明不短,何苦来要寻事奈何人!”



  1. Here was a man who sincerely did not mind what people thought of him, and so convention had no hold on him.


  2. Look on my face steaming Yangwei of Na Wan Pao Fan, do anything, I sat down.


  3. Of course, we knew we were almost doomed - we had no AT-guns, no machine-guns - we were almost hopeless against the tanks.


  4. Through see me laugh, disconcerted, but this time I was passing through, do not it.


  5. The master could do nothing but set both the slave and the lion free.


  6. Bill: First his gaze toward the moon, but the moon shines on the ditch. In an other word the gril he loves have had boyfriend.


  7. Here he shook his head and forced a bitter smile.


  8. But, alas, his own people won't hear the sermons, as Obiang controls the media in Equatorial Guinea.


  9. Huizi had no way out before his genius friend's eloquence. He had to find another topic to cease this debate.


  1. 奈何明月照沟渠

    Yet the moon shines on the gutter

  2. 春花秋月奈何天

    Inside Daisy Clover

  3. 冲过了海平线又奈何,

    Even if the horizon is breached

  4. 奈何末日钟声响彻心底

    This doomsday clock ticking in my heart

  5. 水是孟婆汤,桥是奈何桥。

    Simon and Garfunkel Bridge Over Troubled Water.

  6. 民不畏死,奈何以死惧之。

    The people fear not death,why threaten them with it?

  7. 刀钝石来磨, 人蠢没奈何

    a blunt knife may be sharpened on a stone, but if a man is stupid, there is no help for his stupidity

  8. 刀钝石上磨, 人蠢没奈何。

    A blunt knife may be sharpened on a stone, but if a man is stupid there is no help for his stupidity.

  9. 奈何明月照沟渠呀稍等一会。

    But the moon shines on the gully.

  10. 玛丽全豹的钱是奈何赚到的?

    How did Mary make every her money ?

  11. 当我在踏过这条奈何桥之前。

    Act as I in stepping on these pair endure.

  12. 小明考试不及格,没奈何,只好补考。

    Xiaoming failed the examination. Since there is no alternative, he had to take a make-up exam.

  13. 我本一心向明月, 奈何明月照沟渠。

    First my gaze toward the moon, but the moon shines on the ditch.

  14. 早上没赶上班车,没奈何只好步行去上班。

    I missed the regular bus, so I had to go to work on foot.

  15. 我本将心向明月, 奈何明月照沟渠。

    I cast my gaze toward the moon, Yet the moon shines on the gutter.

  16. 我本真心向明月, 奈何明月照沟渠。

    I want put my heart to the moon, but the moonlighting the little river.

  17. 最后给大家看一段奈何桥部分的视频。

    In the end, let's see a video of the part of NaiHe Bridge.

  18. 然无利则臣不忠, 官多财寡, 奈何?

    However, no benefit is unfaithful minister, the official fiscal few more, nothing ?

  19. 收税员非常公平。我遵纪守法。他们也奈何不了我。

    The taxman was very fair. I'm legit. They can't touch me.

  20. 我试过了各种方法, 却还是莫可奈何。

    I tried everything I could think of, but there was no way out.

  21. 奈何桥近在咫尺, 这次, 它是通向生者的桥梁。

    The bridge is still there but this time, it's the way to live.

  22. 走过奈何桥, 喝掉孟婆汤, 就再也不回头。

    Why bridge does it pass by, drink Meng old woman soup up, never turn round.

  23. 千般人等,总奈何不过这一轮回的属性。

    All people can't get ride of the property of metempsychosis.

  24. 有些作家奋斗终生, 对它梦寐以求, 然而徒唤奈何。

    It is something that some writers reach for their entire careers and never attain.

  25. 也曾拨乱我心跳的人, 今朝我奈何也许忘怀你。看懂。

    Once disarm breed randomly my pnospitnos person now do I how possibly forget you.

  26. 手牵手, 肩并肩, 纵是奈何桥上, 我们也共饮同一口汤水!

    Hand in hand, side by side, are vertical on, we also with a soup!

  27. 老鼠如果钻入了大象的耳朵, 吃它脑髓, 大象半点奈何不得。

    If a mouse gets inside an elephant's ear and starts nibbling at its brain, the great beast just goes to pieces.


  1. 问:奈何拼音怎么拼?奈何的读音是什么?奈何翻译成英文是什么?

    答:奈何的读音是nàihé,奈何翻译成英文是 what's to be done; how; to do sth to a person...



“奈何”是个多义词,它可以指奈何(黄安音乐专辑), 奈何(天籁纸鸢作小说), 奈何(王菲演唱歌曲), 奈何(汉语词语)。